The Honor Empire
We are an online gaming community that spans multiple engines such as World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, SWTOR, Shroud of the Avatar, and several mobile apps. The Honor Empire was established on 10/11/1997 in Ultima Online with it's first guild; the Purple Guardians of Honor. In the last two decades we have constantly maintained a home base forum for its members to chat and interact. Many have come and gone, but we still stand proudly to say we are THE HONOR EMPIRE... a community and family of gamers who just want to enjoy the time in the game industry together.
Shroud of the Avatar is the latest MMO that The Honor Empire has joined. We are in the process of developing our guild and storyline. If you would like to join us, head over to the application page. You can also drop by the SoTA Forums and say hello!
Types: Casual, Social, Light-Roleplay, Hardcore, PVP. A melting pot of players and preferences.
sota.thehonorempire.org. Pre-order the first novel, Blade of the Avatar, here.
We are a mix of casual and dedicated players with varied interests including adventuring, designing and building new scenes in Landmark. We are always on the lookout for new helpful and friendly players. We favor mature and social individuals. We are a small guild with the majority of members in North America (EST/CST/MST/PST). You can find our application page here.
Purple Guardians of Honor is a large family of professionals who role-play within an Empire of HONOR that resides under the envelope of Britannia's current government in Ultima Online. The Empire is economically based, quest driven and exists as a defender against oppression and serves as the protector of the mother city of Honor, Trinsic. PGoH was established on 10/11/1997 on the Catskills shard. See our UO forums for news and updates.
In the darkness of a three hundred year exodus the Empire needed control and justice to survive. A band of elite peace keepers rose without impetus by the powers that be to create and help foster the stability needed for life in the cold reaches of the Unknown Universe.
The band that rose was Vigilance in name and purpose. See our Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Forums here.
Clan Skullcrusher is a World of Warcraft Horde guild on the Argent Dawn server. We are among the longest running guilds on the server.(dating back to beta). Clan Skullcrusher has been built around a simple idea. That is, to make the WoW experience the most fun and entertaining that it can be. The guild is active in questing, exploring dungeons, raiding, pvping and otherwise enjoying everything the game has to offer. You can find our forums here.
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