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Now that we have had our first peek at Rags...

We REALLY need to make sure we have our FR!

Please post you current FR gear so we can see what we need!

I have:

Arcanist crown: 10

Arcanist Belt: 10

Drakefire Amulet: 15

Wildfire Cape: 20 and 15 FR enchant

or Chromatic Cloak: +9 an +5 enchant

Flarecore Shoulders: 24

Tidal Loop: 15

Torch of Austen: 10

Blazing Emblem: 15

Flarecore Leggings: 16

and being a mage... I have the talent that gives me +10 to all resists.

Now I wont be using all this FR (as I hear with the buffs and UBRS Buff it wont need to be as high as I can make it)

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HEAD........... cenarion helm.......................... +10

NECK........... drakefire amulet...................... +15

SHOULDER... N/A.......................................... +0

BACK........... cape of the fire salamander..... +12

CHEST......... peerless armor of fireresist...... +27

WRIST......... cinderhide armsplints.............. + 10

HAND........... bloodfire talons....................... +10

BELT............ cenarion belt........................... +7

LEGS............ N/A......................................... +0

BOOTS......... coal miner boots..................... +10

RING1......................................................... +18

RING2......................................................... +11

TRINKET1.................................................... +10

TRINKET2.................................................... +0

WEAPON.......varies..................................... +0

OFFHAND......skull thing.............................. +15

TOTAL FR UNBUFFED...................................[155]

NOTES: On Friday July 7th, I lasted until the sons began to bang on me :dancing_smile: ... with 155 FR + Druid buff, and no shaman totem, i barely went thru one Greater Fire Protection Potion before the Sons came out....so 155 is a good amount to have for a caster.

Haq has 50 FR ... maybe >:L

Edited by Houli
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295 FR, 322 with normal buffs, with 30 bonus def. Forgot how much with the totem. I'll be removing some FR gear to get +def and +stamina but nothing that would drop me bellow 315 FR (anything higher that 315 makes no difference on the end).

Next wed I'll be completing "hands of the enemy" and getting Ocean's Breeze to replace one of my +19 FR green rings and do some moving around to get the best FR/+def/stamina/armor combinantion.

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Me at 222 FR unbuffed

Me hab:

Nightslayer Cover+libram, 30 FR

Volcanic Shoulder Pads, 18 FR

Drakefire Amulet, 15 FR

Cape of the Salamander w/ +7 FR enchant, 19 FR

Volcanic Chestplate, 20 FR

Cinderhide Armsplints, 10 FR

Nightshade Gloves of FR, 19 FR

Molten Belt, 26 FR

Volcanic Leggings, 20 FR

Coal Miner's Boots, 12 FR

Tidal Loop, 15 FR

Ring of Binding 10 FR

Seal of Eldre'Thalas, 10 FR

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Black Dragonscale Shoulders /w +5 Argent Dawn Revered FR enchant (+11)

Black Dragonscale Leggings (+13)

Black Dragonscale Breastplate (+12)

Flamewalkers (+18)

Molten Fists (+10)

Pyremail Wristguards of the Owl (+10)

Earthfury Belt (+7)

Onyxia Scale Cloak /w +15 FR (+31)

Drakefire Amulet (+15)

Tidal Loop (+15)

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas (+10)

and one other ring (green) that grants +19 Fire Resist

I also have 3/3 in Elemental Warding which reduces damage taken by Fire, Frost, Nature spells and effects by 10%.

Total: 171 unbuffed in full FR. +252 with LBRS buff. +326 with LBRS and FR Totem.

I have been tinkering with my gear and have lately been dropping the rings in favor of more stamina and +AP/Melee Crit rings (Painweaver or Seal of Jin). I usually go into the Melee area with +250 before my totem just in case I forget to drop it in the fight...I try not to get other people knocked back with me.

I would like get a pair of Black Dragonscale Boots (+24) crafted so I can swap out my FR only ring and the Flamewalkers for more DPS when in Fire Resistance Gear, in addition to more stamina. (would wear Seal of Jin or Band of Flesh). Also, would grant a +10 FR for a set bonus since I have the other pieces already. Getting the scales is easy (my brother has them) as is the Enchanted Leather (he can make it for me). I just need to get the Lava and Fiery Cores (3 and 4 of each, respectively) made. The thing here is that my AP would go up more allowing me to do more damage while DPSing in FR gear. When I finally get Finkle's Lava Dredger from Domo, that would add another +15 as well.

This would change my stats to a grand total of: 183 unbuffed, +264 with LBRS Buff, +338 with LBRS buff and FR Totem. (which would be too much FR! ;) )

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My FR gear.

Felheart Shoulder Pads (+5 FR with Argent Dawn FR enchant)

Flarecore Mantle +24 FR (+5 FR with Argent Dawn FR enchant)

Bloodmoon Cloak (+5 All Resistances enchant)

Felheart Gloves +7 FR

Felheart Belt +7 FR

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas +10 FR

Blazing Emblem +15 FR

Seal of Ascension +10 FR

Dimly Opalescent Ring of Fire Resistance +17 FR

Darkefire Amulet +15 FR

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Also as an aside - if you don't have the necc fire resist, make sure to tell your healers so they wont heal you during the encounter. That way you can at least run in, do your damage and die :p.

During the phase 2 transition if you are OTing you want to be close to 300. Remember good old librams of resiliance are great for this.

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Okay, here we go!

Helm: None

Neck: +15 Drakefire Amulet

Shoulders: +6 black Dragonscale Shoulders

Cloak: +7

Chest: +12 Red Dragonscale BP

Bracers: +10Pyremail Wristguards

Gloves: +10 Molten Fists

Belt: None

Pants: +13 Black Dragonscale leggings

Boots: +18 Flame Walkers

Rings: (1) +20 Jasper Link of Fire Resistance

Trinkets: (1) +10 Royal Seal


Total with Buffs and Fire Resist Totem = 179

On a positive note, I will be coming to the Rags fight in 2 weeks for 2 weeks! Rock on good schedule!

Bar, slowly reclaiming his lootwhore status from Huato/Zuato

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What keeps Rae's fur from getting too singed:

Head: +15 Dragoneye Coif of Fire Resistance

Neck: +15 Drakefire Amulet

Shoulders: +6 Black Dragonscale Shoulders

Back: +16 Onyxia Scale Cloak

Chest: +12 Black Dragonscale Breastplate

Wrists: +15 Pyremail Wristguards of Intellect

Weapon: None

Shield: +10 Draconian Deflector

Hands: None

Belt: +7 Earthfury Belt

Legs: None

Feet: +18 Flame Walkers

Ring1: +15 Tidal Loop

Ring2: +10 Dragonslayer's Signet

total = +139 FR

plus FR totem +60

Grand Total = +199 FR

Edited by Raeda
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80 ish FR here...

However, I come equiped with a stack of greater fire resist potions and I chug them instead of the mana potions I would have to guzzle if I gave up stats and +healing on behalf of more FR gear.

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80 ish FR here...

However, I come equiped with a stack of greater fire resist potions and I chug them instead of the mana potions I would have to guzzle if I gave up stats and +healing on behalf of more FR gear.

If that is unbuffed, you're perfect. The LBRS buff will get you to 160-ish. No need to be chugging FR pots down, you only need 1-3 depending on how many times Rags submerges:

1st at the start of the fight, 2nd if the buff has worn off during phase 1 when the Sons of Ragnaros are summoned. A third one if we have to do a second wave of Sons.

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I forget the gear, but Tainish is about 85FR unbuffed. Primary FR slots are:

Head (WW turban?)

Cloak (also has the lower FR enchant)


Felheart pieces, but i forget which of these actually have FR (feet, belt, gloves)


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Arcanist crown +10

Drakefire Amulet +15

Flarcecore Mantle +24 with +5 enchant

Chromatic Cloak +9 and +5 to all enchant

Funeral Pyre Vestment +10

Tidal Loop +15

Blazing Emblem +15

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas +10

Torch of Austen +10

+8 to all Resistances from Sorcerors 2 piece set bonus

with Mage armor +15 Resist to all and <recently respecced to> talent that gives +10 resists to all

161 FR

I can craft 3 pieces of wizardweave with Deb as well, should anyone want some.

Wizardweave Turban +18 FR

Wizardweave Leggings +16 FR

Wizardweave Robe +18 FR


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