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Fire Resist Bible


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because I am too lazy to write one out on my own... here is one from the WWs

Fire Resist Bible by Weaselmortis

Here it is in all its glory, the Fire Resist Bible!



[Goblin Construction Helmet](+15 fire resist)

Made by Engineers, interesting piece, 1 hour cooldown on the ability though, so it probably isn't worth the sacrifice in stats that you could get.

[Fire Goggles] (+17 fire resist)

Made by Engineers

[Dragonrider Boots] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Warchief Rend Blackhand

Info: Nothing special, standard UBRS run

[Fire Striders] (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Balnazzar

Info: Nothing special, standard Living Stratholme run

[Flameweave Cuffs] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Lord Incendius

Info: He drops one fire resist bracer about 90% of the time I believe, it can either be a cloth, leather, mail, or plate bracer so you will probably have to run it quite a few times to get what you want.

[Funeral Pyre Vestment] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random BoE drop (BRD only)

Info: Have fun farming!

[Polychromatic Visionwrap] (+20 fire resist)

Drop: Solakar Flamewreath

Info: Solakar Flamewreath is the final boss of the Hatchery event, go with some priest who still needs his shoulders

[skullsmoke Pants] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Vectus

Info: Vectus is only attackable if you have used the Dawn's Gambit item which is part of a series, begining with http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1737

[starfire Tiara] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Jed Runewatcher

Info: Rare spawn that appears in UBRS

[Eye of Flame] (+15 to fire resist)

Drop: Random World Drop

Info: Though epic, its relatively cheap and can often be found between 70 and 120g at auction. Great fire resist and a perfect item to put a libram of resillance on. Even better for fire mages and warlocks since it gives +43 to fire spell damage.

[Wizardweave Leggings] (+16 fire resist)

Who can make: Maube, Waldonnis

[Wizardweave Turban] (+18 fire resist)

Who can make: Maube

[Wizardweave Robe] (+18 fire resist)

Who can make: Maube

*Disclaimer: These all require materials from Molten Core, so they are given out based on attendance, also melee will be equiped before casters, so it will probably be a while before you can expect these.

[Flarecore Gloves] (+25 fire resist)

[Flarecore Leggings] (+16 fire resist)

[Flarecore Mantle] (+24 fire resist)

[Flarecore Robe] (+15 fire resist)

[Flarecore Wraps] (+7 fire resist)


[bloodfire Talons] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Drops off of all the dragons in ST

Info: In order to release the dragons in ST you have to kill the atal'ai prophet, this place is easily farmable by a group of 60s

[Cinderhide Armsplints] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Lord Incendius

Info: He drops some bracers about 90% of the time I believe and he drops cloth, leather, mail, and plate so you might have to go on quite a few runs to get the one you want

[Cow King's Hide] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

Info: Yeah the piece seems like a joke, but hey it does have fire resist!

[Felhide Cap] (+8 fire resist)

Drop: Lethtendris

Info: Drops in Dire Maul East, very easy area to farm.

[Flamescarred Shoulders] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Magister Kalendris

Info: Drops in Dire Maul West, early in the instance

[Flamestrider Robes] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Pyromancer Loregrain

Info: Rare spawn in BRD, spawns by the statue of Franclorn Forgewright (this mob is really good for fire resist he drops some mail pants with fire resist and a spirit staff with fire resist)

[Helm of Fire] (+5 fire resist)

Info: Leatherworking recipe, nothing too crazy to make

[Nightbrace Tunic] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Solakar Flamewreath

Info: Drops off of the boss that spawns at the end of the rookery event, take a priest who needs his devout shoulders still:)

[Coal Miner Boots] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Hurley Blackbreath

Info: Hurley is in the bar. You have to destroy the kegs in the store room to get him to spawn.

[Flamescarred Girdle] (+20 fire resist)

Drop: Maleki the Pallid

Info: Undead Stratholme run, easy

[Volcanic Breastplate] (+20 fire resist)

Info: The whole Volcanic set is easy to make, it doesn't have any other stats, but it has respectable fire resist

[Volcanic Leggings] (+20 fire resist)

Info: The whole Volcanic set is easy to make, it doesn't have any other stats, but it has respectable fire resist

[Volcanic Shoulders] (+18 fire resist)

Info: The whole Volcanic set is easy to make, it doesn't have any other stats, but it has respectable fire resist

*Disclaimer: Most, if not all, of these require Molten Core drops to make, so they will be handed out based on attendance. Also, I'm not sure but I think we may need some of the non-MC materials so any donations would be welcome, send them to me if no one else I can hand them off when needed (I still have room in my bank *gasp*)

[Corehound Boots] (+24 fire resist)

[Lava Belt] (+26 fire resist)

[Molten Belt] (+12 fire resist)

[Molten Helm] (+29 fire resist)

[Corehound Belt] (+12 fire resist)


[Legguards of the Chromatic Defier] (+5 fire resist)

Info:Quest for Legplates of the Chromatic Defier, starts when you talk to Awbee in UBRS, good luck though, its really hard to get

[black Dragonscale Boots] (+24 fire resist)

Who can make: Raeda Odenn

[black Dragonscale Breastplate] (+12 fire resist)

Who can make: Raeda Odenn

[black Dragonscale Leggings] (+13 fire resist)

Who can make: Raeda Odenn

[black Dragonscale Shoulders] (+6 fire resist)

Who can make: Raeda Odenn

Info: this whole set is probably one of the best you can get as a Hunter for sure, good fire resist with stats still, it is a balancing act, not just all fire resist, we still need DPS. Only the Boots require Molten Core materials the rest can be gathered on your own

[storm Gauntlets] (+10 fire resist)

[Dragonscale Breastplate] (+12 fire resist)

Who can make: Raeda Odenn

[Red Dragonscale Breastplate] (+12 fire resist)

Who can make: Odenn

[Fiery Chain Shoulders] (+25 fire resist)

Who can make:Smedlock

[Dark Iron Mail] (+12 fire resist)

[Drakesfire Epaulets] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

Info: It appears to drop regularly off of the Dire Maul rare spawns

[Chromatic Gauntlets] (+5 fire resist)

[Firemane Leggings] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

[Flame Walkers] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Goraluk Anvilcrack

Info: Easy boss in UBRS, but a lot of groups skip him

[Molten Fists] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Ambassador Flamelash

Info: Nothing special, easy boss in BRD

[Pyremail Wristguards] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Lord Incendious

Info: He drops some bracers about 90% of the time I believe and he drops cloth, leather, mail, and plate so you might have to go on quite a few runs to get the one you want

[searingscale Leggings] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Pyromancer Loregrain

Info: Rare spawn in BRD, spawns by the statue of Franclorn Forgewright (this mob is really good for fire resist he drops a leather robe with fire resist and a spirit staff with fire resist)

[sunblaze Coif] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

Info: Rather low level item, but good stats

[iridescent Scale Leggings]

Drop: Scale Belly

Info: Rare spawn in STV far east of the Gurubashi Arena, South of Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound


[Dark Iron Plate] (+12 fire resist)

Info: BS recipe, requires Armorsmithing

[Dark Iron Shoulders] (+10 fire resist)

Info: very cheap, just a few bars of Dark Iron

[Emberplate Armguards] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Lord Incendius

Info: He drops some bracers about 90% of the time I believe and he drops cloth, leather, mail, and plate so you might have to go on quite a few runs to get the one you want

[Fiery Plate Gauntlets] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Looks like a pretty cheap recipe, I can enchant thorium if you need it, I just need 1 thorium bar, and 3 dream dust for each

[Hydralick Armor] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

[Lavawalker Greaves] (+20 fire resist)

Drop: Maleki the Pallid

Info: Standard Undead Stratholme run

[Elemental Plate Girdle] Random (+10 fire resistance)

Drop: Tribute Pile

Notes: Drops on most tribute runs. Like the Fluctuating Cloak it has a random of ____ Resistance attatched to it.

[Runic Breastplate] (+15 fire resist)

[Runic Plate Boots] (+10 fire resist)

[Runic Plate Shoulders] (+10 fire resist)

[Runic Plate Helm] (+13 fire resist)

[Runic Plate Leggings] (+14 fire resist)

Info: Don't know where to get these, but they require Arcanite so they can get pricy

*Disclaimer: These require materials from Molten Core, so they are handed out based on attendance, I know that we have been concentrating on getting the Helms and Leggings out because you can put the libram of resilience on them for an additional 40 fire resist

[Dark Iron Boots] (+28 fire resist)

[Dark Iron Gauntlets] (+28 fire resist)

[Dark Iron Helm] (+35 fire resist)

[Dark Iron Leggings] (+30 fire resist)

[Dark Iron Bracers] (+18 fire resist)

[Thorium Armor] (+8 fire resist)

[Thorium Belt] (+6 fire resist)

[Thorium Boots] (+7 fire resist)

[Thorium Bracers] (+5 fire resist)

[Thorium Helm] (+10 fire resist)

[Thorium Leggings] (+10 fire resist)


[Fireproof Cloak] (+18 fire resist)

Drop: It is *supposedly* a 10% drop out of Domo's chest, but I haven't seen it

[Fluctuating Cloak] Random (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Prince Tortheldrin (the Prince in DM West)

Info: This cape, when it drops, is given a random enchantment. You can get *** of ____ Resistance. The actual cape is a 23% chance to drop, Thott just bluntly puts how rare it is to get *** of Fire Resistance.

[Cloak of Flames] (+15 fire resist)

Info: Looks like a random Blackrock Mountain, including inside of Molten Core

[smokey's Drape] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Quest reward for http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=6041

[Cape of the Fire Salamander] (+7 fire resist)

Drop: Ambassador Flamelash

Info: Easy boss in BRD, on the way to the chest of the seven

[Wildfire Cape] (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Pyroguard Emberseer

Info: Early UBRS boss, have to kill him, right before the rookery

[Chromatic Cloak] (+9 fire resist)

Who can make: Odenn

[Onyxia Scale Cloak] (+16 fire resist)

Info: This cloak requires Onyxia Scales, which can only be gotten by skinning Onyxia (imagine that:P) so they are handed out based on attendance/need

Who can make: Raeda


[blazing Emblem] (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Random world drop

Info: Going to be tough to get, unless you get lucky at the Auction House

[Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas] (+10 fire resist)

Mage: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=38614

Priest: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=38410

Warlock: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=38514

Druid: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=38431

Rogue: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=38436

Hunter: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=35645

Shaman: <http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=38980

Warrior: http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=38395

Drop: Book that will drop off of any of the bosses in Dire Maul, also seems to be lying on the ground sometimes (unconfirmed)

Info: Takes a while to get unless you are lucky, pretty nice trinkets for most classes

[smoking Heart of the Mountain] (+7 fire resist)

Drop: Recipe that drops off of a rare spawn in BRD

Info: Requires Blood of the Mountain along with a few other items, so rather expensive. Also must be forged at the Black Anvil. Also it requires Enchanting and is BoP, so if you aren't an enchanter you are out of luck

[Ward of the Elements] (+8 fire resist)

Drop: Reward for completing the Jail Break quest in BRD

Info: You need to clear the area before freeing the prisoner

[Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector] (+18 fire resist)

Drop: Engineering Recipe drops from Solakar Flamewreath, a rare spawn in BRD

Info: You have to have 290 Engineering in order to be able to use this. I believe Keldath can make them (If you can make them please post and I will put it up here)

Who can make: Sabrianica

[Onyxia Blood Talisman] (+15 fire resist)

Info: Reward for turning in Onyxia's head


[Drakefire Amulet] (+15 fire resist)

Info: Key to Onyxia, everyone should have this, get to work

[Onyxia Tooth Pendant] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Reward for turning in Onyxia's head

[Elder Magus Pendant] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Magister Kalendris in Dire Maul

[Emberfury Talisman] (+7 fire resist)

Drop: Pyroguard Emberseer in UBRS


[Ragnaros Core] (+18 fire resist)

Drop: Ragnaros

Info: You have to get Ragnaros down before you can get these, makes it much easier to fight him

[Dragonslayer's Signet] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Reward for turning in Onyxia's head

[Ring of Binding] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Onyxia

[seal of the Archmagus] (+6 fire resist)

Drop: Baron Geddon

[seal of Ascension] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: UBRS key

Info: To get this you have to gather 3 jewels from Omokk, Voone, and Wyrmthalak in LBRS, they don't always drop. You also need to get an unadorned seal of ascension from a random mob in LBRS

[Tidal Loop]

Drop: Reward from the quest chain from Duke Hydraxis

Info: Duke Hydraxis can be found in Azshara, it will take at least 2 weeks of Molten Core to complete this, you have to kill 4 different types of mobs in for one part. Then you have to come back and loot the hands of for bosses for the next part. Before you can loot the hands you have to have at least honored with the hydraxian waterlords, which is gained by killing mobs in Molten Core, killing fire elementals, or by killing the emberseer in UBRS. Series begins with <a href=http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=6804>http://www.thottbot.com/?qu=6804</a>

[Ocean's Breeze]

Drop: Reward from the quest chain from Duke Hydraxis

Info: See Tidal Loop

[Archaedic Stone] Random (+17 fire resist)

Drop: Arheadas

Info: Very low drop rate, drops off the final boss in Uldaman, can do it easily with 3 lvl 60s (need that many to use the pedestal inside)


[Crimson Shocker] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Drops off of Shazzrah, Gehennas, Sulfuron, or Lucifron

[Torch of Austen] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Random world drop

[Flaming Incinerator] (+8 fire resist)

Info: Seems to be a VERY rare drop off of all the bosses in Zul'Farrak

[Kindling Stave] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Pyromancer Loregrain

Info: Pyromancer Loregrain is a rare spawn in BRD

[Elemental Mage Staff] (+20 fire resist)

Drop: Random end-game instance drop

Info: Good Luck!

[Magmus Stone] (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Magmus in Blackrock Depths

Info: Off-hand item

[Alcor's Sunrazor] (+10 fire resist)

Info: VERY rare drop, looks like it drops in Scholo, Strat, and MC, probably the best fire resist dagger around

[Ebon Hand] (+7 fire resist)

Info: Recipe, I highly doubt that we will make these for a long time, not much fire resist for a ton of materials

[Dark Iron Destroyer] (+6 fire resist)

Info: Same idea as the Ebon Hand

[Dark Iron Reaver] (+6 fire resist)

Info: In a similar boat as the Ebon Hand, just not quite as crazy, don't count on these being out for a while

[Draconian Deflector] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: General Drakkisath

[skullflame Shield] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Random world drop

[blackfury] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Very sexy polearm, nasty material requirements though, a lot of cores, so don't count on it any time soon

[Mastersmith's Hammer] (+10 fire resist)

Drop: Goraluk Anvilcrack

Info: Easy boss, though a lot of groups skip him

[staff of Protection] (+6 fire resist)

Info: If you are really desperate for some fire resist you can go to Stranglethorn Vale and buy this from Zarena Cromwind

[Finkle's Lava Dredger] (+15 fire resist)

Info: Basially every shaman's wet dream, drops out of Domo's chest

[smoldering Claw] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Has a 5-8% chance to drop off of every one of the dragons in Sunken Temple

[blanchard's Stout] (+5 fire resist)

Info: Random world drop

[skull of Burning Shadows] (+15 fire resist)

Drop: Maleki the Pallid

[Magebane Scion] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Quest reward for completing Hidden Treasures in Eastern Plaguelands end of the Darrowshire quest series

[Father Flame] (+10 fire resist)

Info: Item picked up to start the Rookery Event in UBRS


[Libram of Resilience] (+20 fire resist to helm or legs)

Drop: Random world drop

Info: Requires 1 Black Diamond, 4 Crystal Spires (made from crystals in Un'goro), 1 Burning Essence (taken out of the black vault in BRD) and 30g.

[Flame Mantle of the Dawn] (+5 fire resist to shoulders)

Drop: Bought at the argent dawn vendors

Info: You have to have Revered faction with Argent Dawn to buy this item

[Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn] (+5 to all resists to shoulders)

Drop: Bought at the argent dawn vendors

Info: You have to have Exhalted faction with Argent Dawn to buy this item

[Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance] (+15 fire resist to Cloak)

Drop: Bought from Kania in Silithus.

Info: Requires Friendly with Cenarion Hold.

[Formula: Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance] (+7 fire resist to Cloak)

Info: I usually have the materials for this enchant with me before every raid, if you need one ask. Also any Elemental Fire that you may have and don't need, it is the only component that I need for the enchant, I have plenty of the other stuff.

[Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance] (+5 to all resists)

Drop: Recipe is a rare drop in Sunken Temple

Info: This one is a little less fire resist then the +7 to fire, but is spread out over everything. Its also a little pricier to get, but you don't need to worry about replacing it.


If you have anything to add to the list, or can make any of the items, please post it up here, I want to get this in good condition, then I will probably post it up on the Argent Dawn forums as well as leaving it here, lets get some more people geared up! If you want to add to the list, putting it in the format I already have would be greatly appreciated, it actually does take a while to put it together otherwise :)

It was a lot of work to put this together, so if you catch any typos that I missed, please post it up too, wouldn't want people to get the wrong info :D

Remember, it is a balance of Fire Resist and DPS and Stats. You don't want to have high fire resist and not have any DPS and you don't want to have crazy DPS and no Fire Resist gear.

General rule I believe was casters have about 150 fire resist, melee 200+, and main tanks 300+.

Edited by Maube
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