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Who plays DAoC and what server should we move to?


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Current list of Servers and designations.

Roleplaying shards:




Non Roleplaying shards:








Morgan La Fay



Additions and dates

Bors (10/14/01)

Kay (10/15/01)

Tristan (10/19/01)

The Roleplaying Shards are monitored and in DAoC the maintaining of the RP is strict and the staff of support is ironically positioned next door to the overall lead Tyrant of the game itself in headquarters.  It has been reported that several characters have been already disciplined (removed from shard...deletion/punishment) for violating the simple rules of conversation.  Additionally, this is a growing pains time for the staff of these shards as they move into maintaining the RP atmosphere that...at this level of consistent behavior...has never been enforced in an online game todate.  They are committed to having all broadcast and commentary be RP and non-kewl dewdish or stat sharing.

(ie no K, NP, L8r, what level is spell abc available, where do I gain the most exp at level 9, what drops from a skeleton pawn, etc etc)

What will PGoH be in the game....RP or NRP....that is for majority to decide.

My honest opinion is Have BOTH......one RP shard/one NRP shard......key is COORDINATE your efforts to get your guildname you wish.  I have been asked what is a good namesake or what should it be.....I only care if it has some dignity to its name....Teletubbies would not be one such namesake..heheheh

I have thought of RP namesakes for the most part and lean toward Highlanders in Albonia, Trolls in Midgard and Celts in Hibernia....all have deep backdrops you can spin off of historically.  Trolls just look so incredibly impressive in Midgard even though no historical backdrop.

Highlander.......Humberton Honor Guard

Troll...............The Monoliths

Celts..............Clan of Cousins

Below I put some examples of different races from different shards....no particular favorites....but then I am a Highlander by birthright in Real world.

Also........my suggestion is that at least 8 of us....get together and figure out what realm to be....then all go to a shard of kind.....(when new shard opens IMMEDIATELY get to it and grab your namesakes) make guildnamesake(need 8 online at one time to get guilded by GM) then push to get leader of guild to level 20...then he can grab color/combo/designs unique to shard.

If the decision is to RP......then WAIT till a NEW RP opens and Launch there.....but until one does....pick a shard (newer ones have best shot at namesakes to play)

I just would like to get the purple/black/white combo we have had in past with the Honor chalice logo on our back cloaks...that would be awsome.


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Given you can RP on anyshard...its your choice....that may be a wise statment Balandar.....then one would not have to worry.

So......who ever has DAoC or when you do get DAoC.....post a reply to this thread.......when we get 8.....lets launch onto a new shard.

Vote for which realm on the POLL I created.

Until then.....I will be messing around on

Lancelot............Albion as Colin the Highlander Cleric(healer)

Morgan La Fay....Hiberian as Colinmor the Celt Warden(healer)

Gawaine............Midgard as Borg the Troll Viking(fighter)

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Damn.  Figures.  I bought a ATI Radeon a while back when I couldn't find a GeForce.   :smash:

Guess I'll have to buy another.  And buy another 128 of RAM that I burned out last month.  

*looks into thinning wallet*

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Well I feel a little bit bad about this guys. I had been in beta and liked the game. Had posted here about it and the overall response was we are waiting for Shadowbane. I wanted to play Camelot so I went with a guild I knew was going there.

I'm with ABK in Albion on Bedevere server. I have been since the day it went live and 3 of us had copies.

I thought at the time I could still play other realms etc but since then I have gotten a job working nights. I'm only on 3 nights a week and that is barely enough time to really commit to one guild.

For now I am in UO if something interesting happens on a Thurs, Fri or Sat or I'm in Albion cause it's new and fun.  Those are the only nights I'm home. (how dare real life interfer with my fun!)

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I just picked up a copy yestereve. Very cool game (now that I have played it). I like a lot of aspects about it, there are some that I don't as well... But it gets two thumbs up from me. icon14.gificon14.gif I have created a Troll Shaman by the name of Balandar (of course). I also have reserved "Ser" for you BB. :laugh:

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