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Potions and Reagents


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RARGH!!! The time of war is upon us, but first let's get properly geared. :paladin:

Please add to this topic with the type and number potions and reagents you think are good to bring for any dungeon and I'll consolidate them together. Potions I'd like to see per individual, and reagents I want to see how many are necessary per raid. If you don't know the exact amount a raid needs, list how much you use for a raid and how much of the raid that covers.

I've included links to Thottbot for the potions so everyone can see what materials are necessary to make the potions. If you aren't an alchemist, bring the components and one of our alchemists will gladly make them for you!

NOTE: Everyone should bring a full stack of heavy runecloth bandages!

MAGES: Keep 6 runes of portals handy, 1 arcane powder per person in raid (so MC = 40)

PRIESTS: 40 man run = 24 candles for fort, 24 candles for spirit, 24 candles for shadow

DRUIDS: 1 thornroot per person in raid (so MC = 40), need info for number of suggested seeds for battle rez

SHAMAN: Bring your ankhs! 5 thanks.

HUNTERS: Arrows! Ammo! Your bags had better be full. Pet food! There's nothing worse than a hungry bear.

Dire Maul

Frost oil (for tribute run) - 1 potion


Greater nature protection potions - 7 per person

Greater arcane protection potions - 2 per person preferred

Shaman need 20 fish oil for water walking

Molten Core

Greater fire protection potions - 2 per person

Major mana potions - 5 per person

Major healing potions - 5 per person

Edited by Raeda
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It's really hard to put a number on the amt of candles (or any other reagent) per raid, as it depends on the kind of night we are having. There have been times I've gone through less than a stack (20) and then there are nights like last night.. where I burned through almost 40. Molox had asked that all priests bring 60 candles with them to MC, that may seem a bit overboard and I for one use to only carry 40, but there's been a time or two I've been very glad to have that 3rd stack. There is also the factor of how many priests are in the raid and what they can buff, not all priests are speced with the spirit buff ability. I can remember a time where I was the only one that could so that meant more reagents for me.

On a flawless 3 hour run the break down would be..

Candles x 24 for Fort

Candles x 24 for spirit

Candles x 24 for Shadow protection


Total 72

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I recommend to bring a reagent per person per buff in the raid - so I recommend the mages bring 40 powders.

I usually only use my Damage potions for 5-10 mans and on the 'big' bosses and I try to keep at least a stack of mana and health pots on me at all times

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On top, I'd like to add something for certain helpful pots/flasks in terms of who can make them

For example: Grawuulf can make: Flask of the Titans (which I can in fact make) So to assist the raid tanks with taking a bigger wallop, I can make, just regeants and a quick lab run would be required to that affect

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If your fire resist is low (or Ragnaros is especially fussy), you'll likely go through more than two greater fire protection potions. Last night, for instance, I burned through my second potion within the first 30 seconds of the fight, so I'd recommend a stack of five to be safe. This also allows for one wipe, should things go horribly wrong. If you have problems getting that many and already have reasonable fire resist, I've had good success with magic resistance potions (raises your resistances for a few minutes, typically lasts me the entire Ragnaros fight pre-submerge).

Mage notes for 20- and 40-person raids:

With proper mana gem usage, it's rare that I go through more than 2-3 major mana potions per MC run, but always bring at least five (since they stack to five). If you have a smaller mana pool, you may want to bring two full stacks until you are more familiar with how far your gems and cooldowns can get you before using potions. In instances that aren't on farm status, always bring at least two stacks. You may never need them if no progress is made, but they're invaluable for learning a new encounter should it go that far.

Also to add to the reagent list for mages, I recommend at least six runes of portals per run. Ideally, I only use three (one for each destination) and everyone jumps into one immediately, but we always get a few stragglers (or in the case of Rhoach, decide to pull a boss before jumping through the portal that just faded :laugh: ). With enough mages, you should only need 1-2, but they stack to 20, so there's no sense in not carrying more.

Last and slightly related note: I highly recommend repairing and restocking immediately after an instance run rather than doing so before you go to one. I know that I'm not alone in sometimes running a bit late and it helps to know that I can just log in and start moving rather than stopping at the reagent vendor and finding a vendor to repair. If you portal to Org, an easy path to do both is to stop by the faction vendor near the portal-in location for repairs, then drop down a level and hit the reagent vendor behind the windrider tower...takes less than 2 minutes to do and saves a ton of "oh crap" moments ;)

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For any 20 man or higher content.

A full 20 stack of heavy runecloth bandages. For classes such as hunters and rogues, I would suggest a 40 stack.

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AQ20 these are optional but make the boss easier

Kurniaxx (1 nature pot per squishy unless you've been a few times and can bubble dodge well)

General (1 nature pot for any one below friendy ie not getting the healing buff)

Buru 20 nature pots 1 for each raid member minimum and 2 pots to dps classes helps too, also a shaman will need 20 fish oils per attempt to keep water walking going

Moam (Greater Arcane Pots) moam is cake if everyone brings 2, however these being expensive we've killed moam using only 5, 1 for each tank, 1 for each warlock. Rogues should get potions next if you want to use 8/attempt

Ayamiss 60 nature pots / attempt 3 per person

Ossirian just health/mana pots + anything to up your ranged dps

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DRUIDS: 1 thornroot per person in raid (so MC = 40), need info for number of suggested seeds for battle rez

40 thornroots is usually what I bring to MC. However, I usually run through about 18-28 depending on how many druids we have. I know last Friday I went through 27, but we only have me, Vendes, and Sal on.

For BWL, I suggest each druid coming with at least 40, even though we never go through that many. (if you think about it, we never have to rebuff during it, only buffing our groups once per attempt). And it's always better to err on the side of caution.

As far as seeds for battle rezzes are concerned, I always have 20 in my inventory, but hardly need to use them. I think, on average, I use about 1-2 per MC run (usually only on the Rags fight unless something messes up earlier), and haven't used one yet in BWL.

As far as potions for MC go, I hardly ever have to use them. Now that healing has pretty much been spot on, I haven't run out of mana yet except in the Domo and Rags fights. Bandaids, I've found, are extremely important though for druids. If it can be helped, save the mana for the other people, and bandage yourself.

Just my thoughts. :yahoo:

Edited by Amahli
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Hunter specific.

FULL supply of arrows. sometimes is a good idea to fill another half bag with them too. (if we run out, we are basically useless.)

Make a habit of filling up on warlock healthstones and replace them as the raid progresses. The more we look after ourselves the less strain is on the healers. (also be nice to the warlocks and don't wait till you're looking at a boss before you ask them, they have more important things to do at that point.)

Plenty of food for your pet. Pets are used on many pulls and will die repeatedly. Be ready to rez them and feed them to keep them happy.

BWL specific. Bring an extra bow for Nefarian.

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