Baltazar Posted May 14, 2002 Share Posted May 14, 2002 Well friends I hate to be the one to bring this report on the state of the Valhalla Vanguard. But it seems our reign of glory may soon be coming to an end. Many of our veteran members have already left for greener pastures and it seems this latest hit will finally do us in. All of our level 40+ members see no resolve to our Alliance problems. And are now wanting to move on to another guild. Without a registered leader who can make the alliance changes, we have all but lost our currant ally’s and the other potential ally’s are now weary of our commitment to Midguard. Carelle and I are now officially the GM’s of the VV but we have no admin. power to make the changes that must be done to help the VV prosper. On a personal note, I will be leaving Midguard/Gawaine for another realm/server. I wish you all well in your future endeavors. I am sorry for this I feel I have failed you all as leader. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest venorox Posted May 14, 2002 Share Posted May 14, 2002 Yes i also left the valhalla vangaurd, although i will stay in midgaurd. Lack of our guild leaders having power to do anything is what lead to the guilds demise. I am sorry to see it happen i met alot of good people here but i am fustrated with how the last few months have played out. To zarbalt i dont think you are a bad leader but what could you have done? Well i hope to see you again on there zarbalt i am sorry to see you go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alterious Posted May 15, 2002 Share Posted May 15, 2002 i am also saddend by the demise of VV,and feel even worse that Zarbalt believes it is his fault when it was NOT.. i alos hate to see him leave our sever and realm but i fell he will do good wherever he goes Good luck Zar with your new journey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Thordig Posted May 15, 2002 Share Posted May 15, 2002 I can not begin to tell you how sorry I am to see this happening to such a great guild. When I began my tenor in VV I was immeadiatly made welcome and encouraged to join groups that where at the time much more powerful than I was. For 20 some odd levels I traveld with them and have enjoyed there company. However as of late I feel something lacking, the fact that we have no one active that can assist the guild in alliances, or claiming of frontier keeps or perform the day to day role of leadership has caused me to seek memebership in another guild. Zarbalt, to you I say only this. You have always been a good friend and someone whom I was glad to see and have fun with. I wish you would not blame yourself for what has happen. You may have been given the title of gm but where never given power and that is what has caused this, not your leadership. I wish you all the luck in your newest endeavor, and should you venture back our way, my group will always remain one short awaiting your arrival. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coldren Posted May 15, 2002 Share Posted May 15, 2002 Tis terrible news indeed, friends.. I am sorry that such a guild is indeed coming to an end.... Zarbalt, if yer anything like you were in the old PGoH days, there is absolutely NO WAY you could have done anything to lead to this..and I'll leave it at that. You're a good man and a good leader. Now, as some of you may or may not have noticed, I have not played with VV on Midguard/Gawaine.. I have dropped in from time to time to say Hi to some old friends, but visits were sporadic.. I myself have always liked the roleplay of an honorable Knight, so when Camelot first came out, I knew (And many others in PGoH knew) right away that I was going to play a Paladin. I chose to play Percvial/Albion for that reason: Roleplay and a Paladin.. Getting to the point, the guild I am in is now 24th on the SERVER (not realm). You can guess that our guild is pretty big, has a lot of close knit friends, and we have fun. Our name is Divinity. You can see our statistics there. As 5th on the hirearchy of a guild played by 111 members (210 characters), I am in a good position to offer ANY who wish to play an Albion the chance to join my guild. I extend this to all members of VV, as back in the UO days, you were my first online family, so now I offer you my new family.Note that we aren't that rich financially, but we will do all we can to help out.. And we're fun too. If any of you wish to take me up on this, here is the info summary: -Percival/Albion -Divinity is the guilld -Send for either Blackblade, Tryad or Dycedrag, and tell me who you formerly were in the VV or in PGoH, and I shall invite you into the guild. If I am not on, be patient and just look around some. I once again am sorry to see VV go, but if you still want to play, and need a new family, or just want to try Albion, I'm extending my hand in friendship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lan Posted May 15, 2002 Share Posted May 15, 2002 I am also at a loss for words on the disbanding of the VV. I know I have not been available as of late(the last week or so) but I have heard and seen this coming. I feel the same as Zarbalt in the feeling of letting everyone down. I worked hard to make things fun and get alliances with some great guilds but alas I was not able to set it up. I know alot of you put in alot of time and energy to make this fun and exciting(Zar, Thor, Alt, Ven, Ad, etc....) and I hope to be able to play with you all again. I myself will be asking to join into the ranks of the Forn Sidr in which I have ALWAYS had many great days with. I will miss this very much and I hope you all find a good home. Never forget that I will always help when needed and ALWAYS give a rez when I can. Safe Journey to you all PS: I would like to try out Albion as well and would like to see my old brother But Coldren, my question lies as to why Albion? Then I thought about it......they must have sheep there Send me a tell so we can get together again brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coldren Posted May 15, 2002 Share Posted May 15, 2002 Sheep??!! SHEEP??!! MY KINGDOM FOR A NEW PUNCH-LINE! Well, basically I chose Albion because of Paladins... A paladin is somewhat like what Coldren was in UO: A Tank/Healer. Little did I know our healing was really horrible (Until the next patch when it breaks Mez ) , but still, the landscape is a bit prettier then Midguard, but not psyhodelic green like Hibbyland... And would be good to see you too, Lan. Indeed to see you all! Come give Albion a try..hopefully it won't dissapoint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fingon Posted May 18, 2002 Share Posted May 18, 2002 I would come visit you Coldren, but as of right now my daoc and uo accounts are off, due to school. I am doing a 8 month GIS course, so I am super super busy until around december. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koopsta Posted May 19, 2002 Share Posted May 19, 2002 Hey guys Long time no see. I may take you up on that offer to join up on Percival Coldren.. been intirely too long since we talked bro , problem is I've gotten soo used to cursing out idiots who break mez and whatnot an RP server may take a bit of getting used to.. heh.. As of right now I have a 48 wiz, 40 pally, 35 cleric, and 20 scout on Lancelot.. pretty good guild too.. After I hit 50 with wiz, "which wont be long considering we own Darkness Falls 24/7 on lancelot.. " I'm game for tryin to do the RP thing again. all you old UO guys feel free to come visit me sometime too, I miss you all PS: LOL..... the ole' sheep joke.. just gets funnier.. hehe Alararon Norarala, Lancelot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lan Posted May 21, 2002 Share Posted May 21, 2002 Ok Coldren, where the heck have you been? My character is Aristalta and i'm a sorceress. I haven't seen you on yet! Find me when you get a chance! Koop, i'm going to start a character on your server too....when are you usually on? PS: I agree Koop, the sheep joke never gets old Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koopsta Posted May 21, 2002 Share Posted May 21, 2002 I am on just about every evening if I have time.. usually on with wiz "Alararon" if not him then my other alts names are Waylon and Edic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baltazar Posted May 22, 2002 Author Share Posted May 22, 2002 Well It looks like the VV is back and ready to kick some Hibby butt, and crush some Alby tin cans. Yes we have lost a good deal of our membership, but I will be strongly recruting in the coming weeks. All who are willing to put in some time and effort to strengthen The Honor Empires hold on DAoC please let me know. I will be doing a great deal of promoting from within the guild ranks to get our currant membes aquainted with the leadership roles now open. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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