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Taken from Goblin race description for Vanguard Online


Sinister and devious, the goblins of the Kojan Archipelago are practitioners of magic without equal. Along with their orc clansmen, the magically adept goblins pose a very dangerous threat to the rest of Telon, a threat that is tempered only by the warfare between their clans. While goblins possess a potent link to the spiritual ancestors of their kind, it is in their ability to master any arcane art they lay hands on that the goblins display true power. No arcane secret remains so for long once it is in the hands of a goblin.

The city of Martok is home to many goblins, along with their orc clansmen. As a clan they have blended together to not only survive, but form an army of such brutal efficiency, drive, and capability that none can stand before them. The goblins tend to enjoy gathering trinkets and discarded treasures from the orcs, and each other, with a curious drive to figure everything out.

While viewed by other races as vicious, evil, and disgusting beings, the goblins are anything but. While they do indeed utilize any advantage they can against a foe in combat, they are a respected and respectful people to their friends and allies, the orcs. Goblins possess the drive and innate ability to make excellent Warriors, Rogues, Monks, Disciples, Shamans, Blood Mages, Sorcerers, Psionicists and Necromancers.

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And for Orcs!


Brutal and destructive, the orcs of the Kojan Archipelago are terrors of the seas. These sea faring raiders, and their goblin cousins, would pose a major threat to the whole of Telon if not for the animosity between their clans keeping them in check. The orcs, and their goblin clansmen, hold a deep spiritual link with their ancestral spirits. Their warseers commune with these spirits to foretell portents of the future and earn favor with Ghalnn, god of slaughter and lord of battle.

The city of Martok is a fortified military stronghold where the Martok clan prepares for constant warfare against their enemy, the Gulgrethor clan. The orcs live simply and efficiently, devoting their free time to training for battle rather than partaking in arts and music like many of the other races.

Orcs are feared or hated by most races across Telon. Their devastating invasion of the continent of Thestra in the not too distant past has earned them powerful enemies. The orcs, however, couldn’t care less, for their great size, strength, and toughness makes them at home in battle. It is common to see orcs as Warriors, Dread Knights, Rangers, Monks, Shamans and Disciples.

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