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Karazhan Extravaganza!


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Alright clanmates, here's the dealio....

I know there's a lot you out there who, like me, are dying to get into Karazhan. Now since we were successfully raiding prior to the expansion and that everyday I see more and more people trying to get keyed, I would stand to believe that numbers isn't what we're missing. I'm sure we can afford another group of raiders in there!

I haven't been much of a raid leader in the past, but if that's what it takes to get another group going then I'll do it!

Now before I get too far ahead of myself, I think what's most important at the moment is getting more Crushers keyed. I would like to put in place a key progression group that will help others get their keys. So if you're interested at all please add a post and tell me at which point you are in your key line. If you have any interest at all, I think there's no reason why we couldn't all get together and help you attain your goals.

I'll also be using this post to keep track of people's progression

Keyed Crushers:














Baracko's Group:











Non-keyed Crushers:

Tonac - Arcatraz / Steamvaults

Visskar - Black Morass


Weekend - Saturday 2:00pm

First pull at 2:30 (Tentative)








Week day - Monday 8:00pm

First pull at 8:30 (Tentative)




Edited by Calendar
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:) I really miss raiding (is the most fun i have in the game) and would love to get keyed...just have to work on getting alittle less than 20 lvs


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Well my hope is that by the time you get to 70 we'll have a good strong group able to push you forward and get your key in no time.

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As always, Ill be more than happy to run Black Morass whenever if Im around and available.

A note about the place. Dont waste your time with haphazard groups!

You need:

1 SOLID healer

1 SOLID tank


Anything else rarely works. Just my two cents!

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Hey Rhoach,

I think working together is an awesome plan! I'm just not sure about this whole Saturday thing yet. Note I haven't actually posted any time schedule for when I'd like to have my Karazhan raid since this should also depend on raiders' availability. However, I think that for most, weekends are fairly unstable, many have family, friend or other social commitments. I'm trying to keep an open mind, and we'll see what happens.

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Quick update folks,

1) I've modified the first post to include tentative time slots for the raid. They are only TENTATIVE, nothing has been set yet. Right now Rhoach and I joining forces to get this going and we'll be giving Saturday afternoons preference due to schedule limitations for some people.

I would appreciate if everyone who's interested would provide me with their preferred time slot and tell me whether or not they can make both of the posted time slots.

2) It's coming increasingly clear to me that getting people keyed using an "ad-hoc" approach isn't working too well. People still aren't able to get the help they need. For this reason I'm putting together a run EVERY MONDAY & TUESDAY at 8:00pm. If you need to be keyed please let me know you'll be a part of one of these runs! (We'll deal with proper class balance and exact instance as we go).

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  Demoan said:
ill go, but currently on the SL part of teh karazhan key quest, so some help would be appreciated getting to that point!

If any are in need of a Shadow Labs run, I can heal or tank for them. Just look me up on Alhamode.

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thanks to the help of Cal and others, i got my last 2 keys in one night, and just last night with Ckarr and cirk, and morgh, gor, i am now keyed to karazhan, and am availabel to either tank and or dps karazhan away.

yours truly.

the warrrior wearing leather :dancing_smile:

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Keep up the good work guys!

Since you were compiling the list, might as well as the other groups' names to it so we know who all is in there.











Whoever ends up leading, let me know and I can get with them and spread info as we learn it. Even the trash mobs hit like trucks in there!

- Bar

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Hey Crushers,

After discussing with Rhoach, we've finally decided to post up the first scheduled run! This run is scheduled for this Saturday (March 17th) at 2:00pm Server Time. I would like to highly encourage those of you who are keyed, interested and able to come to sign up. It's a little hard to see at the moment if we have the numbers yet to bring together the first group. If we can get 10 players, even if the class balance is a little off, I think it'll be great to at least have some exploration done in there.

For those of you who aren't keyed, do not get discouraged, the push to get people attuned is still in full force. Instead of opting to create a static group of raiders we are aiming to create a pool of knowledgeable and dedicated players with which we can rotate or use as replacements. As this pool of players grows we hope to have 2 simultaneous runs.

I'll try and see if I can't get the roster finalized by late Friday / early Saturday.

If you sign up, try to be prepared!

Read up on the fights:

Wowwiki -- Karazhan

Baracko's Karazhan Guide

Get your consummables:

- Healing Potions

- Mana Potions

- Stamina Food

- Water

- Reagents

- Bandaids

- etc.

Repair BEFORE coming!

Get your mods in order:

- CTRaid

- KTM Threatmeter (increasingly important since some bosses are immune to taunt)

- Decursive or some variant

- Healbot

For the time being I think I shall be the one leading this merry band of adventurers, so if anyone has any concerns, comments or suggestions please let me know!


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After beating on Moroes last night, I would make an addition to that mod list:

Bigwigs Bossmods.

Bosses like Moroes have abilities that can be timed, and Bigwigs does the work for you. For all you purists, believe me, the fight is chaotic enough.

- Bar

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