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Better use for gold in battle?

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is there a way to have diff shops other then pot's that gold would be better used for ? or is gold just for as a bage for uber 1337? was not sure

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Isn't that the truth?! :D

I'm constantly broke from attacking, potting up, then attacking again.

Oh, and losing gold to attackers too :)

Seriously though, if you look, the gold can be used to form guilds/guild houses for the attack system. It can be donated, etc. Otherwise its more or less bragging rights if you are not participating in the attack system.

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Higher level = less gold from less opponents

Higher level = less XP from lower levels

meaning... harder to run ahead.

which means

Lower level = more gold from more opponents

Lower level = more XP, especially if you can get those above you.

meaning... easier to catch up with the leaders.

Of course... being at the right place at the right time always helps!

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I was away for a week, then on for 3 days ( :0 gained 9 levels...) and away for 3 more days... anyone who didn't get my cash.... well, someone else did!

I still have a few potions from the time before everyone spent all their money I hope it doesn't run out soon (or I'll have to post some more!)

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