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BC Recipe and Pattern Drops


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I got tired of constantly hitting Wowhead and Thottbot, so I threw a list together of the BC pattern/recipe drops for all of the professions. So far using this list, we've managed to farm several jewelcrafting, alchemy, and enchanting recipes, so I am very happy that I put it together and hope you all find it equally useful.


  • Bolded pattern names are bind-on-pickup
  • All of the BoP patterns appear to drop from specific mobs
  • Bolded NPC/Zone names indicate that the pattern drops from an instance mob or boss
  • Skill levels are noted to help plan ahead or see what you may have missed along the way
  • Mob names with (Any) after them indicate that any NPC mob of that type may drop the pattern (e.g. Deathforge (Any) indicates that any mob named Deathforge <insert type here> has a chance to drop the pattern)

Since the forums won't let me post tables, I uploaded the first version of the spreadsheet to Google Docs, so it should work for everyone >:0


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I'll try to keep it updated as new stuff comes out or gets fixed in future content patches. I'm also working on a revision that lets you look at a master list of all profession drops or focus in on a particular zone or profession. Google's spreadsheet functionality is great (mostly because it's free), but it's not too flexible for sorting and display filtering.

I'm still debating on whether or not to add reputation-based patterns. While a one-stop list would be great, it would also add a bunch more data and I'd have to expand the number of columns quite a bit to note vendor locations and rep levels....may defeat the purpose of having an easy-to-view list if there's just too much info. Perhaps I'll make a second spreadsheet for that sometime soon.

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  Corellon said:
*Puts down his Floam to read the post*

OooOOooo can I play too??

  Corellon said:

And he's in the guild too :0

*pats Waldonnis and offers him a carrot* ;)

hrm... did that sound dirty? *shifty*

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:cheers to waldy::

Pain in the ass looking up everything by hand but I was too lazy to compile it :devil: glad someone has more sense then me!

::steals Smeddy's Floam::

And Ky... yes that did sound dirty =p

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  Kailand said:
Is it just me, or is there a serious lack of any decent LW patterns (to make epic stuff that is better then DS3 pieces).

That's not totally true...there just isn't much craftable for hunters that's better than that. The Stylish Purple Hat is one of the better druid tanking head pieces and a few other leather pieces are quite nice for rogues/feral druids. For hunters, there seems to be nothing craftable that's all that great, unfortunately. Hopefully, the profession review will help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added two new tabs to the spreadsheet:

  • Reputations Tab - Lists patterns obtained through rep (includes Aldor/Scryer stuff)
  • Aldor-Scryer Tab - Lists patterns specific to Aldor and Scryer reputations for easier comparison/reference

I found myself consulting the reputation lists more lately, so I had to include them. Enjoy!

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Hehehe, glad my boredom time produces useful things :yub:

I originally planned to add the tabs after the 2.1 patch (since it alters some drop locations for existing things, forcing me to make changes anyway), but they're dragging it out a bit longer than I was willing to wait.

Future hopeful goals:

  • Multi-column sorting (may need to move it off of Google for this...and the other stuff below)
  • Making the names into links
  • Isolating professions/flexible filtering

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On a side note, either I'm incredibly unlucky or Blizzard is doing tricky things with drops (again)...

I spent some time this past week farming for the Khorium Band of Shadows pattern in Shadowmoon Valley (by "some time", I mean about 6 hours or so) right after hitting 66 on Adranna. I never got the drop, despite having accumulated almost half the xp needed to hit 67. I finally gave in last night and went back to questing, figuring I'd go back at 67 and see how it worked out then. Well, less than five minutes of farming at 67, the pattern dropped. I'm wondering if they've "min-level" limited the drops in some way...nothing would surprise me, but something to keep in mind...

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  • 3 weeks later...

More fun...NOT...

Blizzard's tinkered with the drops, so I need to make some updates to this. I'll put some time in this weekend and try to get the known changes into the spreadsheet. Some of the new drops have still not been found, but I'll keep checking and get them entered in as soon as some confirmed info shows up on the various source sites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The spreadsheet has been updated. New stuff has been added in every tab except for the Aldor/Scryer tab.

In general, there are probably a few new things not yet discovered, but highlights of the additions:

  • New rep items for The Scale of the Sands (Hyjal Summit) and the Ashtongue Deathsworn (Black Temple)
  • New random drops from Serpentshrine Cavern/The Eye as well as some that appear to be from bosses/mobs in Black Temple
  • New jewelcrafting stuff from The Consortium and the usual random world drops (groan)
  • Altered the drop locations of Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower and Enchant Bracer - Major Defense
  • New engineering recipe from The Consortium (the only one for engineering that requires rep)

Not added but noteworthy:

  • A new alchemy recipe obtained in Halaa (also one from the Cenarion Expedition, which was added to the rep tab)
  • Two new defencive elixir recipes found on trainers
  • Some referenced, but yet-to-be-found defencive elixirs
  • Some referenced, but yet-to-be-found/confirmed dropped jewelcrafting recipes in Hyjal Summit and Black Temple

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