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*pounces on people and attack savagely, smacking up harne and rhoach repeatedly with his claws* nyhahaha

hey yall, its brainah, having fun on the orchid isle. hope your all having fun this summer! working as a computer tech and running on the beach in surf shorts! hopefully I'll post some pics of hawaii or what not closer to the end of summer. miss those I bug on a regular basis!

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ahhh who the hell let vrugz into my thread?! die die die die die <splashs him with cologne and soap, kicks him off a bridge into a vat of soapy water to watch him disintigrate> ahhh I feel better, no more tiki whatever crap thing he says. I am not indulging in man lovin thank ya verah much! I shall not say I have not been enjoying the summer view though, could do with more computer and less sun tanning but not yet. when I start to feel like leather I shall come back and HAUNT YOUR DREAMS!!!!!!11!!111!11!!!ELEVEN!

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WTF are you doing in Hawaii?! I thought you were caged in the basement by your wife, only allowed out to do some things around the house, relieve yourself, and then back to the dungeon?! :)

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::dumps sand down Brainah's shorts in a fit of jealously::

No fair! I'm stuck in summer classes while you get to lounge in the sun! I hope you don't get too sunburned. :yahoo:

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  Baracko said:
I thought that was you, Huato?

Nope, not me. I do get wife and kid aggro (usually more kid aggro than wife) while on the computer though.

The day star is out in full force now...I need to go enjoy it more with the kids. :yahoo:

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Ahhhh how did raeda know I was at the beach that day?! stalker! <spanks raeda and runs away cackling insanely before pushing huato back into his cage> back hairy man! <locks it and throws the key into the toilet and flushes> haha!

sand itchs, very very very bad!

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  Brainah said:
Ahhhh how did raeda know I was at the beach that day?! stalker! <spanks raeda and runs away cackling insanely before pushing huato back into his cage> back hairy man! <locks it and throws the key into the toilet and flushes> haha!

sand itchs, very very very bad!

If you'd keep your shorts on while in the sand it wouldn't itch so bad! :yahoo:

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