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Just an idea, dont go jumpin on it!


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ookee here we go!  I think its pretty common knowlage that everyone is goning to want these spiff skill and especially stat scrolls, but its also very clear that obtaining them will not be a cakewalk either.  (I highly suggest that anyone not knowlageable on this subject read up on it at uo.com or stratics, this is huge!)  There are multiple obsticals standing before us in gaining these items, and I just wanted to adress my thoughts/ideas on how to get passed them.  Any additions to these points would of course be apreciated.  :D

1.  The actual monsters-  Sure, at the first few levels this will be pretty lax, but how about trying to kill 50 poison ellies in 10 minutes?  Not that easy eh?  The primary problom at this level is that it is VERY easy to die, and death is a big factor now.  (a 30 minute factor actually)  So the death of a few huntmembers has gone from bad to catostrophic overnight.  My thought is to have a person or two whos sole job is looting and healing.  This will prevent people from being distracted by looting, and allow for our units to have the extra umph needed to last.  These individuals would preferably be healer/mages, but just one of the two is acceptable.  Now from my studies of the line formations, I beleive that the curent system will be more then effective enough, we just need to be more practiced at it, and have more experiance relying on each other for heals.

2 The pks-  Here is the biggun.  For the first few months that scrolls are around, stepping into a fel dung. alone will be suicide, plain and simple.  And how do I put this lightly?  Ive noticed that our forces are VERY skilled at pvm, have it at an art actually, but as far as pvp goes...  Well more work is needed.  Most members dont even carry pots, a fact that disturbs me more then a little.  Or wear full plate (no offence borg, its part of the "Emperor Look".)  While Full plate offers exceptional protection, its not going to do you a thing in pvp unless your opponent is weilding a non dp gm kryss or kat.  Any other wep will romp you none the less, and a mage will have a feild day while cooking you in your armour.  :angry:   Members also seem very unfamiliar with the "shoving" concept, something that will lead to death very often in pvp or pvp in fel.  (How many of you vets can remember the frustration of dieing to a horde of wuss monsters becsue you where trapped and could not excape  :)  )  All in all, to sum up this subject area, we need more fel training, both pvp and pvm, and a basic understanding of how it works.  Nothing can simulate the adrenalin rush of a true pvp experiance, escpecially when its non-concentual, its fun, but its scary, and when your scared you make mistakes.  Nothing will fix this but experiance, and in the middle of a 13th teir spawn, a pk attack, even if we win in the end will be devistating.

The Campions-  These guys are tuff.  Real tuff.  And then theres the Harrower.  Hes ubertuff.  But wolf has inadvertantly provided us with plenty of experiance in this feild.  Killin a "god" monster is far more difficult then a normal strong critter, and takes a certian level of tactics.  Our practice on ancheint wyrms and liches will pay off though, and soon members will be ready to take these on.

Welp, im prolly gettin close to my post length limit, so let me know what you guys think, good or bad, and most importantly remember this.  These are just thoughts, nothing in motion.  I have no sway in the war councle, and this is there BBQ   :D

Thanks for your time, Triston, Lancer Knight

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