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I was back...


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Well I just returned to the Skull Crushers yesterday!!!!! :D Oh and Blizzard decided to ban my account for gold farming. :p Which makes perfect sense I did amass a huge fortune of 47 gold!!!! :p Yeah thats right 47 gold. I wasn't aware that was too much money for one lvl 70 priest to have but it is so watch your backs Blizzard is looking. Cya in 72 hours >:L

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Sounds like par for the course...probably another silent priest nerf >:L

Good luck on the appeal. From the sound of it, someone dropped the ball on investigating this one. Knowing how much you hate farming, I just can't understand how anyone could possibly mistake you for a gold farmer :D

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::Note to self::

:: Stop farming on Guilo::

Its causde they think my smite build is overpowered :clomp:


Edited by Guilozak
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