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Generic Reply for all complaints


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Dear: Indahausja

[x] Moron

[ ] Loser

[ ] Spec bigot

[ ] Victim of sibling parentage

[ ] Victim of "Level 70 God Complex Syndrome"

[ ] Ganker

[ ] 12 Year Old

[ ] Twink

[x] Troll

[ ] Nerfherder

[ ] l337 d00d

[x] Whiner

[ ] Example of why Jack Kavorkian should make house calls

[ ] Reroller

[ ] Other:

You are being flamed because:

[ ] You forgot to search. This is in the common suggestions thread and still posted too many times a day

[ ] You posted a "Nublocks are the most hated class in the game!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Class is Overpowered" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Demonology is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Affliction is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Destruction is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Beast Mastery is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Marksmanship is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Survival is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Frost is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fire is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Arcane is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Holy is the only legitimate Paladin/Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Retribution is the only legitimate Paladin spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Protection is the only legitimate Paladin/Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Arms is the only legitimate Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fury is the only legitimate Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Discipline is the only legitimate Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Shadow is the only legitimate Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Subtlety is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Assassination is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Combat is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Balance is the only legitimate Druid spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Feral Combat is the only legitimate Druid spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Restoration is the only legitimate Druid/Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Elemental is the only legitimate Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Enhancement is the only legitimate Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fear is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "The Beast Within is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "POM/Pyro is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Stormstrike is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Bubble + Heal is Overpowered and needs to nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Rogue's poisons are Overpowered and need to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Mind Flay is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Mortal Strike is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Intercept is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Vanish doesn't work, so I will now cry about it!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Cloak of Shadows is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Sprint is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Rogue stunlocking is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Resillience is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Make resillience affect DOTs!" Thread.

[x] You need to learn to play your class.

[x] You need to learn to play the game.

[x] You think your class is broken and Blizz should fix it, when in reality you just don't know how to play.

[ ] You have no concept of class balance.

[ ] You're just an idiot.

[ ] You're someone who derives their sense of importance from their WoW character.

[ ] You posted a Omg-i-got-ganked thread.

[ ] Your model brain is defective, leave until you have one that works.

[ ] You (possibly) lost a fight to my class and came here to cry about it.

[ ] Someone told you my class was easy to beat/play, you found out otherwise, and now you're complaining.

[x] You posted a total lack of understanding about my class.

[x] You posted a total lack of understanding about your class.

[ ] You don't know which forum to post in.

[x] You made a ridiculous claim.

[ ] I don't like your tone of voice.

[ ] You fell from "the tree."

[ ] You posted false information.

[x] You just plain suck.


[ ] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums.

[ ] Yuo mispeled evry sengle wurd.

[ ] Youhavenotlearnedthepointofpuncuationsuchasspacingcommasandperiods

[x] You are too stupid to argue with.

[ ] You are extraordinarily bad at [detecting ()/posting ()] sarcasm.

[ ] Y0u u$3d Nu/V\b3r$ and sy/V\b0l$ in$7ad 0f l3773r$

[ ] Other:

In punishment, you must:

[ ] Play a Holy paladin to level 70.

[x] /delete yourself

[x] Never come into these forums again.

[ ] Suffer at least three nerfs.

[ ] Play a FULL Prot specced Warrior to 70.

[ ] Drink out of a spitoon.

[ ] Fetch me a shrubbery.

[ ] Help defeat MCP.

[ ] Go aggro the murloc.

[x] Apologize to everybody on this forum.

[ ] All of the above.

[ ] Nothing. You are lucky.

[ ] Search for the answer to this thread.

In closing, I'd like to say:

[ ] Locks are fine, l2play.

[ ] Hunters are fine, l2play.

[ ] Rogues are fine, l2play.

[ ] Mages are fine, l2play.

[ ] Warriors are fine, l2play.

[ ] Druids are fine, l2play.

[x] Shamans are fine, l2play.

[ ] Paladins are fine, l2play.

[ ] Priests are fine, l2play.

[ ] Stop stinking up the gene pool.

[ ] Get a life.

[ ] Your existence makes a compelling argument in favour of involuntary euthanasia.

[ ] I've found more intelligent things floating in the toilet.

[x] STFU.

[ ] Learn to post

[ ] All of the above

[ ] No one Cares

Edited by Houli
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Dear: Rhoach

[ ] Moron

[ ] Loser

[ ] Spec bigot

[ ] Victim of sibling parentage

[ ] Victim of "Level 70 God Complex Syndrome"

[ ] Ganker

[ ] 12 Year Old

[ ] Twink

[x] Troll

[x] Nerfherder

[ ] l337 d00d

[ ] Whiner

[ ] Example of why Jack Kavorkian should make house calls

[ ] Reroller

[ ] Other:

You are being flamed because:

[ ] You forgot to search. This is in the common suggestions thread and still posted too many times a day

[ ] You posted a "Nublocks are the most hated class in the game!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Class is Overpowered" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Demonology is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Affliction is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Destruction is the only legitimate Warlock spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Beast Mastery is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Marksmanship is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Survival is the only legitimate Hunter spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Frost is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fire is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Arcane is the only legitimate Mage spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Holy is the only legitimate Paladin/Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Retribution is the only legitimate Paladin spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Protection is the only legitimate Paladin/Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Arms is the only legitimate Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fury is the only legitimate Warrior spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Discipline is the only legitimate Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Shadow is the only legitimate Priest spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Subtlety is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Assassination is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Combat is the only legitimate Rogue spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Balance is the only legitimate Druid spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Feral Combat is the only legitimate Druid spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Restoration is the only legitimate Druid/Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Elemental is the only legitimate Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Enhancement is the only legitimate Shaman spec!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Fear is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "The Beast Within is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "POM/Pyro is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Stormstrike is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Bubble + Heal is Overpowered and needs to nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Rogue's poisons are Overpowered and need to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Mind Flay is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Mortal Strike is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Intercept is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Vanish doesn't work, so I will now cry about it!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Cloak of Shadows is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Sprint is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Rogue stunlocking is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Resillience is Overpowered and needs to be nerfed!" thread.

[ ] You posted a "Make resillience affect DOTs!" Thread.

[ ] You need to learn to play your class.

[ ] You need to learn to play the game.

[ ] You think your class is broken and Blizz should fix it, when in reality you just don't know how to play.

[ ] You have no concept of class balance.

[ ] You're just an idiot.

[ ] You're someone who derives their sense of importance from their WoW character.

[ ] You posted a Omg-i-got-ganked thread.

[ ] Your model brain is defective, leave until you have one that works.

[ ] You (possibly) lost a fight to my class and came here to cry about it.

[ ] Someone told you my class was easy to beat/play, you found out otherwise, and now you're complaining.

[ ] You posted a total lack of understanding about my class.

[ ] You posted a total lack of understanding about your class.

[ ] You don't know which forum to post in.

[x] You made a ridiculous claim.

[ ] I don't like your tone of voice.

[ ] You fell from "the tree."

[ ] You posted false information.

[ ] You just plain suck.


[ ] You are not civilized enough to post in these forums.

[ ] Yuo mispeled evry sengle wurd.

[ ] Youhavenotlearnedthepointofpuncuationsuchasspacingcommasandperiods

[ ] You are too stupid to argue with.

[ ] You are extraordinarily bad at [detecting ()/posting ()] sarcasm.

[ ] Y0u u$3d Nu/V\b3r$ and sy/V\b0l$ in$7ad 0f l3773r$

[ ] Other:

In punishment, you must:

[ ] Play a Holy paladin to level 70.

[ ] /delete yourself

[x] Never come into these forums again.

[ ] Suffer at least three nerfs.

[ ] Play a FULL Prot specced Warrior to 70.

[x] Drink out of a spitoon.

[x] Fetch me a shrubbery.

[ ] Help defeat MCP.

[x] Go aggro the murloc.

[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum.

[ ] All of the above.

[ ] Nothing. You are lucky.

[ ] Search for the answer to this thread.

In closing, I'd like to say:

[ ] Locks are fine, l2play.

[ ] Hunters are fine, l2play.

[ ] Rogues are fine, l2play.

[ ] Mages are fine, l2play.

[ ] Warriors are fine, l2play.

[ ] Druids are fine, l2play.

[ ] Shamans are fine, l2play.

[ ] Paladins are fine, l2play.

[ ] Priests are fine, l2play.

[ ] Stop stinking up the gene pool.

[ ] Get a life.

[ ] Your existence makes a compelling argument in favour of involuntary euthanasia.

[ ] I've found more intelligent things floating in the toilet.

[ ] STFU.

[ ] Learn to post

[ ] All of the above

[ ] No one Cares

[x] other: Neat! Fun! Yay!

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Yep genaric repy for all complaints like these! (NSFW)


I love that audio feed.

Some nice sound bites from it:

'Warlocks are extremely overpowered, for many moons they have been eating babies to fuel their dark energies'

'Hunters are like the ugly red headed ###### child of blizzard'

'They can turn into a mutated seal, how cool is that' (on druids)

'I don't know who was giving BJs the day paladins were invented: plate armor, priest healing, and mage dps unresistable damage'

'I saw a priest get surround by mobs one time, and then they all realised he was a priest and they all ran away'

'Shamans are fine, learn to play'

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