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Friday Karazhan


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Beating all the Karazhan bosses was rather exciting to me! Im sure most of you have already done it already, but it was a first for me and I was glad to be a part of it. :dancing_smile:

Edited by Takaas
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Beating all the Karazhan bosses was rather exciting to me! Im sure most of you have already done it already, but it was a first for me and I was glad to be a part of it. :dancing_smile:

And we were glad that you were there. May we do several more clears in the future.

Also we are looking for a permanent tank for the run. if any are interested, direct them my direction. The run goes from 9:30pm-2:30 am( or until we drop) friday night. I would like to thank Calendar and Harne for more than adequately filling in the positions the last 2 weeks.

Edited by Kailand
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I want to come back to you guys. :dancing_smile: Im just a little depressed now. I don't know why our guild leader wants Scions to run the place EVERY Saturday -_- It would not be so bad if they had another tank who could possibly MT the thing besides Jalzin. (But everyone wanted to play DPS classes/specs -_-) Granted there are some folks working on tanks right now but that means for the next few months probably Im stuck because he doesn't want to bring in any strangers. Which I can understand.

Having to go back and start all over is a HUGE step backwards for me. And believe me its frustrating wiping on friken Attumen 6 times! Its a starting raid, I have to keep telling myself, and that gear that drops I dont need but at least someone probably will, and its easy badges once they can start to match the pace of you all. You all have managed to do the bosses we couldn't do before because I wasn't there, and it feels like it was me holding everything back?

And probably by the time I don't have to tank for Scions anymore you all will probably have moved on with your new tank to ZA. I don't want to worry about it but this kind of thing is so opportunistic in nature. If you find a new tank, I dont think I could rightfully just jump back in, as the other person would resent that.

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I keep hearing the need for a tank. I volunteer my services. I don't have a need for any drops, and I can easily one tank the instance to help others gear up. Just need a day and time frame, and maybe a game mail to help remind me.


*Sigh* Stupid signature generator. I'm prot, 4/5 T-4 and full Kara/Badge epics the rest of the way.

Edited by Dendar
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