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Event planning


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There is a group of us that would like to take some initiative to get the ball rolling on some guild events. To get this rolling there is a few ideas that I would like some input on.

What do people say to bringing Heroic Tuesdays back? I never tried it, it was before my time, but I think it was tried to restart, but I don't think it took off. the idea would be to force people that normally do not play together to do such. It would also be mixed together with gear, so all the teams that get started, have a chance of getting through said heroic. The whole thing would work by placing people in groups, likely by gear and class(spec) and then every tuesday teams get put together and then you are expected to do the best possible, to get through.

Also, please decide which day of the week, that would be the most fitting for running events. Again, in my eyes, if you are online you participate. We are a guild here, the structure and strenghtening of guildties should be foremost in our minds. If we can get a fairly good picture of when people would be mostly able to attend, then we will start something up, likely on a every 2 week basis.

Disclaimer: Yeah I know there are some raids running. Heroic tuesday could become Heroic Wednesday or Friday. That is what this post is for. I do however believe that the most important thing in guild like this (and particularly after a big change) is to bring people together.


If you post, then please add when heroic something should be, and what days would be best for you to do guild activities. By all means, Heroic Tuesday every 2nd week, guild events in the tuesdays in between is also an option.

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Considering how many are involved in the Tuesday/Thursday raid, I would suggest Weds or Friday.

Maybe just make it dependent on what the folks who show up on those nights need?

Ill try to come when I can. Weds and Friday nights are often my "catch up on peronal stuff/try to have a social life" nights.

Edited by Baracko
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I'd be glad to lend my healing hooves on Mondays or Wednesdays, Pine. Sounds like a good idea to me. There are so many of you I've yet to get to know.

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I am willing to participate whenever I am on. I personally am not a member of any weekly raid groups, so that is not an issue for me.

I believe that there should be an evening once a month that the guild gets together, regardless of raids. If you are online, you are required to attend. Now, that day can be determined with raids in mind...but if a new raid appears on guild day, tough crap. I like the ability to do what I want when I want, but we are a family here.

When it comes to family you may have something "better" or "more exciting" to do, but you hang with your family anyway. That is the way I feel at least.

I know that things are in a state of change, but now is when we need to come together and help each other. In not too long there will be yet another expansion, and we all witnessed the changes from the onset of BC expansion. If we do not come together now, will we ever again?

In my opinion there seems to be some small rifts growing between Raiders and RP'ers and PVP'ers. If we can come up with a way of getting the raiders to participate in the RP and the RP to participate in the PVP...etc, that would help.

I love coming on and seeing Muato spaming his battle cry for PVP over the guild chat. I think we need to get more premade BG groups going, but I am in that PVP group already. Maybe I will try to venture to participate in more RP, unfortunately my RL schedule is not conducive to the demands of weekly raiding.

I am available to help anyone, all you need to do is ask. Just dont ask me to heal :) unless you like to repair!


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It's a great idea. I tried to lead the previous heroic tuesday, but there was no interest what so ever... I think the biggest turnout I had was 3 people. That being said, I would encourage you to try again, as we have many new crushers, and some new badge rewards, so interest should be higher now.


I believe that there should be an evening once a month that the guild gets together, regardless of raids. If you are online, you are required to attend. Now, that day can be determined with raids in mind...but if a new raid appears on guild day, tough crap. I like the ability to do what I want when I want, but we are a family here.


Sounds like a good idea in principal, but it should be up to that individual whether they attend or not. Most of the raids that our members are running with at the moment are multi-guild affairs, and is it fair to those others in that raid if crushers are forced to not go and have the raid cancelled, or on the otherside if a crusher really wants to go to an instance or a raid with some other friends/guilds, do we force them to choose to gquit in order to go? I believe in guild activities and cohesion but making things mandatory makes many things feel like chores, and detracts from the fun of the game.

*shameless plug*

Also we already have a weekly get together sunday mornings (well, from about 8:30 am to about 1:30pm): our Twinky 20's. skill level doesn't matter, plus we are willing to pull you through lower level instances multiple times to get your character to level 29 and geared up. My suggestion for those interested is to level your character to about 24 or so, then choose the gear you want to use (http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/itemadvsearch.html?x helps) and we will help you get it. TS isn't required but is highly suggested (it's a fun time hearing baracko-aka smirky cursing). If you are worried about the cost of a twink, it's relatively cheap (I think I spent about 300 gold, most spend less). If you don't know which class you want to use, or just want to use the current OP class - hunters are kicking our butts alot, an enhancement shammy can be a powerhouse, and is a brutal flag carrier, shadow priests hurt, druids of all sorts are pains, or become a bubbledin. If you are interested create a character and level him a bit. when they approach that low to mid twenties level, let verissi (or one of his army of alts), baracko, myself, or scryll know and we can arrange some help.

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I agree, we need to have more guild events. Not necessarily just instance runs, but more RP-related actilities. There have been many new additions to the Clan recently and it would be nice to have more gatherings to get to know each other a little better other than just seeing the names pop up in guild chat. Also, it wouldn't hurt to inject a little RP into our RPG world every once in a while.


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Sounds like a good idea in principal, but it should be up to that individual whether they attend or not. Most of the raids that our members are running with at the moment are multi-guild affairs, and is it fair to those others in that raid if crushers are forced to not go and have the raid cancelled, or on the otherside if a crusher really wants to go to an instance or a raid with some other friends/guilds, do we force them to choose to gquit in order to go? I believe in guild activities and cohesion but making things mandatory makes many things feel like chores, and detracts from the fun of the game.

Im going to have to agree here. Heaven knows I biased, as raiding is really my main focus.

Think about it like this, though. It takes much time/effort to prepare for the raids, moreso for the leaders. While I understand the idea of events being mandatory in principle, remember that we all play for fun and not for a job. Some of us choose to spend our time raiding, and I dont think we should be penalized for that. Many of the "raiders" in our guild also have limited time to play too, so we make priorities in regards to what is fun to us.

I think the best thing you can do is set an event time, promote it heavily and see who shows up. Considering how many people are involved in the "Big Raid", I would suggest not doing it on Tuesday/Thursday. Beyond that, its a member's *choice* to show or not to show.

I don't think there is a "raiding" member of the guild who doesnt want to get to know everyone better. It really comes down to how much time they have to get to know each other outside of the RL responsibilities.

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I am all for the right to choose, don't get me wrong. I am an advocate for the "this game is meant to be fun" campaign. That said, we have had a grand influx of members and not any events or gatherings. I still don't think that if you take the time to figure out a schedule of the raids, that multiple members are in, you could find a single day each month to get the masses together.

I am not trying to cause any problems, I just am relaying my opinion. I love being a Crusher and have always felt like I could get any help I need, but I have the impression that not all people feel that they can get help or are accepted. I would hope that we can find those people and take the time to make them feel accepted.


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Great idea-I am especially up fer rp events!! My work schedule varies every week with nightly shifts, so I cannot pin down a night. I certainly would be willing to help if possible!

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You know how I feel about guild events as we have talked often about it. I would love to see more Crusher events. I have never been one for setting things up but would be more than willing to assist and would attend as my RL schedule allows.

Like Cris, I like the idea of required attendance at guild events if you are online. I mean most serious raids have a required attendance policy, why can't guild events?

But realistically the way this game is set up it wouldn't work. In Everquest most raids were guild only (at least when I played) and there was no real cap on the number of raid members. So you didn't have a bunch of different raids going on which made it easier to set up other events because you knew exactly what nights were guild raid nights, you also didn't have friends from other guilds involved in your raids...usually.

One of the things that makes this game great is that it is so casual player friendly. Just about anyone and everyone can take part in raids and the end game if they wish. The trade off for that, i feel, is it breaks down unity. The cap on number of raid members and ease of raiding means you end up with a bunch of raids scattered across various nights, within your guild. This makes it near impossible to organize anything else as a group. I can't blame raiders for wanting to raid, it's what they love. I blame Blizzard and shoddy game mechanics. :yahoo:

Anyway, let me know how I can help. Would love to see more RP events.

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I believe that there should be an evening once a month that the guild gets together, regardless of raids. If you are online, you are required to attend. Now, that day can be determined with raids in mind...but if a new raid appears on guild day, tough crap. I like the ability to do what I want when I want, but we are a family here.

I may be new to the Crusher guild tag, but through my many months (over a year now) of raiding with them, I have come to know many people from the guild, and it is those people that ultimately got me to switch from BotB to CS. Raiding *IS* a form of 'get together' in its own right.

I take a bit of offense to the fact that someone thinks that it should be 'required' at all. I have been on WoW almost since day one, and I have studiously avoided guilds that 'force' people to do things. We all pay to play the game, and its not only our time we put into the guild, but our hard-earned money as well. I will admit that, as a long time roleplayer, it is nice to see CS involved in Roleplay, and it's fun to play 'in character' a little bit... but I don't like the idea of being 'forced' into it.

Also, as Baracko pointed out, it is not fair to the other guilds that we team with to say "Hey, thanks for helping us in our raid, but we gotta RP tonight." and not make any progression or get any loot that night. It is a bit difficult to find quality raiders who know the fights, and I'd certainly hate to lose some of them because of lost time over 'RP night'.

If we truly are a 'family', as the quoted text claims, then we need to act like one. Families understand that we all have quirks, different drives and desires, and that even if we can't go to Grandma's house every sunday for brunch (or to RP night every month), we still do things together when we can, and band together when needed.

I think the most equitable solution is to try to find a time when the most of us can be there (Wednesdays and Sundays in the eveing are best for me), and to show up if we're willing and able. I for one would be quite willing to be at those events if I am able to be there.


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Like Cris, I like the idea of required attendance at guild events if you are online. I mean most serious raids have a required attendance policy, why can't guild events?

Required attendance for raids sucks, and many guilds who have used that policy have fallen apart (like NL). Even if they handed me an engraved, diamond-encrusted invitation made of gold, and they were killing things in the Sunwell, I would not join a raid guild that had attendance requirements. The requirements in raids guilds TEND to: a) create resentment when you lose your spot because of some family tragedy that you can't help and b) attract far too many tools who have no lives and live in mommy's basement. Keep in mind that the current Number 1 raid guild on our server (BotB) does NOT have any attendance requirements (heck, they don't even have guild meetings!), they have no trouble at all with consistency in their attendance, even when they are hitting something for the 128390th time and most of them have the loot they wanted. That was one of the things I loved about that guild, and why it was hard for me to leave to come here, even though I wasn't raiding with them.

While I think it's a bit extreme to apply to a once-per-month RP event to the high attendance requirements of some raid guilds, I do think that being able to have a choice, and being around people who WANT to be there with you is much more fun than having to be around grumpy-bears who are being FORCED to be there.


Edit: Sorry for the Double Post, but I didn't see Toldar's response until after the previous one was written.

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By no means did I intend to offend anyone. I do appreciate the diversity of the guild, and in no way am trying to ruin anyones fun. Maybe "mandatory" is a bit far, but it would be nice to see a large group of crushers together anywhere. I know some of you pretty well, am getting to know others, and have not met some of you at all. Please, by no means am I attacking anyone and am in no way do I want you to feel obligated to do anything you dont want to do.


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Perhaps required is a bit strong. I'm all for the right to choose what you want to do in game as well, that's how every guild i've been in for the last 9 years has been. Hell, i'm always off doing my own thing. It just frustrates me the way raiding in this game is set up, allowing for several raids to be running within a guild which makes it quite difficult to get other events going because inevitably whichever day/night you choose there will be some raid or raids going on. It's heaven if you love to raid, not so much if you don't.

and being around people who WANT to be there with you is much more fun than having to be around grumpy-bears who are being FORCED to be there
Good point Kadi. I would rather have 4-5 people that actually want to be there participating then 15-20 who would rather be doing something else.

I always enjoy seeing my brothers and sisters when we get together and wish it happened more often. I'm hoping that we can get the ball rolling with this and build it into something all will enjoy.

Edited by Toldar
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Pick a day and I'll be there. I'll bring whatever toon I have that will fit best whether or not that toon needs anything from the run. (excepting RL issues of course)


Now, Of Course the Crushers will never make something Mandatory. But that doesn't mean there aren't some expectations. This is a guild, and unless you joined just to have green text in your chat window I would hope that helping out others in the guild is something you believe in. I understand that raiding takes time, that prepping for them takes time. Any goal takes time to achieve. I have seen so many excuses for why people can't help each other, some are legit, and some get very old after awhile.

The Crushers, as a guild, has never made anything mandatory, for all the obvious reasons. But I am tired of seeing that used as an excuse not to do anything but your particular focus. Take a step back and ask yourself, can't I put X of till tomorrow to help my guild mates run one instance, complete a group quest, ect. If you can't, then why exactly are you in a guild? I'm not naming any names, if I did that would just be my particular judgment. All I'm ASKING is that you take a step back and really look at what your doing.

It seems like every few months we go through this. Why? What are we laking? What will it take to create an atmosphere where people don't have to ask 7 days straight before they can get a group to help them through an instance? Like I said above, sometimes the reason are legitimate, but not always.

So yea, Cristoba, I'll be there, Gordantell or whatever you need that I can provide. I usually am on by 9 pm. It will take away from my farming time, but eh, I always have morrograin to make.

Anyone else who already hasn't done so care to step up and make the same commitment?


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I think it is important to keep the core of the guild in first priority. We are a RP guild. Or that was at least what I entered. Raids and PvP done for lootzies has to be a second priority. Looking at the AD forum we are still listed as a medium RP rated guild. And I just do not see much of it. It have slowly been running out, and now there is not much left. And I think it is sad, because it does seem that Clan Skullcrusher is a guild with a good reputation, but it seems to me that it came from the RPing and not the raiding, which is mostly what we attract people to now it seems.

I do agree that it might be somewhat over the top to lay down a raid to create room for something else. However, raids have lifespans. And I do not agree that it is too much to whenever a raid dies out, then we take a day of the week that got freed up, and say that no raid or no activity that splits us can take place. This can be tuesdays, wednesdays whatever. But at the moment, there is no day where nothing is happening. And that is not healthy in my view. PvP can be done as a guild. We are rarely 40 level 70s on, which means that PvP we can do as a group. Heroics we can do as a group, or normal instancing aswell. Raiding is practically the only thing. That is unless we have 2 Kara runs at the same time, but yet there.. it would need to be the same 2 groups every week. It is not as easy splitting the groups up into the members, and mix max them around, like we could in heroic xxxday thing. And I think that would be good for the guild. And I do think it could be required to meet up to. The guild should come first. Otherwise there is really no reason to be in it, as friends can cross guildlines. We are more than a green chatbox, we should feel like family.

I would like to see some more officer replies though.

And I am sorry if this rubs some people the wrong way. Changes sometime does, but we are all adults. We'll get over it :yahoo:

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Pinecone, like we said, it's a great idea. I think what most of us derailed this thread on was making it mandatory. I think 'Mandatory' in the sense that if all you are doing is questing/dailies/battlegrounds then yes you should participate if you have time, but if you have alternate plans already made (raid/RP event/ arena) then you should be allowed to do them. As this guild is a mixture of RPrs, Raiders, and PvPrs with wildly different ingame schedules it will be hard, if not impossible to create a time that will allow everyone to attend. As this is an RP server, I would hope that most somewhat enjoy the RP aspect, and will at least put forward an effort to RP (even if it isn't using RPspeak, as long as it is not in 1337 speak). That being said Pinecone, just set a day and time and say 'Heroic Day is on XXXX at YY:ZZ' and people will show up if they are interested.

As for having stuff going everyday of the week, I disagree with you Pinecone, I think that is healthy and shows that we have lots of variety within the guild.

Another thing, this goes to all others who are looking for opportunities for Raids/Instance runs/Questing help/RP sessions, if you want to participate in something and an opportunity isn't available create your own opportunities (i.e. make your own raid/instance groups/questing groups/RP sessions) and advertise it. If you are unsure on how to procede, there are several of us that are willing to help you, but you have to start helping yourself first. Hey, if you want to start an RP session, you can do an impromptu session pretty much any time in shattrath, and there would probably be half a dozen that may join you. And if you are planning something, don't worry about overlapping with another event! Nothing says we can't have two 25 man raids or multiple 10 man raids, or an RP session going at the same time. Additionally, nothing says that you have to do it with only guildies. We have several other guilds that we currently do activities with (although at the moment it seems to be purely raiding/instancing), but I'm sure they would be willing to do other events too. The Wow forums are an Ideal medium for posting a big RP event.

Just a final note: Raiders need to do a significant amount of farming (about 1 hour for every hour in a raid is a good rule of thumb although that has improved dramatically with patch 2.4) in order to be able to afford to raid: we need to beable to pay for huge repair bills, and consummable cost. In my case I spend about 150 gold a night for farmed content, and 200-300 gold a night for kailand on progression content. Now that being said, I will still help people out with an instance run or do a guild event since my playing time is fairly high: I would just ask that for instance runs that you first ask people who might need the run, or need a quest done before asking me. I would rather nobody be left out because I went on normal instance run when that person would actually benefit more from it.

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Good points Kailand.

I think there is just a sense of frustration among some members who need help with something or want events other than Raids/PvP/Instances and to them it seems like the majority is always off raiding or involved in something else. I know that is not always the case, but I think that is the perception. I won't cast any stones because I'm as guilty of this as anyone. I am often doing my own thing and get so wrapped up in it that I neglect members in need or let their calls for help go unanswered.

I personally would like to see other types of guild events offered, and will do whatever I can to help and make them successful. I know others have tried setting stuff up in the past. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't. There have been some fantastic events since I have been a member. The Holiday party in '06 and last years Halloween party come to mind. I think the key is consistency and proper promotion of events. Don't give up if the first few events have a low turnout.

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I think there is just a sense of frustration among some members who need help with something or want events other than Raids/PvP/Instances and to them it seems like the majority is always off raiding or involved in something else. I know that is not always the case, but I think that is the perception. I won't cast any stones because I'm as guilty of this as anyone. I am often doing my own thing and get so wrapped up in it that I neglect members in need or let their calls for help go unanswered.

I personally would like to see other types of guild events offered, and will do whatever I can to help and make them successful. I know others have tried setting stuff up in the past. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't. There have been some fantastic events since I have been a member. The Holiday party in '06 and last years Halloween party come to mind. I think the key is consistency and proper promotion of events. Don't give up if the first few events have a low turnout.

Well spoken, Toldar. Many of us are spent on organizing things. If you want it, feel free to start it up. If its a important event to folks, they'll show up if they have the time.

think it is important to keep the core of the guild in first priority. We are a RP guild. Or that was at least what I entered. Raids and PvP done for lootzies has to be a second priority.

Piney, we are not solely an RP guild, nor is it our primary focus. The best way to describe Clan Skullcrusher: An online family who enjoys the each other's company in whatever their endeavours may be. Some focus on pvp, some raiding, some RP. The blessing and the curse is doing a little bit of everything and that schedules/necessity don't always match. Our "focus" is determined by what the majority of our members are interested in at the time. At this point and time, it just happens to be raiding. There have been times where we didnt raid AT ALL and pvp'd more or spent more time running random stuff.

(( This is directed at no one in particular )) If you want to do something, dont just stand there and pout. If there is not room in what is already going on, then make your own! If that isn't something you feel you can do, then feel free to ask for help in finding an activity. Personally,I know of tons of groups that are looking for folks. I cannot guarantee they'll take you, but Ill help you make contact.

It have slowly been running out, and now there is not much left. And I think it is sad, because it does seem that Clan Skullcrusher is a guild with a good reputation, but it seems to me that it came from the RPing and not the raiding, which is mostly what we attract people to now it seems.

That reputation has come from all facets. Take Takaas' post about Calandor in this same forum.

The guild should come first. Otherwise there is really no reason to be in it, as friends can cross guildlines.

Gone are the days where a guild can be an island unto itself. There are too many options for players to make this feasible. Each of us have different goals we wish to accomplish ingame, and some need the help of folks outside to achieve those goals. You can be loyal to your clan and still work with others.

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Since Pine asked for officer comments, I'll make some general remarks. Since plenty of others have spoken on at it length, it will suffice to say that I am also generally opposed to mandatory attendance rules. Moving on.

Dis Clan be uf many parts. Sum like ta clomp elbzies agh dorfs. Sum like ta seek out agh crush da meanest, most powerful creeturs dat dey can find. Sum just like ta spend time wit family. Nub uf deze be mur important dan de others!

I was hesitant about text-based roleplay when I first joined the Clan, my prior attempts to transfer RP tabletop gaming to the 'net had not seen good results. I've overcome that hesitance and revel in being in-character online these days, even if I have some troubles with maintaining distinct accents for specific characters, and I wish more people in the Clan would put an effort into that facet. I'd like us to be more of an RP clan than we are. That's just a personal preference though, not a policy position.

And I confess, I don't understand or see the point in what a lot of people seem to refer to when they say "RP," which are events. Events can be fun things for the guild and friends to do, to be sure. I enjoyed the Halloween party Smed put on, and I absolutely ADORED the black-tie New Years Ball Kytae held pre-BC. I had a marvelous time, despite bickering with Uglutz about the DJing, and I know a whole bunch of others did too. But for the life of me, I've never been able to understand how such things are "RP." I understand writing and acting out storylines, though it's not my cup of tea. I really groove on just being in character while playing and having improv discussions with who and what I encounter while in-game. I understood it when I had a fireside story-swapping session with the Clan's rogues back when we instituted clan leaders because the character and Warmonger Scryll wanted to get to know who his charges were and where they came from, it wasn't just me the player wanting to get to know other players in the Clan better. It wasn't just swapping our creative-fiction, it was in-character, it was full-blown roleplaying.

The battlegrounds, 5-mans, raids, those all tie into the world Blizzard has created which we roleplay in. At some level, they are also actually in-character and hence just a bit RPish. Most of the events I've seen, however worthy and fun they may be, lack even that small element of RP. When people want to do a fishing contest, a beauty pageant, foot races, these events may well be fun and I might participate if I've got time and it catches my interest. But when people say that they don't think there is enough RP in the guild, and their idea of how to introduce more is by holding events, I'm sorry but I can't see it. There's nothing RP about it for me, and I have no clue how other people might consider it roleplay.

edit: One last thing, to address a specific point raised by Pinecone. It is not true that there is no day when nothing is happening. At present there is nothing regular scheduled on either Wednesdays or Saturdays *I know that Jaern, for one, hopes to change that but at this instant, there is nothing regular either day* And on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays, while there are ten-man runs scheduled, none of them occupy more than 7 or 8 Crushers and there are usually at least another dozen online who aren't doing anything. Even on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there are usually a bunch of us who aren't already occupied. If you want to set up an event, run an instance or two, or just hang out, there are plenty of people available. I can tell you right now that insisting events only have meaning if everyone online is participating is counter-productive to regular community-building in large groups. It doesn't even really make sense, considering that *because we're spread over all walks of life, many adult ages, and 4+timezones* a majority of the accounts in the guild will always be offline at any particular time.

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So much has been said that I agree with. We are not solely or even formally an RP-heavy guild. What we have is what I like to term "RP flavour". We prefer guildchat to be RP, but as long as it remains what I call "lol-free", little is frowned upon. When it comes to RP events or really any activity (PvP, Arena, raiding, etc), it's our job as leadership to support those activites and playstyles...not necessarily be the sole instigators of such. I know that I have donated many prize items and devoted some farming hours towards making past RP events more rewarding and interesting, but I've never been an event organiser myself (had my fill of this as a dancer in SWG). I think you'll find similar sentiments from many in the guild, e.g. they're happy to attend and help with planning or supplying things, but have their own schedule confines and interests as well.

It's easy to look at the situation from an RP standpoint and say "RP should be mandatory", but I ask that you look at it from the other facets of the game as well and ask if the same should/would apply. Should we force people to PvP? Raid? The obvious answer is no, we should not and I feel that the same can be said about RP events. Ultimately, we need to understand and support all of our Clanmates' individual interests, even if they're not our own. This may seem bleak from an RP standpoint, but I think what you'll find is that if you go to the trouble of putting together and advertising an RP party or contest, quite a few more people than you would expect will *want* to attend and participate. Also, from past experience, I've found that regular (read: weekly) events tend to be lightly attended, but holiday or seasonal ones garner quite a bit of interest for many reasons.

On a side note, my personal preference RP-wise is usually spontaneous RP rather than "scheduled RP sessions". I often pop my picnic basket and pony keg outside of a town and sit down, greeting passers-by during off-hours. Some choose to stop and RP, others don't, but the variety of stories and levels of participation are fun for me since I never know what to expect and I don't have to put much thought into a theme in advance. There are many scheduled events that happen frequently, often put together by friends of the guild (such as Rajuul, Zebgora, etc) also. If you'd like to find out more about what's out there, I could help direct you to some people to chat with :yahoo:

Oh, one more thing. "Family" is frequently thrown around without any real clarification as to what people mean when they say it. My personal definition of family isn't the "we all sit down at the table every night"...but rather "we care about each other and try to be supportive of each other, even if we can't be there". I live 2,000 miles from my immediate family and am horrible about calling, but I still love them and they know I'm just that way. I like to think of the Clan in the same light - we try to see each other frequently and do what we can, but if some people have activities planned, we understand and enjoy the times we do have with each other when they come.

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I like your idea, but I don't think making it mandatory is a good idea. If you want to get the 'veterans' mixed up with the 'n00bs', and get some heroics going, there are other avenues to pursue. For instance, maybe we can create a sign-up sheet just like the raids, but have no limit on players. Then on the night the event is planned, randomly choose groups of 5 from the 'raid list' and assign them an instance. That way, you can know how many people to expect and you can still get some guildies mixing it up. Maybe even plan this as a one-time thing, and then see how it goes. My bet is that if you say it's one-time, you'll get more attendance, and then just take it from there if you want to make it a weekly / bi-weekly thing.

Speaking from experience, planning things can be frustrating, especially when so many people have their own agendas. Add to that, working around other event schedules and such, and it becomes a difficult proposition. And there is nothing more disheartening than having 2 or 3 people show up for your event. But...I find if you advertise in the right channels, you'll have people attending your event that you never would have thought interested, and you might be pleasantly surprised :yahoo: In the PvP groups I run, sometimes we have 3 people...sometimes we have 10 or more, it just really depends on planning, advertising, and a little bit of scheduling luck :p


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