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Friday Night Karazhan


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I would like to congratulate everyone on our record 3.5 hour clear of karazhan, and we even had 2 replacements (Yay jiris and Tainish, the loot whore pair... just kidding, grats on the upgrades) I'm sure we can speed it up even more next week, lets aim for a 3 hour clear (must chain pull FASTER).

For this run, we are looking for a healer (any class) or an offspec healer/dps (shadow priest, elemental shaman, boomkin druid, etc) for a more permanent role (a person that can show up regularly, and doesn't mind tossing out heals on certain encounters). We aren't worried about your current gear level, as you will probably soak up gear relatively quick. We start the run between 9:00 and 9:30 as stop when we kill every last boss in karazhan. We plan on eventually moving the run to the next level of content, whether it is ZA or picking up more for the intro 25 man content. The current roster (it varies somewhat between alts/etc) is:

Kargoch - Protection Warrior MT(Kailand's meatshield)

Ascoli - Protection Paladin OT

Cresalia - Rogue (Holyssa's sneakyone)

Kazragerg - Markman Hunter

Takaas - Survival Hunter

Jaryndis - Holy Paladin (Verissi's pocket paly)

Maube - Frost Mage

Greenspring - Restodruid (Scryll's healing wood)

Tainish - Warlock

Jiris - Priest (Super Healy Squishy of the *ris Sisters)

Alternates: Chayel/Gordantells Family of alts, any other crusher who happens to be on

Roster is now full.

*edited to make note of the complete roster*

Edited by Kailand
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We're trying to get our own run on Sunday/Monday down to a one-night clear as well, and it's a lot of fun having to chain-pull anything that blinks.

I swear, Medivh powdered the walls of Karazhan with crack before he died. I've done this place on not one, but three characters this week alone o_o;

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Yay for 3 hour 15 minute clear... It would have been 3 hours but we wiped once on prince (and the only wipe at that) grats to everyone, and thanks to our replacements Kierthan, Baracko, and Chayel.

We are now looking for 2 more people, one range DPS (Warlock prefered), and a healer/offhealer. Please sent me a pm on the forums, mail ingame, or reply in this thread if you are interested.

Edited by Kailand
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Yay! another clear. Just to let everyone know we now have a full roster, and after we have one more Karazhan clear with the full group (next friday - May 23rd) then we will start hitting up Zul'Aman in the following weeks. Our kill order to start will Bear, Eagle, Lynx, Dragon Hawk, Malacrass, then Zul'jin. Once I'm confident we can get two or more chests in the speed run, we will swap to the Eagle boss first followed by the bear boss.

To my raiders: start gathering consummables as they will be needed in there (flask/elixir) and finish enchanting/gemming your gear. To those of who wanting to tweak even more out of your class/spec you can get into contact with me or verissi and we can help or find someone who can help.

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  Kailand said:
Yay! another clear. Just to let everyone know we now have a full roster, and after we have one more Karazhan clear with the full group (next friday - May 23rd) then we will start hitting up Zul'Aman in the following weeks. Our kill order to start will Bear, Eagle, Lynx, Dragon Hawk, Malacrass, then Zul'jin. Once I'm confident we can get two or more chests in the speed run, we will swap to the Eagle boss first followed by the bear boss.

To my raiders: start gathering consummables as they will be needed in there (flask/elixir) and finish enchanting/gemming your gear. To those of who wanting to tweak even more out of your class/spec you can get into contact with me or verissi and we can help or find someone who can help.

Since Kailand is Survival spec, Im assuming you could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve as an SV Hunter? :D Something besides the usual "respec to BM" response I get from others. :bs:

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  Takaas said:
  Kailand said:
Yay! another clear. Just to let everyone know we now have a full roster, and after we have one more Karazhan clear with the full group (next friday - May 23rd) then we will start hitting up Zul'Aman in the following weeks. Our kill order to start will Bear, Eagle, Lynx, Dragon Hawk, Malacrass, then Zul'jin. Once I'm confident we can get two or more chests in the speed run, we will swap to the Eagle boss first followed by the bear boss.

To my raiders: start gathering consummables as they will be needed in there (flask/elixir) and finish enchanting/gemming your gear. To those of who wanting to tweak even more out of your class/spec you can get into contact with me or verissi and we can help or find someone who can help.

Since Kailand is Survival spec, Im assuming you could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve as an SV Hunter? :D Something besides the usual "respec to BM" response I get from others. :bs:

Survival really only shines in 25 man raids where there are 7+ physical DPSrs, otherwise BM brings more DPS. That being said, for a shot rotation, the basic 1:1.5 is best (auto-steady-arcane-auto-steady-auto-steady-multi-auto-steady). And the only sting you should be using is scorpid. Serpent sting isn't worth the mana. for spec, I prefer my 0/20/41, but http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...210322300530300

is said to bring a bit more DPS. Also Get that badge crossbow. It is the BEST ranged weapon in the game until sunwell unless you are a troll/dwarf SV/MM hunter, than the T6 instance bows/guns slightly edge it out. Also since we are small group, try to maximise personal DPS, as EW won't really make up the difference. otherwise go BM and go auto-steady-auto-steady shot rotation, and use kelani's spec - it;s the highest single target spec in the game. Hope this helps.

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BM does bring quite a bit of damage...I'm still shocked at how much I'm doing after the respec and some retooling of my rotation. 1:1 steady/auto macros are definitely the way to go for BM and pop KC every time it's up (mine is part of my macro, but it does lock up sometimes, so use your judgement on whether or not to macro it).

As Kailand said, though, survival really doesn't shine unless the group composition is right for it AND it's incredibly gear-dependent (most of the good stuff you don't really see until T5-6 content). Ultimately, it's more of a raid-buff-spec that brings some damage. My take: if you enjoy survival, stick with it and do as much testing with Dr. Boom as possible to work out latency/kinks in shot rotation (or even to weigh gearing options)....and don't expect to top BM hunters in most groups. If you decide to stick with BM, though, FI is wonderful and you'll find the haste from my spec really boosts personal dps with the right ranged weapons, with the trade-off of not giving the EW debuff loving to the melee :p

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  Takaas said:
HERE is my amory profile. Any changes in gear or gems I should make for BM spec?

Gemming for BM is pretty much the same as gemming for survival. Your gems look ok, although my preference is to with +4 hit/+4 agi for yellow sockets: hit is the best DPS stat until you are hitcapped (9% to hit), although with the S3 axe you should be close to hit cap, so going with crit, or +4crit/+8 ap gems is good. Of coarse try to get your enchants up: +6 stats to chest, +12 agi to cloak, assault to bracers (+24 ap), +12 agi to boots, Nethercobrahide kit to your legs, +15 agi to gloves, +35 agi to weapon, and +28 crit scope (+12 dmg, doesn't apply to steady shot, although if you are close to getting the badge x-bow wait until you get that before putting that scope on a ranged weapon). I believe waldonnis and maube can do most of those except for the glove and weapon enchants. the +26 AP to gloves is a good fill in enchant though. The best way to get enhcnating mats is ofcourse to save all the green stuff you get from dailies, and I'm sure Waldy/Maube won't mind DE'ing them to get you your mats.

Finally http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000

is the facemelting spec... the addition of animal handler increases your pet damage (4% hit is huge) and FI procs. and improved Hawk cuts down on dead time in your rotation. Going a full 20 in MM will increase your damage more than going 5/5 frenzy, and with 4/5 frenzy it should be up most of the time anyways. while extra armor/dodge/health is good for soloing, the extra damage and efficiency gained through the other talents in the posted build make up for it.

As I said previously, the shot rotation for BM is basically Steady shot spam, but the pet management makes it challenging. You will need to time your mend pets, and sending your pet in/out more carefully. with the improved res pet it's practical to revive your pet in combat.


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Of coarse try to get your enchants up: +6 stats to chest, +12 agi to cloak, assault to bracers (+24 ap), +12 agi to boots, Nethercobrahide kit to your legs, +15 agi to gloves, +35 agi to weapon, and +28 crit scope

Hey Takaas! Just a little heads up. My leatherworker, Zebgor is now able to craft both Nethercleft Kit and Nethercobra Kit. So if you wanted one just let me know and I can start gathering mats. :)

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I can also make both (Kelani can make one, Hoofie can make the other), so feel free to ply me for some crafting whenever :)

The Friday Karazhan group has now seen the last of Medivh's Tower, and it's on to Zul'aman next Friday eve! Great job on the final run, with clear time of just under three hours :dancing_smile: Wish we had seen some better stuffs drop, but at least we all got some badges and the few upgrades that we did see went to people who could really use them (especially the hammer for Jiris!). I'm also quite happy to have gotten the last of the new badge gear that I wanted for Jaryndis with that final run (chest, ring, and pants are now mine) :yub:

For those who have never stepped into Zul'aman, do some reading about the bosses and trash mobs in there if you can before the run. I'm confident that we'll be able to start getting a timed chest or two within a few runs and there's some fantastic stuff in there for all classes and specs :)

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