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A sad but still a good day


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I have been talking with Humar my lion these last few days about his future.

He said he have been seeing a lioness in the Barrens and have been wanting my approval to go and raise a family.

I have told him over and over that he was not ready but last night.. was the night.. when I was ready..

It was not him that was not ready.. it was me.. I was not ready to let one of my most pride companions leave to make a family if his own.

I took in Humar when he was a small cub and raised him to be a big cuddly cat when it comes to family but a strong and dangerous lion in the face of combat.

I know a lot of you will miss his scratchy behavior during our get together but as he have told me countless times .. "Feed me you cheap tard".. **Laughs** I have been trying to have him loose some weight for his new lioness as lately he have been kinda... pudgy.. and well.. I just wanted to have him give a good show when he is gonna go to her.

When I took him to our last Crossroads fight with the Alliance he was on fire.. he was taking down every gnome before I even knew they were there.. I guess he wanted to get some presents for his new mate.

The most funny thing I recall from that fight was when he was running after a Gnome Warrior.. **Laughs** that gnome was running so fast as his little legs could take him but even that was not enough.. Im still amazed that they can run that fast **Laughs again**.

The time came yesterday that I finally got to meet his chosen mate.. She was even more beautiful then how he had described her.

I felt like I was loosing my child but I knew I had to let him go.

For a bond between a Hunter and their companions are sacred. When that bond is released or lost, the mind of the beast is once again wild. They will tho remember their skills to survive and hunt but will rarely remember who their master was.

I told his new mate this and she accepted that he might change during the time of release but she was also confident their feelings would not change.. She was correct.. When I released him.. he went straight for her. When he saw me.. he told me to remove myself or I would be sorry. I took his warning and moved away from his new territory and his new family.

It saddened me that he didnt remember me but It might be for the greater good.

I left him a good luck present under their tree.. a pack filled with gnome fingers.. He loved to nibble on those when he was bored.

I hope that he will have a good family and a good life.

Ursius was not happy to see him leave.. She was crying all the way through the Barrens and Humar was so nice to her.. he did as most cats do when they are trying to comfort others or themselves.. He was purring while Ursius was holding him in her arms.

Have anyone ever seen a lion and a bear cuddle? Its weird but kind of cute in a way..

**Waves goodbye to Humar one last time**

When I was just about to get on the road towards the Crossroads, Humar came running after me. At first I was worried that he was about to attack me.. but he jumped on me and knocked me down and stood on top of me and told me that I shouldn't worry..

He then gave me one last hug and lick on my nose before running back in the the wild of the Barrens..

He is indeed Humar the Pridelord.

Edited by Perthes
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Ever since I released Humar I have had a feeling like i am being drawn to the Blade edge mountain... Im not sure what this is all about.. but.. Last time I felt this was when another beast was crying for help.

I must investigate.

Thank you Nawt, I will keep the silk close.. not only for me but fur my bear.. hehe Ursius is the biggest cry baby in my life right now.. She cries when she misses lunch these days. At any rate.. I need to figure out why i am being drawn to the dangerous wild of the mountain of Outland.

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