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We're being invaded?


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I'm not sure if you guys noticed, but there's been a flood of VERY NSFW stuff in the sub-sections above us, some of which probably contains very nasty surprises. Are measures being taken to snuff out these spambots before they plague the other areas of the forums?

Just remember to watch what you click folks. With the expansion/patch weeks away, maggots of all kinds will be attempting to steal your info. And I highly suggest you keep checking the page which sells Blizzard Authenticators. They've been re-stocked a LOT more frequently than when they first appeared.

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I'm not sure if you guys noticed, but there's been a flood of VERY NSFW stuff in the sub-sections above us, some of which probably contains very nasty surprises. Are measures being taken to snuff out these spambots before they plague the other areas of the forums?

Just remember to watch what you click folks. With the expansion/patch weeks away, maggots of all kinds will be attempting to steal your info. And I highly suggest you keep checking the page which sells Blizzard Authenticators. They've been re-stocked a LOT more frequently than when they first appeared.

Holy, Im not seeing the posts you're referring to. If you could point me in the right direction, Ill make sure they get blocked.

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Sadly, this crap is in areas of the boards that only moderators have power over. That being said, I can't do anything.

I called Vrugz today, and he's going to try to get rid of it ASAP. Sometimes crap gets through... I just hate to see it be so bad.

Hopefully, we'll get it resolved shortly! Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Holy! This is definitely not what T.H.E. wants on their website.

- Bar

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I think I got them all cleaned out. If I missed some, please provide the links.

I banned both accounts and ip's....not that it matters...i'm sure they have a way of getting around it.

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I think I got them all cleaned out. If I missed some, please provide the links.

I banned both accounts and ip's....not that it matters...i'm sure they have a way of getting around it.

god damnit stop banning my accounts! I thought this was an open minded guild!

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They got around it. I just deleted several pages worth of "replies" in one of the beta threads and locked a thread temporarily since more were being added faster than I could delete them.

Edited by Waldonnis
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They got around it. I just deleted several pages worth of "replies" in one of the beta threads and locked a thread temporarily since more were being added faster than I could delete them.

*spots a poorly geared dwarf hunter charging towards him*

No...keep away! No...GAH!

*gets hit with an arrow covered in gibberish and moon-speak scribbles*


*walks around in a trance*

So beautiful!

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  • Deleted topics/posts.
  • Banned the bot accounts.
  • Disabled email registration approval.
  • Registration now requires email approval and admin approval.

Recently Captcha was cracked across many different sites (including google's gmail and microsoft). There was a patch released today for these forums to combat this issue. I'll apply that next week (may require a change to the forum template).

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If anyone has tried to register in the past week or so, please have them try again. I had about 300+ registrations and 99.9% of them were bots. I likely deleted a few legitimate registrations.

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