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Happy Birthday, Kailand


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**Looks around the tent for a gift for Kai**

Damnit.. i gave my gift to Holy when he got his promotion.. hmm

**Wraps up an empty wine bottle**

Here Kai.. Happy Birthday.. Hope it brings you as much Joy as it has given me.

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In before "GIT OFF MAH LAWN!" /caneshake.

GIT OFF MAH LAWN, ya young whippersnappers! /lightsabershake

Kailand, I was going to send you an ice cream cake for your birthday, but they told me it'd melt before it got to Canada. I tried to explain that it was still COLD up there, but they wouldn't listen, so I just took a picture of it before I ate it myself! nom nom nom nom


I guess you'll have to settle for the shipment of scrunchies I'm sending instead. I'm sure you'll make good use of them!

Happy Birthday, Kailand! Hope you have a great day! :rolleyes:

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