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Hello Crushers


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So an email alert for a PM hit me, turns out it was spam. But it made me log in to the Honor Empire site. Funny how that works. Since I'm here, I wanted to stop in and say hello to my friends I left behind 2 years ago when the likes of the Sons of Draenor and Ghostfang Brotherhood left Argent Dawn for the Sisters of Elune server.

When we moved the Sons, we merged in with the Ghostfang Brotherhood. Things are well, we're thriving. Much has changed, and yet much stays the same. I hope the same can be said of the Crushers here. Take care everyone.

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I'm still around in somewhat limited forms!

Good to hear you and the rest of the gang on SoE are doing good - my Druid is still floating around over there (Zuato)...otherwise I play alliance on this server with a RL friend of mine.

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Well, hello anyway. Perhaps there are fewer of the old guard than I thought.

Ug der Grimgor. It's more that the forums are fairly quiet these days. Most don't pop in every day anymore.

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* bites you*

I remember MC... :laugh:


So long as you're laughing WITH me, and not AT me. :D

Yeah, those were painful (but somehow fun and memorable) days, the ACMC run. Bludbeerd retired his rogue and created a Paladin tank (Sindridae) back in the opening days of Burning Crusade, and we have been leading raids ever since. Well -- I'm done with raid leading, but he's fantastic and we're all much better at raiding than we used to be. We learned a lot, as people and WoW players, in the days since ACMC. Moving servers and changing some things can do that.

Scryll and Oriah! Good to see you fellas. And I guess ZuHu too.

Edited by Grimgor
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* bites you*

I remember MC... :laugh:


So long as you're laughing WITH me, and not AT me. :D

Yeah, those were painful (but somehow fun and memorable) days, the ACMC run. Bludbeerd retired his rogue and created a Paladin tank (Sindridae) back in the opening days of Burning Crusade, and we have been leading raids ever since. Well -- I'm done with raid leading, but he's fantastic and we're all much better at raiding than we used to be. We learned a lot, as people and WoW players, in the days since ACMC. Moving servers and changing some things can do that.

Scryll and Oriah! Good to see you fellas. And I guess ZuHu too.

Heya Grimgor! Glad to hear you and the folks in Sons and Ghostfang are thriving in your endevors. As for me, Ive taken an indefinite hiatus from WoW, and am playing Age of Conan. I am having alot of fun over there with raiding and RP, but sometimes I still think back to raiding on WoW with the Crushers and my own guild, and remember many fond and humorous memories. I think its both the good times and bad times that can make raiding memorable, but the good times are more fun to remember of course! Just thought I'd pop in too to let the folks here know I have not fallen off the plant or anything:)

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Der be no feelin' bad der. Mez wuz spokens to frum duh spammur too and mez hab been lurkinz and waitin fur me time to spring out like dat oriah!

(dont feel bad, since that spam bot joined with 5 accounts i've been trolling the forum waiting to make my own move! :( )

(perhaps the spam wasnt a bad thing after all, some of us were awoken from our slumbers!)

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