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Cata Semi-Serious 10 Man Raid


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With cataclysm around the bend, I'd thought I'd put out feelers for gathering people for a semi-serious 10 man raid. it wouldn't start until mid february or so to give people a chance to enjoy the holidays and leveling. I'm aiming for the meta achievement for each tier of raiding. I'd like to have 2 tanks, with one being willing to swap between tank and DPS as appropriate, 3 healers with at least one being willing to go DPS when needed, and 4 other DPS (I'm one of the DPS - hunter of course). I'd like a good balance of raid buffs/debuffs, as well as armor class too. I'm thinking tuesday and thursday nights, probably 8-11pm



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You know mw and E would be down either as DPS or healy bud


If you are thinking about healing on Teph, I'd like to remove my name from the raid. Trying to compensate for Kadi was hard enough, but add you to the mix and it just won't work. My shoulders aren't that broad to carry your ass.

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I'm very interested in raiding this season...please consider me for your raid.

I'll have 3 tanks 2 heals and a DPS.

Edited by Elrikk
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Although I took a bit of a breather after we downed LK (I was feeling a little burnt out). I'd be more than happy to start raiding again (as a participant, I'm not interested in leading).

I'm very much interested in pursuing the raid achievements and would be more than happy to fill in as a healer, DPS or both.

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Kailand, you can definitely count me in. I had fun with your 10-man last expansion, and you know that I love to get those achievements!

I still plan to be a pally healer for Cataclysm as my main character/spec, so sign me up for one of the healer jobs. I've had time to find all of my buttons by now, I swear!


PS: I would be willing to switch to DPS as needed, as Ret of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for the late response but I am always up for a good raid. If you ever need a fill in look me up. I am usually on my mage now a days. His name is Micklaa.

See you around,


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  • 2 weeks later...
If you need a shadow priest, I'd be really happy to join the raid. Thursdays and especially tuesdays are good raiding nights for me.

- Shelah

Thanks for the offer, but I've already chose my raiding crew (see the sticky) but if you haven't found a raid and I need a replacement I will consider you.

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