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Kailand's 10 Man


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Great night guys, 4/8, with 2 one shots on new content. Ascoli, elrikk, and myself did two of the new five mans last night and they don't seem to difficult, and since they drop 378 gear, use them to fill in some gear holes where you still have less than ilvl 378 gear.

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Ok, to maximise our dps for ultraxion, people need to tweak their rotation/reforging/spec/glyphs. We aren't too far off, so every little bit helps.

I've already tweaked my spec and stuff yesterday (I had to move a couple points around to maximise single target damage).

Now not to pick on anyone in particular, but I'll be covering all the dps.

Orcala, you can tweak your spec and glyphs a bit... from what I've read, you should really pick up blood in the water, and the glyph of bloodletting instead of savage roar. (see http://elitistjerks.com/f73/t127445-feral_cat_cataclysm_4_3_dragon_soul/#Talents_and_Glyphs). as for reforgining, it looks like as long as you are hit capped, it doesn't matter how you reforge, i.e. its personal preference (you are just shy of the hit cap - 11 off, not major, and should make much of a dps gain if you reforge for it). Orcala, use the LW bracer enchant!!! and pick up the 50 hit through reforging - for example reforge widows kiss haste to hit would get you much closer to the hit cap than where you are now, and you'ld gain a ton of agi. you still have an ilvl 359 trinket - I'm pretty sure you won the majordomo trinket... hopefully you didn't vendor it, but if you did there is an equivalent from the new instances (the time reset dragon drops it if I remember correctly).

Sarduakkar - Spec and glyphs look good (looks like the cookie cutter uses collosal smash instead of swweping strikes for glyphs, but since we have feary fire, Its no big deal). Your reforging looks good. The only negative would be that you can use one more jewelcrafter exclusive gem.

Skywatcher - Enchant your gloves, you spec looks to be one of the three accepted variations for maximising dps (the other use 2/2 improved serpent sting instead of careful aim, or going full points in pathing). As for glyphs, they highly recommend using glyph of kill command instead of serpent sting. As for pet spec, the recommend going 2/2 wild hunt and 1/2 in bloodthirsty. (info from http://elitistjerks.com/f74/t110880-cataclysm_beast_mastery_4_3_a/) As for reforging, it looks like its hit > crit > master > haste, unless haste will put you close to one of the sweet spots (i.e. fitting in another cobra shot) which looks like is your case, in anycase mastery seems to be fairly close to haste regardless of the scenario.

Draegloth - Spec looks good, glyphs look good, reforging looks good. Looks like you still have an ilvl 359 trinket - not sure if the trinkets in the new instances or if the firelands vendor trinket is an upgrade for you.

Look into your deficiencies, or at least the easily correctable ones by raid time tonight.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, its with a sad heart to say that I'm just going to cancel the raid. I would've loved for us to get deathwing down in 10 man before the raid was cancelled, but we are unable to get all 10 of us together by the end of the month (and by the end of some peoples subscription), and instead of trying to flag a dead horse any further, I've decided to put it out of its misery. As you know the past 3-4 months people have wanned away from the game to the point were there is very few online at anygiven time, which makes finding replacements extremely difficult. I've had fun with everyone, and we had pretty good progression. I wish everyone the best, whether its swinging lightsabers, or kung fu pandas battling with pokemon.

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Hate to say I told ya so, but....

Yeah, people abandoning the 10 man and Origin's original screw up on my account have me thinking no SWTOR for me. I always figured if you gave a commitment to something, you stuck with it, such as getting Deathwing down.

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Thank you for the groovy time folks. I have had a blast. I really appreciate the friendship and fun over the years. Once SWOR gets a mac client, i will give it a go and see ya on the dark side. I tried running it on my laptop and my machine began to smoke and whine. No dice for now.

If anyone is interested in the Lil' Tarecgosa dragon pet, i have 3 FL runs left. I will need help with a Rags kill to complete the staff quest and snag the pet. I will try to see if there is interest in a tues or thurs run to knock it out.

Cheers and See ya round the playground,


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I always figured if you gave a commitment to something, you stuck with it, such as getting Deathwing down.

I don't think that's the most accurate description. I for one definitely wanted to go on, but then again, it was easy for me to say given the status of my subscription. Am I disappointed that we aren't "Winning the Game" by killing Deathwing? Yes, I am... but I'm not going to hold it against those who choose not to keep two subscriptions active when they are only going to use one... either because they cannot afford it, or simply see it as not getting enough value for their money.

I hope to see everyone around, be it on TOR or Warcraft, or wherever. I have been in a few guilds in my WoW career, but it is here that I consider to be my little 'online family' so to speak.

If ya ever need help with anything, let me know. Drop me a message here, or on Teamspeak. I'm on Teamspeak nearly every night these days.

Take care and hope to see ya all soon... wherever that may be.


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