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Kailand's Retro Runs


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I'm going to start an achievement oriented retrorun. We will run Monday nights, 8:00pm until about 11:00pm, starting on March 14th. Since we will be going for the guild achievements as well as individual achievements, I'm going to limit people to mainly guildies... although if the numbers allow us, I will take non-guildies. I know there are some people that are in raid at that time, but its the only free time on my schedule, so that's when I'm running it :p. For the legendaries... Ascoli is pretty close to shadowmourne, Kadi is half way to the ulduar healing legendary, and we still need the legendary bow from sunwell, and the glaives from black temple. As for the instances we hit up first... depends on howmany sign up.


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All I need is Sunwell for Outland Raider, but I'd love to help out with all the others. Just don't forget the minimum requirement for Guild Achievements:

Guild achievements are a combination of general, pvp and raid achievements earned through efforts of the guild as a whole. You will typically need 80% of a dungeon (4/5) or raid (8/10, 20/25) to be from the same guild in order to gain credit for events, with the exception of 100% for arena teams (2/2, 3/3, 5/5) and 40-man raids (10/40)

TLDR: We'll need 10 folks for AQ40/MC/BWL, and at least 8 to get credit for all the BC/Wrath content in 10-man mode. Shouldn't be too hard to fulfill though.

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Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! At least until I tame Chromaggus!

I dunno that I could do every Monday though. I've got a friend who likes to log on on Mondays and slowly level our Worgen together. Still, that could probably move to another night.

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Please, if you are interested, please signup in game, there is an event on the calendar. If you aren't sure you can make it, you can always click tentative.

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Please, if you are interested, please signup in game, there is an event on the calendar. If you aren't sure you can make it, you can always click tentative.

Great night everyone, we got the classic raids out of the way (MC/BWL/AQ40/AQ20) as well as ZA... next week, Burning Crusade raids. Thanks for letting skywatcher and myself tame a bunch of pets: Skywatcher got chromaggus, I got the Blue Bug (Princess Yauj) and the funky wasp (Princess Huhuran)

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  • 1 month later...

We've managed to get Elrikk both warglaives! Rawr! We are now on Wrath of the lich king content, and it looks like we still need a few more people to get the guild achievements (need 8/10 for the 10 man mode... currently have 6 signing up and attending). And we still need to get a legendary bow, as well as shadowmourne and Val'nyr. Next week is easter, so we are not running, but the following week we are. I've posted the event on the guild calendar. again, its mondays at 8:15 pm server time. We may shift it to wednesdays 8:15 server time if it means we get consistently more people.


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