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Crafting Question


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So I've been pouring through some crafting info...trying to determine what I want to be my two professions. One thing I still do not understand is the cost of switching your crafting profession. So if I start as a Tailor and a Jewelcrafter, and later want to do weaponsmith...what is the cost? I realize you don't lose patterns...and can switch back but am completely lost to the cost.

Is it worth using your main to do most of your crafting (say 4 or more professions and just switch back?) or is it back to rolling alts to getting additional crafting professions?

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I've heard the cost is little, higher as you get more skill, but not much of a bother (except at lower levels perhaps when you have less coin).

Some are sending all their mats to the bank and having an alt have ALL of the crafting skills. I think having the main have all crafting skills would be best, but this way you could log your alt at the crafting stations and never have to move them. I'll choose one of those options as the game progresses. I'll spend some $$$, maybe $50 for gems to convert into bank tabs, extra storage, etc., and turn some into silver right off the bat to help get gathering tools and my first 10 silver book.

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I had read the same with the cost. Just like switching builds in WoW, the more you switch professions the higher the cost.

The way crafting is going though, I'm afraid for me it's going to be more of an untouched addition. I had planned to do as Balandar says, make a crafting alt and park them at the starting city crafting stations and just feed them mats / money via my main(s), but after 3 betas I don't really see how crafting is even viable. Granted, I never got past lvl 30, and my highest crafting schematic was a 20-something rare chestpiece, but everything I got from drops / karma vendors trumped anything I could craft.

I've more or less given up on crafting in MMOs. They all seem to be a pointless grind up to end-game, where 1 or 2 useful items / perks per profession seem to be worthwhile. Vanguard, to this day, stands as the best crafting experience, but nobody seems to want to touch that depth again.

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