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Guild dying?


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Every time I log on i'm either by myself or online with one or two other people. Is there anyone out there able to step it up? If not please promote me so I can invite people at least since i've been loyal to the guild for years....

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Orcala, the guild leader, Verissi, is online almost every night. Look for him the next time you sign in. Who were you wanting to invite?

I'm around off and on myself, but I'll talk to V when I see him next.

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I talked to Verissi, Orcala, and we'd like to continue to recruit new members the old-fashioned way. We may be small these days, but we'd like to stay picky. If there's someone you'd like to join us, let me know and I'll try to talk to them.

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Thanks for looking into it! I'm probably just going to retire from the game soon anyway.

It seems that WoW has ran its course for most of us. We're all kind of floating around looking for the next game to jump into. SWTOR wasn't it...GW2 isn't it.... Perhaps one of the upcoming ones like Camelot Unchained or Shroud of the Avatar?

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It seems that WoW has ran its course for most of us. We're all kind of floating around looking for the next game to jump into. SWTOR wasn't it...GW2 isn't it.... Perhaps one of the upcoming ones like Camelot Unchained or Shroud of the Avatar?

Yeah it was fun while it lasted, only stuck around for you guys and others in the guild or would of left probably a year or two earlier. Thank god Holy and I decided not to pick up GW2 after the SWTOR let down!

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It's sad being the one of two or even the only guild member logged in. I really do miss folks. I'd had such high hopes for a guild group raid this expansion too.

Ditto for GW2. I only see a few people on anymore from THE.

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Ditto for GW2. I only see a few people on anymore from THE.

At least my elemental shammy may be able to get into a WW/NL raid group soon as part of their dps rotation. Seems like my old pattern continues: level the tank, run heroics, and end up raiding on dps. Been that way since TBC. :(

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Ditto for GW2. I only see a few people on anymore from THE.

At least my elemental shammy may be able to get into a WW/NL raid group soon as part of their dps rotation. Seems like my old pattern continues: level the tank, run heroics, and end up raiding on dps. Been that way since TBC. :(

Found some old WinterGrasp PVP videos with you on TS Boven, they were hilarious!

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Found some old WinterGrasp PVP videos with you on TS Boven, they were hilarious!

Gonna share them? :D

WIll try and put em up on YouTube this week! Just got done with PAX... Blizzard's announcements this year were so lame!

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.. waiting on titan myself.. or whatever their next push is gonna be.. after being burnt bad on that POS ToR, kinda reduced to free to play games that keep my interest a few weeks =) Only thing thats lasted really long has been ' World Of Tanks '.. an GW2.. because it really takes very little effort, an you can jump in / out easily.. I almost came back this expansion.. but its just too much of the same ole horse.. New skins, new instances.. but at the core.. the same ole dance over an over again.. just gonna have to hold out till the next huge thing i guess >.<

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I only stayed around for the people too, Orcala, but it's just not interesting when the game is nothing more than another set of endless dailies. I'm letting my subscription expire and moving on to all the interesting things there are to do with life! I'll miss you all, but just can't stay in something where to game itself is more of a chore than fun.

*hugs to you all*

Momma Moo

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I only stayed around for the people too, Orcala, but it's just not interesting when the game is nothing more than another set of endless dailies. I'm letting my subscription expire and moving on to all the interesting things there are to do with life! I'll miss you all, but just can't stay in something where to game itself is more of a chore than fun.

*hugs to you all*

Momma Moo

Aww. I know I'll really miss you, Kalea. :(

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Like Katak, I have really been burnt on all the games that I've spent money on and tried out, Age of Conan, Star Trek online (yes I did purchase it), Lords of the Ring, War Hammer (never opened the original box), Eve, Guild Wars and Guild Wars II, Star Wars the Old Republic. All of these have something to keep my interest but not for long. I started with the T.H.E. during the Star Wars Galaxies game. That may have been a great game, but was mishandled and left to die. I know what World of Warcraft was doing and I soon found out when we all hit the first expac together. That hurt, it was very painful for everyone. Then as we continued into the next 2 expac's I started to become a recluse. This last expac is just more of the same with a new coat of paint. This group has always been an awesome source of fun and friendship. I suspect that it will not change.

To answer the question, is the guild dying. No, but the game sure is. There are a few that are still playing, one in particular that is still on quite a bit. There is just no one interested enough to lead a raid or keep groups going. But who couldn't see the signs of that? Kung Fu Panderia - - Just screams, stick a fork in me I'm done.

Take it easy with those of you who are exiting the game and for the rest, I hope to see you online at some point :D

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Actually, no. The game is doing quite well. There's a good bit of activity even in non-CRZ areas. The guild, however, is not. We've lost a lot of people. Some due to life events, some to other games, and of course WoW just lost it's lustre for some folks.

It's sad seeing the guild now and thinking back to how well we were doing back in WotLK and even in Cata. It's rather a shame since MoP, while it has its flaws, is still rather a good expansion. I wouldn't rank it up there with WotLK, but it's certainly better than TBC and far better than Cata was.

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Thank you for that reply, it's refreshing to see people have good thoughts about the game. I guess with me it has to be all the fail pugs I've tried. I would like to explore the instances, but the reality for me has been dismal at best unless I get so lucky and find a group of Crushers or other friends doing instances.

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While the games come and go....the guild (website) or guilds we all built together and the bonds of friendships we made will keep going and as intended this place (website) will always be a hub for all past members of all the games....to gather chat...checkup on....and even launch into the new games together.

It is incredible and a ton of fun at launches....even the TS chatter when servers crash....god help me but I really love hanging/chatting/adventuring and whatever with all members during launches and gametime.

The Guilds will exist forever as long as we keep thier goofy fun, memories fresh and in our hearts n minds....regardless of where the real world stears us. I for one now at this moment surely can relate as I am no longer with Staples and am looking to start my own business (franchise) here in Ithaca hopefuly in a few months. Regardless....I am poppin in and out of WOW, Facebook, GW2, Forge of Empires (free web game) and yup...as martok has....even UO!!!!

Gonna look up some old friends and dev team members at EA for UO and see if there are any needs for some content writing....I have a wicked nice VIKING / WENDLE Invasion project they may indeed enjoy. (Given Viking stuff is hot nowdays ie history channel show)

Stay in touch EVERYONE....and never forget your family....errr....your gamer family is always here. The Honor Empire and all its versions of guilds.

PS.....Martok....lets go Fishin (huntin pirates in UO) Have no idea about this sea battle system...but then we always wanted it....might as well go sink a few ships ehhehe.

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