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Adventures of Borg and Aleis (ArcheAge)


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The warm sun rises over the mountains that surround Hasla….it is a time of peace and across the territory the fires of war are replaced with clashes of chores and quests requested by residents upon the adventuring visitors from all lands.

Borg stretches and pushes away the lean-too that he made to conceal himself while he slept overnight here in Hasla. He has spent a few days here working with the locals in exchange for better weapons and armors.

Additionally, helping his old friend and Cleric Aleis strengthen his healing and buffing abilities as the pair work their way across zones. Now as the two work their way through Hasla one would think these two will never reach the end of profession training…as much as they argue which direction they should go next.

Borg is camped just below a mountain peak stronghold and it is soon he hears his friend approaching….well more like falling.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”; screams Aleis

THRASHING CRACK followed by a FOOOM……Aleis hits the ground in a blast of a soft dirt cloud.

Forgot to open your glider again?”; comments Borg as he adjusts his gear and picks up his shield.

Aleis rolls around the dirt and in a full belly laugh agrees, dusts himself off and stands up.

MORNING!!! Ready to go huntin? Well, lets go…..have no idea why that dumb glider didn’t work.” Aleis says undaunted by his recent fall.

Aleis summons his mighty black steed and bounds out of the brush area and into the nearby farmland. The pair begin a posted chore and a leftover chore from the night before….one of MANY Aleis has yet to complete across the many zones of the world they have travelled together.

Overachieve…overachieve….lets get 12 more”; sings Aleis the Cleric as he dances around the farmyards of Northern Hasla.

As Abolisher Borg steps on a giant bee and pulls his sword from its belly….

“I hear you…..you know you can get more chores done and get your gear faster” Borg states but is cut off.

Meh….faster smaster….its a wonderful day….everyday is wonderful…..overachieve at once….now go slay that bug….go on…shoooo”; Aleis sings as he bounds around his horse that knows Aleis is crazy.

Aleis summons me and then wanders around while beasties bite at me and all he does is dance n sing…sometimes he even forgets I am here and he grumbles he cant find his horse and flys away on a kite while I have to chase after him thru monsters and marshes…..crazy man…..CRAZY!!! ; Aleis’s horse thinks to himself.

Shaking his head and smiling beneath his visor, Borg knows his friend is a good soul and has a solid mastery of the ways of a Cleric. The two continue their work thru the chores requested by the locals and signposts around. As Borg has been here before the pair work the new relationships that Aleis is making with the locals….if he can remember where they all live.

Area by area the pair work thru chores and soon Aleis has a new suit of armor and now onto a chore with a promise of a new weapon of choice. Borg looks upon the sky and the sun is nearly at high noon….the early morning peace shall soon be over and their presence here unwelcomed by all natives. Undaunted the pair move to finish up and set back to the homeland for tending of their small farms and afternoon meals.

Bamboo trees….I need Bamboo trees….this guy wants a few cut for him”; Aleis mentions aloud.

Alright….I know the grove he wishes them from….I did this yesterday for him.” Answers Borg.

ACK….my missions log is full…I cannot have another chore till my logbook has an opening.”; gripes Aleis.

Fix it….you know my stance on chores….you argue with me all the time about it…this is your mess now…fix it. I will go to the grove and wait for you there….have your raven (radar) keep an eye on my location.” Responds Borg as he rides out.

Fumbling thru Aleis makes room for the new chore then notices also he has an unopened reward in his satchel.

“OH CRAP….no more room in this satchel….and it’s the largest one that exists!! Glad Borg wasn’t here to see this”; Aleis begins to sort thru his backpack tossing 1 turkey breast, 2 garlic cloves, 1 twig of nutmeg and an egg onto the ground.

As Aleis unwraps the reward he shakes his head at its power.

Well that must have been in there for a while…..its worse than everything I have….time to crunch it.”; Aleis thinks to himself and glad again Borg didn’t see this.

Now where did he go….”; Aleis thinks as he rides out toward where he thinks Borg went instead of where the Raven that he is ignoring… is trying to lead him.

*20 minutes pass along with multiple messages thru magic portal of teamspeak3*

Stand still…..I will come get you.” Borg says calmly under a veil of sadness.

Weeeeeee lots of upset farmers chasing me”; Aleis adds to the magic portal.

Head DUE EAST….I am on the road you are on…just keep heading EAST”; Borg commands.

Rojer dodger….yikes….giant centipeeds….”; Aleis is heard as the Ravens notice he is now running in circles off the road.

Borg reaches the field and sees Aleis out running nearly a dozen angry bugs and farmers.

OVER HERE….COME TO THE ROAD!!!” Borg yells across the field.

What road….”; responds Aleis under stress.

The brown path of dirt that you keep running OFF of and into more trouble….STAY ON THE ROAD”; replies now a laughing Borg.

Oh…there you are….I see you….hellooooooooooooo”; answers Aleis as if there is nothing going on.

As the the two meet up they head out of the area and onto the grove of Bamboo that is literally over the small hill nearby.

Aleis begins to cut down trees as Borg adjusts himself in his saddle while looking through his own list of chores he notices that the sun now is beyond noon….the sky now has begun to gather storm clouds in their familiar shade of red. The zone is now at unrest.

Hey Borg…what is that on the horizon?”; asks Aleis as he continues to cut down bamboo.

Borg swivels around to see a dust cloud rolling across the small hill…unsheathing his sword he pulls his shield off his back.

Its no storm….its a ZERG”; Borg bellows as he leaps and unhorses one enemy before the pair both are consumed by the rolling tide of the enemy.


The pair wake up under the calm presence of a Nui princess statue.

Aleis is already standing up looking out over the knoll they are on and turns to see Borg standing up and adjusting his armor.

That was fun….I got my bamboo…..hey we can still overachieve on those deer down there….whoot”; Aleis comments and then winks at Borg with a crooked smile.

Yup…we sure can Aleis….why not….its a wonderful day afterall right!?!”; responds Borg as he finishes addressing his gear.

Always my friend…..ALWAYS!!!”; Aleis responds as he leaps off the knoll and fails to open his glider again.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”; Aleis is heard yelling as he falls.

Borg looks to the West and can see the Zerg also has heard Aleis….they turn and now head toward his cleric friend healing himself below and trying to find his horse…..which is standing behind him already.

Borg takes a deep breath and glides down……

Wonderful”; Borg is heard saying.

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