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We need a new poll


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Eldoran (and other leaders)

We need a new poll on the website - We need to require people to post by having a 2 week long Guildmotd up.

Let have the members tell us what THEY see SLoT Becomeing.

Here is my idea for the poll.

To begin with I will define several terms:

Uber Guild – A guild that can draw upon its members alone and raid anywhere with a reasonable amount of success or better.

Power Guild – A Tier Guild, but not yet Uber. Very near the top of the Tiers.  Pretty Self-Reliant.

Tier Guild – A Guild that is moving up the Tiers to become an Uber or Power Guild. Highly dedicated to raiding and consistent grouping within the guild.

H/L – High Level

Okay, put up a Poll with these options:

What kind of Guild do you want SLoT to become, where you are willing and ready to get to and maintain this level:

1) Grouping for Fun, Friendships and XP mainly.  Epics and H/L drops are nice but not as important as the fun and friendships

2) Grouping for fun, friendships, XP and some Epic and H/L drops.  Becoming a Dedicated H/L Raid Guild is not that Important.

3) Grouping for fun, XP, Epic & H/L drops, But I don’t want SLoT to become primarily a H/L Raiding guild.

4) Grouping for fun, XP, Epics and H/L drops, with emphasis on H/L Raiding.  Tiers and Uberness is not highly desired.

5) Grouping for fun, XP, Epics and H/L raiding.  Most of the week is spent on raids for items, some Uberness is desired. Being a low level Tier Guild is OK.

6) A Tier Guild, consistent Raids, always ready to help others, ready to rotate Camping spawns (scheduled times) day by day until MOB spawns or Drop is obtained. Power Guild is OK.

7) Uber Tier Guild. Want SLoT to become one of the most Uber of all Guilds on Innoruuk Server.

We need to have officers consistently remind people about taking this poll.  That the results of this poll will determine what leadership will do with the guild and what we will become.

After 2 weeks, we look at results versus number of responses, then decide what WE see for this guild, then announce it and make up the rules govering what we expect of members from now on.

Let me know what you all think.

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Another great idea Rumblebore.

I have a couple of questions tho.  How does the poll work?  When someone submits their poll, do only the numbers change or is there an accounting of who has voted also?  Don't want to know who voted how, but who has taken the poll.  

Also, can we use this poll (and many other Guild activities) to include the use of the Guild Roster in such a way that if they are not on the Guild Roster, they cannot vote?  Do only Mains get to vote or all characters within guild?

Can you also educate us newbies as to how to set up a poll or news or ?       Can all officers do this or only selected individuals.  I would rather give the information to someone else to do, after Eldy's permission of course.  I think some of the other officers will feel the same way and I believe we will get more input from them if after suggesting something we know that somebody else will put it into the proper format for use.

Regards, Tara and Zann

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Ok answers, but first .......

The poll is already up at:


There is a poll results button that ONLY shows numbers , not whom has voted.  Unfortunately, we cannot track who has voted (I think).  But at least this will get some of our people to give us input.  

And next - Please use the above address when In game to encourage and 'motivate' others about voting - make a button you hit in guild before you log or when you log in.  Spam the guild every so often with the need to vote.  Also, be aware.  There IS a time limit on this Poll.  After January 1, no more votes will be allowed.  They MUST vote this month.

Now answers:

Only MAINS should vote - One vote per registered member of SLoT.

Polls and News are setup and reported by only a few who have been given that Authority and access into the Website.  I now have news and poll and other access, Eldoran has it, and so does the Master Web Site Administrator, since SLoT is part of a greater Entity - The Honor Empire, a multi-game grouping.

So, I think enough of your questions have been answered or maybe clarified.  

My email is dsojournerb@hotmail.com of you need to send me news and stuff.  No new polls until January though.  

If you see anything happen to people in the Guild (someone gains a lvel 7 Prayer Shawl, Jaqs gets buried in Kael drops (like last night), etc, which is 'special' enough to post, then send a message to me.  Be aware - It may take a day or 2 for the info to make it onto our website, but it wil appear.

Now I am off to Inny.com to report Qque and Aubringer to the Server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of the time of this writing, the stas seem to be this:

Out of 35 entries:

12 - Uber Guild (34.3%)

7 - Tier Guild Plus (20%)

9 - Lower Level tier Guild (25.7%)

6 - Tiers and Uberness not highly desired (17.1%)

Just adding these numbers and extrapolating this as reflecting most of the guild, then 80% of the guild wants to be a Tier Guild.

Reality says many of the '80%' extrapolation are not ready for the tiers yet.

So if this trend continues, then we can easily start implementing more disciplined rules and guidelines designed to hone us into a great force in Norrath.  Many will leave and several will be removed.  But the cream should rise up.

Whatever Happens, I recommend we get to the planning of what rules we want and guidelines to implement asap.  So we can start winnowing out those who are not ready to come along and participate in our growth.

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To reply to McMichael,

There has always been a problem with getting people to ALSO register on the web site as well as play EQ.  They will gladly log in to play EQ but will refuse to waste any precious playing time here on the board.

Same with the poll.

That will be unfortunate for them - because this is one poll that really mattered, where their opinion was really desired.

*sigh*  Oh, well.

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WOW Rummy

You have come along way from the little pally i met in Qeynos that first night.

You haave so many good ideas keep them coming you very good for SLoT :sword:  :sword:

Ill have to take the poll i just jumped right to forums me bad


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one more note

on voter turn out we just went thru the holidays so alot of peeps had alot on their plate ....im hope that was the case.

Also as officers maybe  we can in guild chat remind peeps to go take the poll,...by maybe saying ok everyone thats not in a group needs to take the time to go to the boards ....or somthing like that.  Just an Idea

:eye:  :eye:

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