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The Seal of Hope


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*The wind blew hard and cold within the dark cave, south west of Yew, a figure clothed in warm glowing blue light enters, another, cloaked only in shadow awaits his arrival.*

"Amin am here friend... speak plainly so vys are not known to those who may listen. " Strider spoke to the man in shadow.

"I shall old friend... and I must speak quickly.. My work has finally given results. I found the tomes you seek.. your fears were correct. The power of evil is growing... The Guardians hand is in everything. You were correct... there is only one choice. Only Nature will hold back the first wave. You must begin your castings."

Strider sighed. He knew this time would come.. he thanked and bowed to the stranger in shadows, and was gone, running through the halls of his hidden space, gathering reagents, and scrolls. A quick journey to the Abyss brought him before the Titans of the Elements.

"Great Titans!," strider spoke in a foreign tongue, that flowed like water, burned like fire, was firm as earth and soothed like air, "Your aid I request! Your power I claim, for my workings! As a traveler of the Glowing Rift, as the Last Strider, I claim what was promised! My full gifts must now be given, for the realm I serve needs it now! Evil has unbalance even NATURE! This must be held back! I CALL UPON EACH OF YOU TO AID! SEND FORTH THE GUARDIANS OF NATURE! EARTH AND WATER SHALL BIND MY SPELL, AS WAS PROMISED!"

With a crash of thunder Strider brought his hands together, and the Titans lifted forth their mighty hands showering him in varying waves of energy. The Titan of Earth stepped forth, with the Titan of Water and they offered Elementals of their kind.

With a flash of light, Strider and the guardians were within Olympus, and so it began, the casting of the Seal of Hope, to protect the home of Honor from coming darkness.

*Strider cast the circles of power, brought forth the creatures, spoke the enchantments and began the casting of the Seal*

Great energies erupted from Strider hands, flowing between himself and the creatures.

His very life energy filled the room, and that of the creatures joined it in perfect union.

As the energy grew, and glowed, it filled Strider, connected to the Earth Elemental, then the Water Elemental, and forming a triangle with the three, shot forward to the Anhk.

Blazing with blue flame, the Anhk shot energy forth into the sky casting a shimmer of light into the horizon, then down upon Olympus for all to see for miles.

As the blaze calmed, Olympus gained a shining blue tint, and the Anhk absorbed the creatures themselves, filling Olympus with power.

And so with the final glow of light, the energy of the guardians filled the halls of Olympus and a Pact with Nature herself brought forth the Seal of Hope. That which would bind Olympus to the powers of Nature and guard all who called it home. Those who did so would be given great strength in resisting the ways of evil and imbalance.

ANd so Strider did fade himself... gone...

But not for good...

For his time had in many ways... just begun.

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