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The Great Race


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I tried finding the thread about the proposed race, but couldnt find it. I beleive Strider proposed it? Anyhow, are we still going to work on doing this? I just think it would be an absolute blast and a fantastic promotion for the Empire. Besides, we need to get more Catskills-wide events going anyway :D

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I still want it to happen! :D And now with Malas out it seems Felluca is even more dangerous. SO! Here is info.

The Great Race:

Date: TBA

Etrance Fee: 100 Gold(added to prizes)

Prize: Need Donations for Prizes, plus gold from entrance fee.

Event: The Great race will begin at The Felluca Honor Shrine. The first check point will be the Ranger Guild House(npc building) outside Skara Brae. Second Checkpoint will be Druids Grove, west of Yew (I will provide map soon, showing that spot)

Third checkpoint will be Justice Shrine.

Fourth: Compassion Shrine.

Fifth, Gate to Bucs Den outside of Vesper.

Sixth: Bridge from Brit territory to Trinsic Territory.

Seventh: Ruined NPC House south of Trinsic.

And then back to Honor Shrine.

Each participant will be given pgoh purple thigh boots that must be visible for checkpoint guards to view.

Checkpoint guards will be partied with me and others at Honor to announce the arrival of runners.

Obstacles will be placed near each check point, such as PK's (if you know some looking for fun, who can be trusted, let me know) And tamers will release drakes and other monsters. (Need heran cohort to help with this if possible)

I would like the Shadowrider and Ranger cohorts to provide checkpoint guards if they can.

Rules: Each runner must report into checkpoints. First to return to Honor shrine and to run entire race without having used ANY magical support, of ANY kind (that includes companion powers, because I will be in Haven at Companion tele spot watching) and NO SHIPS, wins.

Mounts are allowed, however, your connection speed will be asked if we have a large majority of dial-up users, those with faster will be restricted to either normal horses, on foot, or slower mounts.

If you use mount you must bring your own.

Armor, etc..: Restricted to Ringmail and Chain at the very most, no ore better than shadow. Weapons: any. Magic: No travel of any kind.

Bandages and potions: Limited to 50 bandages. If GM healer, 40. Potions are limited to 20 heal and 20 cure.

No items allowed that will aid in your finishing the race, in otherwords that give you a greater advantage. No travel items means dont use bracelets of binding etc.. you MUST check into all check points.

If at any time you decide to drop out of race, send me an ICQ 9066880.

I will need help from as many cohorts and members of the Empire as possible. We can try this as an ACC only race the first time and then if it goes well expand it to Catskills as a whole.

All volunteers post here AND Icq me, as I dont always see boards or ICQ right away, so I will see one or the other.

Donations of pets and other obstacles, let me know. Questions, advice etc.. feel free to ICQ me and post here.

Strider, Ancient Sage, Sage Cohort.

Governor of Nicomedia.

Ancient Elder of The City of Wind, Templar of Balance.

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Well thought out...you seem to have every angle covered there brother....I cant wait to see this happen...7 days notice please.

Also if you need any help getting it promoted, i have friends who are mods at Stratics, we can get it on the calander asap.


Edited by Lord Logan
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A note on checkpoints: Those waiting at check points will be asked to be ghosts so as to prevent griefers and such from disrupting the flow.

I would like for this to take place Sunday March 16 after the Guild Meeting. Best time for me is anytime after 8 PM EST.

I need volunteers for each checkpoint. Atleast one for each checkpoint, so that means 8 volunteers. :0

Logan: Once I get checkpoint volunteers I will ask you to contact your friends at Stratics.

Colin Mor: If you could possibly aid in the advertising of this event that would be most helpful. :blink:

Other Volunteers: I need red/pk players to be an obstacles near a few checkpoints. Contact me via ICQ for those who can help. I dont mean griefers just you folk who are good at PvP and dont mind possibly taking a count or two.

(I know we have some awsome PvPers amongst not just the Praetorians but the guild as a whole, and you arent required to kill, just scare the pants off them, and slow them down.) :0:blink:

Heran Cohort: I need as many tamers as you can send me to gather drakes to be released near other checkpoints aswell, and other various difficult monsters that can be tamed and released.

Entrance Fee is still 100 gold, but I NEED donations for prizes, even if it is items and not gold, but whatever you think is best for prizes, TELL ME. I will have a small book, made so it cant be written over that is titled: I Survived The Great Race, March 2003. For 1st through 4th place. But would like a good prize for the 1st and 2nd place runners.


After the race I will hold an awards ceremony :lostit::sleeping::D for the winners in a remote location within the Province of Nicomedia and will need mages to supply gates. Contact me to get the rune to that location.

Many thanks:

Ancient Sage of the Sage Cohort, Strider; Governor of Nicomedia.

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