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The new "cash cow"....

Matrim Cauthon

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I have heard that nothing drops very good money since AoS hit. Only thing I have personally seen not 'cash-nerfed' are MIB's and treasure chest, although those take longer to do. Its just plain a LOT harder to make money now :(

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Mummies drop 200 each and usually a magic item, you can get good stuff off em and they are easy for a warrior with a decent silver wep and a full knowledge of battle tactics.

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As Balandar remarked the other day on the phone.......

LUCK now is a major factor in loot finds.

The highest factor of LUCK in your party becomes everyones Luck factor when looting dead killed by party.

Gold is part of loot......so this would hold that it would be influenced.

What would be interesting to try is to see if making a megaluckybustard and having him in party.......but then not taking him into a hell place (so as not to worry about losing lucky items boosters)........still gains party the LUCK factor.

ie Gold Armor gives nice boost to luck but isnt the best for battle gear.

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I would like to do some Treasure Maps........to see what influence LUCK has with those also.

Its been FAR too long since we did runs of Treasure maps.

Treasure Hunt Digs

THDs...........used to be weekly event.

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Everything I have been able to find about luck so far says that it performs the 'luck-check' when the corpse is opened. However, i have also read of test performed where a person with 0 luck gets better items than someone with 420. Its possible it isnt working properly as yet.

On treasure chests... Treasure Chests and MIB's are completely unaffected by luck. This has been verified by the Dev team.

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Borg lest ye forget so quickly........

TCDs.....not THDs.......*remembers the Legate TCD, WCastorious*

Aye, TCDs were an amazingly fun activity. We would average 1 an hour, sometimes taking five chests in the event. Tons of loot, tons of items, tons of gems.

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Obelix has been hunting mummys in deciet and was getting decent items when she had 0 luck. When I put some items on her and got her up to 80ish she got less items. She did get in the neigborhood of 25 more gold a kill. I then took her luck down below 10 and she started getting more items. I saw no increase in the strength of the items either way.

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I would like to do some Treasure Maps........to see what influence LUCK has with those also.

Luck plays no role in the items within the chest itself but will influence the items the spawn carries. When doing level 3, 4 and especially 5 I would suspect having high luck would be very beneficial. Same applies to MiBs chests as well.

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Lich Lords are doing well also. Dropping between 250-315 gp per kill and a real nice item here and there as well. I soloed them in Ilsh with ease until Ballyn arrived. Then it was just cake, save the 2 lag deaths we had :D

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Mummies are one of the all time best monsters for warriors to kill. They drop good money, good items, and 10 bandages apiece. Warriors can get any supplies they need from them. out of curiosity, has anyone tried killing Juka lately? Juggernauts, Efreets, Meer Mages, or betrayers? Plague beasts? Ancient wyrms and liches? Khaldun puzzle chests? Tentacles of harrowers at Khaldun? I am going to go after the Khaldun ones myself and if you have or are going after others post your discoveries of loot here

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Meer Eternals drop really good stuff for anyone who doesnt mind the karma loss and has enough sense to use hit and run tactics.

I got mage armor off almost every one I killed while looking for that last necro scroll I needed (including several pieces of plate).

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Juka mages blast repeatedly like mad and chased me off I'm sad to say. Juka Lord doesnt run out of arrows anymore and it takes an eternity to kill one, but the loot is still ousy, save the slayer bows. Liches are dropping 200-240 gp or so per kill and so-so items, making them decent for cash as well.

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