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*Cheblis recently joined our allies and sponsorees into the ACC in a venture do debuff a vendor scam in Malas. The vendor in question was putting in the description of jewelry things like '+11 Animal Taming' and making it appear that the item had that property when in fact it didn't. Some of the items were merely tinkered with no such properties.

While most of us are diligent in our purchases it is easy to be caught off guard with these small items that are in such plenty now.

We spent a half hour paging the GMs with little response at first, however, after about 30 of us, including members of GOL, RVT, A^E and myself from PGoH, we finally got a GM to come and they shut the vendor down. So they will listen if enough people make a stink.

The vendor was in Malas - 24 57 N 24 23 E

If anyone find any other scams that need handled, please let me know and I can amass a task force to quickly deal with the issue. We are going to dedicate ourselves to ridding the lands of these scammers and frauds.

I am also working on the idea of a PK response unit. Any volunteers to help me plan and organize it would be welcomed and appreciated.

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I give you credit for the patience to stick with it long enough to get a GM to do something. Not an easy task these days.

I do believe there was a "PK" unit idea brought up last year. I want to say OCT/NOV time frame. At that point the idea was a dedicated team that would rid the champspawns of reds so that guild memembers could work the spawn to benefit the empire. My mind is a little rusty on it but I believe the Emperor used his veto power to strike the motion down. Anybody else remember this?

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Winter, you are correct on that point. I chaired that meeting and the motion to form a seperate "red hunter" squad was put down.

In fact, there is already a division of the empire that would be responcible for this mission.

The Praetorians.

But your mission in a somewhat different form would not be in vain Shaun, if perhaps focused on a different aspect.

Time and again I have seen the "evil" forces of the realm attack us and our alliance. Small numbers of them have been able to raise havoc on our forces.

What I have seen for example would be as follows.

A small group of "evil" forces would attack a member or two. Confusion would be the result as most involved would avoid battle to avoid turning "grey". After the initial targets were slayed the "evil" forces would pick new targets. Rinse and repeat.

In the meantime some would come forward to defend their guildmates and in the confusion we have had many conflicts between allied guilds as unfortunetly at times targets were misidentified (Ever happen to you Lora, BB i.e being misidentified?:D).

In the end, a small group of aggresors would pick off our larger "allied group". This happened for two reasons.

1) The fear of going "grey". If all unified early the "aggresors" would have easily been crushed. Nothing says loving like 10 "Corp pors" on a "red".

2) Confusion and lack of unity - When it comes to the heat of battle, ultimetly one sticks to their guild not the alliance meaning that the aggresors fight 3-4 small groups instead of a unified force.

There has been talk of ways to orgainize more effiecently and to work out these issues but I have not seen much progress. Perhaps this would be something you could pursue Shaun?

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These issues are of great importance as well. I have been going to more and more champ spawns of late and there has been a certain red that arrived at the last two and dispatched of a party member. The biggest issue lately with champs has been finding people willing to go, that aren't caught up in some Malas adventure or somesuch, or just aren't tired of champs and reds. I have been attending with groups of 4-7, not enough numbers to set groups dedicated to doing anything but killing spawn and staying alive :D

The focus of the group I had in mind was more for our 'helpless' members or those of us that have some other business in Felluca that brings us there usually alone. The biggest thing being the gathering of supplies. The reason that I came up with the idea is because of a mining trip I went on to Minoc Fel:

When my miner got there there were some people gathered around the forge with ghost pets. When I asked, they said that reds were harrassing them and killing them if they went in the mines. So I brought Cheblis there and his dragon quickly dispatched of them. But if I had not been there, they would have had to either search their lists for someone available and willing to help them (and I know how many times I have been in Fel and my list of over 100 people was empty) or give up mining in Fel. One of the miners that I saved was from GOL, one of our biggest allies.

So I thought, why not have a volunteer group with a single or scheduled contact (contact q# between x:00 and y:00) that would be both willing and available to respond to these threats.

It might also be useful to set up more scheduled excursions for supply gathering, with guards to escort the parties. It isn't so bad mining in Tram, but gathering wood, and leather can be serious expenditures of time there.

These are just my thoughts. It would be nice if we could have the name of PGoH be notorious for the protection of those otherwise unable to provide it for themselves.

Edited by Shaun
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That seems to be the thing with PKs. Surprise is their ally. A lone red can charge into group of blues, get a kill or two, and some decent loot. People are shocked by their appearance and lack of catuion.

As steel said, a small group can easily pick apart a larger one. Partly due to surprise, fear of going grey, and general lack of team work.

I love the way somebody expalined it to me one day "Red=Dead"

Still a good idea you have there.

The problems I see are: "I needed help at x:15, and it took too long for the response team to get there."

As long as people understand that the Response Team is volunteers who will do their best to get there on time and assist it will be ok. But if they are expected all the time everytime, then we have a problem.

That would be the hardest part, making sure people understand that "Yes there is a team. No we cannot promise they will be available the exact moment you need them."

The other issue. "I am on the road between Skara and Brit!" Hmm, not too helpfull. The PK's love to hit hard and fast. By the time the response team got there, they may only be able to rez. Too late for anything else.

Now your situation at the mining area is a different story. That would be more realistic for the team to provide a solution too. Just expect the reds to come back.

Last Red story before I get some sleep. A friend loved fel, is where he lived since he started playing long before trammel was found. Whenever he was attacked by a red and won. He did a simple thing. He made sure there were plenty of bandies and ingots on the body when they came back. Of course the bandies were any clothes they had, the ingots any metal they had (yes even vanq weaps, saw that one time). Along with a recall scroll incase they needed it. He only took what gold and regeants they had as payment for his bandie/ingot providing service.

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If we formed a volunteer unit such as this, we could speed up response time with a rune library. We would have runes to each and every 'grid' located thru the world meaning once recalling/gating in, the travel time would be mere moments. Put it in a public building, perhaps in Novitus Sanctum, so any of the allies could use it for a speedy response as well. Since we can travel cross-facet now, this would actually be viable :)

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Such a unit exists. Rules have been explained and people just cant seem to follow them (speaking of the anti-pk unit). As I said in another post I would expound further but I'd prefer to not start smashing things as I describe the ineptitude people show at following basic orders and following a chain of command. (ok so my blood pressure started to go up there....good thing Im not going to go into further detail.)

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Well, perhaps I was a little limited in my labeling of the group. It wouldn't have to deal with only PK. It could also deal with : 'I meant to recall home and ended up face to face with the Pheonix...can I get a rez?' My bloodpressure has been well up, more times than I can say this week alone, as I had to use the help function to escape and attempt to reclaim my own things when dying alone. I must have sent 100 Qs for help (seems everytime I turned around I was recalled someplace I didn't want to be) that never seemed to be responded to, most likely because, like I do myself, people forgot to set an away status for their ICQ.

Also, this unit isn't for guarding people at champ spawns, however needed that is, which is what I understood the other group to be about. If you would be so kind, BB, please do us the favor of filling us in with a link to the details of this 'anti-pk' group, or if there isn't already a post detailing it, fill us in here so that we can educate ourselves.

A problem I am seeing is lack of cohesion in our masses. What was that turnout at the meeting last night? 1/40 of our membership? How can a message possibley be usefull with such a turnout? I understand that things get in the way of meetings sometimes, and RL takes precedence but I was wondering what New Guild's meeting I had just stumbled into... *blushes for being late*

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