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Sons of Ardan


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Greetings friends! I am Gor-Goth the Slayer...and although only half of my lineage is that of Man, I feel it ever calling in my bones. I am of Half-Giant decent, but the half which seems to dominate is the one that is man. I am contemplating beginning a guild called the Sons of Ardan. If you are trully looking to create a nation then I am quite interested in joining the cause. At this time it would be foolish of me to start the guild and buy the charter however I am currently recruiting as I adventure throughout the realms before us.

I am curious as to what you would require of those subbing to you? Level, # of members etc...As I stil have ot purchase the charter and such, I am still getting a feel for my character and am not sure which to go with. However if you are looking to build a structured nation with your sub guilds making sense in the RP aspect of the game then perhaps you should look for a Legion charter to join, a church charter etc.... wouldnt be a bad idea. Or are you looking for various Noble houses of Ardan? there are many roads a guild building a Kingdom can take...and I am curious as to which one you are heading down. Anyway any info at all would be great...if you are curious about me at all, I currently have my pseudo website up (course there are no members yet) LOL but here is the link...


Sons of Ardan

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In regards to your post on my boards,

I would prefer to have the guild charter in hand and used to trully begin recruiting.

The Sons of Ardan was derived prior to knowing the Decendants of Ardan existed. I believe our two concepts are very much the same, which is one of the reasons I am so interested in working with your group. However to be honest I miss being in charge of a guild and therefore would like to start and run my own.

I think I will take more time to decide on a role of the guild to more so match your concept as a sub guild from both a game perspective and an RP perspective. Something like a Noble House of Ardan with a Family name or perhaps a Military Legion for the Kingdom, or even perhaps the Holy Church of Ardan. I am very interested in the relationship between the patron guild and the sub.

Let me hear what you would like to see happen.

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I apologize for not posting on your board already.........been a long exciting game week and at the same time a draining work week.

Now is VACATION TIME.......and the perfect time to address an important feature of Shadowbane you are speaking about.

Subguilds, Subsects and Subjects.

Descendants of Ardan currently is a Sub guild of the larger Nation of Mountain Giant Alliance.

Within the DoA are characters of all professions and all races currently.

Brotherhood of Bob (Scouts,thieves,assassin only) is a separate guild currently but pleged to DoA as a Sub guild in principal (not SB System subguild)

BoB guild was born from the mind of a DoA member (Augg) as a means to create a specialized guild for the overall good of the many principal. The SB system is build and its fiction lends itself to this activity.

In time I am positive there will become more specialized guilds that will then in turn subguild to larger guilds for the Roleplaying and Nation building aspect of Shadowbane which has attracted many a soul to its new lands.

So to return to what I started this thread with......this is a great time to talk about the future.....one that is best worked toward and not jumped to immediately. The SB System is wrought with challenges ESPECIALLY ECONOMICALLY that is at the core of all the gaming activity.

Cities take ENORMOUS amounts of gold CONSTANTLY coming in to maintain the city which either a Nation revolves or a guild roleplays around. There are 2 key factors of maintaining that gold taxation......citizen donations and city economics........BOTH require membership to participate constantly. Donations for upgrades and construction while the city economics should provide the maintenance. We have all seen where construction can exceed funding support....this is demoralizing and disturbing to citizens and members.

In conversations on the phone with Savrem, Balandar as well as chats with Wolf....one of the biggest challenges in every area of SB right now is not the battles against the enemy or other guilds against us or the MGA........it is keeping a focus on building the foundations and making sure the dreams and plans that have been talked about, planned and begun DO NOT explode in everyones face.......collapse in ruins.........or race too fast into expansion phase and everything becomes paperthin, including the relations between the building cities, subsects, subguilds and subjects we are pledgiing our TIME to build together.

TIME........we never have enough and as we dedicate more of it......we become more invested and thus more determined........but at the same time more endangered and at risk for losses.

So............those that know me from past lives.........realize I want to keep those dreams and longterm goals safe, secure and structured to survive the dangers of Shadowbane. To do that we need to commit to working at building strong STRONG foundations.......as we go we will expand those so that the pyramid we build grows higher and wider........another example of online gaming wonders I am sure we can produce here in Shadowbane.

Brief touch on what I call the core. The Honor Empire website has an Operations team made up of 3 people.......Balandar (webmaster), Wolf (Lead-Graphics) and myself (Founder/Owner) This OPS Team is inside Shadowbane and supports the DoA guild and its top leader Savrem. As the DoA grows etc the support will continue and expand to aid the subguilds that will form the Ardan Nation.

In Shadowbane DoA these are the current roles of the core (all City Planners except Colin)

Savrem the Redeemer........leader and voice of DoA in Alliance, owner of Ardan

Balandar.............................Economics Lead

Vankor the Wolf..................Tactical Lead and Vendor Advisor

Colin Mor Campbell.............Ongoing Content Storyline, Lead Recruiter, SB Dev liason

One thing that is completely certain......to be a strong city there will need to be STRONG groups of citizens that will lead in supporting XYZ facet of the city........ie city garrison or a city trainer in some discipline.

Here is an important point of growth.........when will these teams of citizens begin to build xyz.

This is where a group of citizens forms either a SUBSECT (remains inside DoA membership list) and begins to start supporting a building or feature that they will then revolve their RP or gametime around maintaining. (NOTE: ALL citizens in all subguilds,subsects and subjects etc are required to support the ToL and Runemaster that is at the center of DoA.)

This point it is critical not to jump to......too quickly but at the SAME TIME always recruit for the members to support its development.

When I speak of recruiting......I am speaking of SOULS........not alternates because there can be only ONE person behind the keyboard .......it is important to have many SOULS in support.......ALL alternates can support YES but they all cannot be LEAD SUPPORT always....YOU WILL BURN OUT and that is where things will get "thin" and the game will not be fun. Helping a lead unit is great and easy in Shadowbane......but being a multiple lead unit is a deathmarch to any online game.

Okees......I think I have touched on all the concerns that must be stated before I outline the basics that are on the table now and planned.

Basic Overview

City of Ardan = Port City that is being rebuilt by descendants of the ancient Nation of Ardan that fell to decay after an epic conflict causing its fabric to be scattered and nearly lost forever. The Port city is welcoming back decendants of the old Nation of Ardan (All Races/Professions) as they travel back through the realm, following stories about thier ancestry etc......as they return the city is rising. Coat of Arms holds a Red Phoneix (rampart eagle) that signifies that rebirth. The black cross signifies the dark period of decay that destroyed Ardan and the deep blue shield itself signifies Ardan....how Ardan once protected and covered the citizens of Ardan like the ocean and sky itself blanket all of the realm.


Planned subsects (NOTE: all subsects in time could grow into a subguild and in time build a city/fortress/citadel)

Cleansing Flame Temple Forces (Templars and Confessors)

Church of the All Father Forces (Crusaders and Prelates)

DoA Garrison Force (All citizens not in above 2 subsects within DoA)

Brotherhood of Bob (Thieves, Scouts, Assassins) SUBGUILD ALREADY will be building Rogue Den in Ardan and should look to place city on newland mass in SB expansion as a forwardbase, scouting and pillaging force....strong foothold into the unknown that we know is coming.

(Dwarfs)........eventual race city

(Minataurs)...eventual race city

(Aracoix).......eventual race city

(Irekei and Shades)....city on Desert Islands

Humans, Aelfborn, Elfs, Centaurs, HalfGiants will be based in Ardan city/subsects or subguilds as they develope

Okees........I am gonna add to this later......but just got a phone call for summon rescure.

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