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Next Stage of our UO faction


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As most of you know by now, I am no longer active within Ultima Online much, if any.  I have completely turned my time into DAoC, and plan to place that time into Shadowbane when and if it comes out.  

There is still many of our old friends, current friends, and friends to be that will be a part of our first chapter of our Online Gaming Empire, the PGoH.  

First, I would like to announce a new position that is has been created within our DAoC faction, and will spill into our other factions as well.  The position is called a Viceroy.  A Viceroy is a leader of the website (meaning they are a leader within one or more of our other realms supported by the website).  Viceroy is an honorary title within the realm, and serves no leadership function other than for counsel and advisement.

I will be stepping into a Viceroy position, as will Imperator Baltazar Con Wec.  There will be others to move into either a Viceroy position or a Retired Veteran status within the next few weeks.

As a result, this leaves our leadership within UO quite empty.  We need to fill this void with willing, capable, and HONORABLE individuals.  

Those committed to the continued success of UO, especially the PGoH, now is your time to take the lead.  There is an abundance of people that can and will help with anything the "new" leadership needs.  Borg, Greg, BB, Balandar, Baltazar, Wolf, Siun, and myself are all still around at times, and can be reached for helping those who would wish to assume the leadership of PGoH.  

So, those interested........send an email to:




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lol...       Lead what?

I would save everyone some time and take the stone down..

PGoH is history, in this realm anyway.. I thought things might pick up, but the only guildmates I ever seen were craftsmen..

I've resigned again regretfully... dont take this post the wrong way, I'm not mad or trying to piss anyone off, But I just dont see much point in making an effort to do anything with pgoh in uo.. Every guild that even knew who you were sound like they are talking about a dead friend when pgoh is mentioned in conversation..  making new positions isnt going to make a difference, you dont have anyone to fill them...   ???

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I agree that we don't need new positions...

What we need is new people.  Every time the guild slows down, excuses are made that everyone has things to do in real life and that it will pick up again with the beginning of the next season.  This fall, some of us were really excited that things were going to start up again, but nothing happened.

While it would be nice to have the veterans of the guild around to lend their wisdom and experience, that will not happen.  The old guard has done well in building this, but it's time for a new generation to step up and do what must be done.  So long as one among us still draws breath, so long as one among us refuses to ignore the injustices of this land, so long as one person in all the lands strives to live an honorable life, the empire shall never fall.

Strength and Honor!

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I agree with that..

If the overseers of the guild arent going to be around, or play on other realms, then they need to step down all together on this one..  Let those who are on and are loyal lead the way.. An occasionall visit here and there isnt going to cut it if you: "you meaning the leaders and founders of this once great and respected guild" want it to survive in the role play community of catskills.. Although I am no longer with you, I still consider you all my comrades.. I made friends with you all and loved playing with you.. But as I said before, PGoG went from almost two hundred members to squat.. It is but a fond memory to those who even remember or care who we once were.. If it is to live on it needs rebuilding, a clean slate.. those who vow to devote time and energy into it should get positions already taken by people who may log into the game once a week to check and see if their house is still there.. I am not saying I want one, I've sworn alligiance to another.. But if there actually people in pgoh that play on a regular basis " I havent seen any...." then give up the reigns to them..  I would at least bring Red back if something would actually go on more than once in a blue moon... I dont give a damn about rank.. I'll be a squire.. I just dont want to see this guild vanish... And this may piss some people off but it IS in the crapper..  And its gonna stay there untill somebody does something.. You may say well Koop, I dont see you doing anything either.. maybe your right.. But its not my job as a Praetorian or a Warlock to recruit, or sponser guild events, or icq enemy guild leaders and set up wars, or any of that crap.. Its either one game or the other people.. its stupid to have the same leaders over two-soon to be three different realms playing games because they cant devote time needed to them all... making new titles and promoting people in the guild that dont play anyways isnt going to do anything.. cept maybe put that person on a power trip.. but thats kinda useless too because there isnt anyone to order around...  screw a title, screw a rank.. I play this game because I enjoy interacting with people and making friends.. if your tired of this game stop playing it, if you care about PGoH as something bigger than UO, either play or give up the stone to a person who does..

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Perhaps you should read my initial post again. That is exactly what is being said.  The current leadership in PGoH is going to step down, to make way for new leadership.  I am pretty sure it says in my initial post that those who are interested speak up.  We all realize that those of us that are now in multiple games can not commit to UO.  That was also stated clearly.

The only person that I can think of that will remain in a leadership position is Greg, as Emperor.  The rest of us are stepping down.

I will put this in bold letters so it can not be missed again,




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well you didnt actually come out and say it.... heh..

no use in getting your feathers ruffled tok... dont get angry with me, im just saying what anybody who actually still plays this game and is in pgoh thinks..

I'm sure you can understand the feelings of those of us that still play.. if this was your plans all along that is what the meeting should have been about the other week.. or whenever it was.. to annouce yours and others stepping down... maybe then you would still have a guild left..even though you could count them all on one hand.. and that is including me.. im sure if you and others that dont play anymore left with your alts the total member would dip well below 20, if not ten...  too little too late? and if your offer stands sure i'll take a leadership spot.. that is if there are no hard feelings here in this post, which there shouldnt be.. i dont want this guild to vanish.. i dont want you guys to leave either but that seems to be a done deal.. i'll try and help rebuild it...

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THIS IS JUST AN IDEA©  Hail all tis me hawkeye© Unfortanately i have resigned from the guild because of the recent inactiveness, but my time with PGoH has be awesome© I have started up a guild from the reminates of an old one that has been going on for a long time even before UO, in Diablo and the old school "muds"© My suggestion lies here© To keep PGoH and its guild rolling in activity I would like to welcome all members who wish to join my ICQ is©©©©47618827© or email me at darkwoodsociety@yahoo©com©  I need a few willing men and some guys that have been around guilds and the game to help me out with leadership postions and the like© The website is not complete and changes need to be made and a few things need added, but check it out© and send me a message©©©©©©http://www©geocities©com/darkwoodsociety/

Take care©

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