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End of the road.

Lord Logan

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As of tonight, as badly as i hate to walk away from something i have worked so hard to see flurish. Im leaving this guild. Based on the fact every action i make is brought up to discussion by the members of this guild and totally bushwhacked by them. This guild right now is not even a shadow of its former self. Why, most of you worry of your titles and not your actions. I hope everyone here has fun. Goodbye. Oh if you find yourslf not getting answers from me on icq. Dont worry its not your icq messing up.

Stan I am always here if you need me.

Chris and Lori you have my home number if you ever need to talk. I am always here for you both.

Goodbye PGoH


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This is certainly something of significance. I am not sure if this post was created out of haste. But certainly discussions will follow. I remind everyone to not over-react. This coming Tuesday, the council of honor will be meeting, and we will be discussing a few current issues.

I would recommend that everyone refraim from posting any additional replies to this post, until after the council of honor meets on Tuesday.

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Why, most of you worry of your titles and not your actions.

Obviously the point was missed on why I brought up my title not being done for 3 WEEKS...

But you know what, that pot shot was the LAST straw for me. I have removed myself from the guild.

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Well, I have been thinking about this for quite some time to be honest with you. Tonight I made my decision. It seems that there is too much worry about politics, who is who's friend, and not enough fun.

I have always said the number one rule of UO should be "Have Fun".

I have enjoyed my time here and I have made some good friends. Should any of you wish to get together for a hunt, or just to BS. ICQ me.

Thankyou for the time I had here in PGoH. Now I am riding off into the sunset.

Safe Journeys.

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Raistlin, Jared, Jessica, Angel, and Krisora stand in front of Olympus. "Is this the right thing to do Raistlin?" Jared asks as he looks at her confused. "Yes I believe it is, Things have not been right in the Empire for a while now so I feel it best we leave." Raistlin says with a sorrowful tone to her voice. As they prepare to leave Krisora looks at Raistlin and asks "What of me ? Will I ever know who my true parents are and who I really am and of my heritage?" Raistlin lays a hand on her shoulder lovingly, "Cousin, I promise we will find someone who can help you. " As they mount up Raistlin looks back at Olympus and says, "Brothers and Sisters may your journeys be safe and bountiful, and may you know Strength and TRUE Honor the rest of your days." They all turn around to ride away never looking back.

:( OOC: I have been thinking of this for a while most of you know this. I am still a freind to whoever needs one. If you call me I will come if at all possible. Isn't that right Earwen ;) but in the state of the Empire i feel it is best that I leave and follow my family where they may go! Much Love to you all and thank you for what I learned while a member of the Empire!

TRUE Strength and Honor to you all and may it bind you for the rest of your days!

I am here for you all when you want to talk just pigeon me!

--Raistlin Wind, Jessica Taylor, Jared Wind, Krisora Baenre, Nether's Angel.--

Edited by Raistlin_wind
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Sire, stay We need your guidance and help. That goes for linda, winter, raistlin, and the rest of your families. We can work this out. Give us another chance. please.

Edited by kodoz
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I would and will give anything to get you to stay. I believe that there is always the chance to work things out, with those who are willing. Do not make a hasty or anger fueled decision. We are all part of this guild, and we can and will all work together. Give us the chance. Dont let it end like this. It doesnt have to be a dead end road. We are merely at a fork in the road and need your help to choose our path.

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You people who continue to complain about every decision that the Emperor makes, no matter who he is, just don't get it ... great work. You've destroyed the oldest guild on the server thanks to your selfishness.

I have stood by long enough and watched people bring this mighty empire to its knees with their crap. I know Logan will probably not wish to return, so I will say this: This BS stops now and final. Whoever takes his place as Emperor (or if he returns) will NOT be countermanded, complained to, or as Logan so nicely put it, bushwacked in any way, shape, or form, or I will see you kicked from the guild. Every week someone else finds something new to complain about. If you can't follow the orders from a guildmaster, then you don't need to be in a GUILD! End of story.

Edited by Prometheus
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I agree. We arehere to have fun not toargue and if you cannot have fun with friends and not complain, then have fun alone. I still encourage you all to reconsider, but notto come and complain more. We elected Logan, And he is our leader, PERIOD.

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I cant even put into words how I feel about this whole thing. Logan is one of my oldest friends within the empire, and a true friend if ever I had one. We have been through everything and anything together, and more hard times within this guild then most of you can imagine. If this was actually so severe that it would drive him away, then Im amazed. Im amazed that so many people who claim to be adults could act so childish. Im amazed that you can loose sight of how great a guild this is and how much better it would become if you would all just drop the petty crap and start caring about something besides yourselves. The people you attack are trying to help you and this guild, yet all you do is complain when its not exactly what you would have done. We voted Logan to represent our interests, not cater to our whims. There are several dozen families within the empire, and simply put there is absolutly no way he could have made everyone happy with any given descision. But instead of focuing on the greater good you all act like a bunch of four year olds every time you end up on the side of the line you dont like. As far as Im conscerned, this guild is not the family it once was, and that saddens me greatly. I have tried to be the neutral listener here, and have tried to understand both sides. Now I realize that this is like negotiating between religous zelots. You cant convince either that they are wrong, and in all liklyhood they both are. Im not going anywhere, but neither shall I stand in place...

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The entire purpose of a guild is to work together underneath a cause and ideals. So lets cut the BS, cut the lies, rumors, and accusations. Lets get back to hunting, rping, and having fun and if you have a problem and you take it to the emperor, and he takes action, DO NOT DISPUTE THIS ACTION! An emperor is by definition a leader whose word is law, and who is entrusted with the fate of an entire people or race. We cannot let this happen in the way that things are going. As it is said in one of the greatest if not the greatest book of all, A house divided amongst itself cannot stand. United we stand, Divided we fall. Its that simple. If you wish to divide us, then leave. if you wish to bolster up our guilds foundations stay. This is in most likelihoods my last post in this thread. Ive said all i have to say

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I have seen enough of this bs, its a guild its not based around the present year you dont have rights, u do what a leader says to do, if he tels you to run into deciet naked then by god you do it. you want a pure politic guild then start a guild called the republicans

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I fear we are in need of a fresh start. A wiping of the slate. Thiork has suggested that we clear the stone (leaving of course our 'fallen' heroes, and retired members) and have a special meeting scheduled where all that feel about PGoH as I do show up and get added back in. Let us toss out all the titles, for we are not titles, we are people. The titles will come soon enough. We will have a leader, and we will have the Empire. Once we get some semblance of what is left, we can build from there.

I sat silently at many a meeting where nothing constructive was heard over the rabblerousing. I challenge any of those that are unhappy to find the perfect guild. One where there is no arguing and there are daily events planned by a magic crystal ball that never runs out of fresh ideas. And then wake up and realize that while there are humans in a guild, things will never be perfect and that each individual is just as responsible as the next for making things work.

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This is Ludicrous..........

I have been in the guild a short time and during that time I have seen our creator Borg talked of as if he were a dog.( By Winter and Linda )

So to please them what do we do, We vote in a new emperor and in the process alienate several longstanding members(Wolf, Greg, Balndar, Brightblade, etc....) All to please the few and what happens . Half way through the damned election we have controversy over how the election is being handled. Could it be that all who are saying that Logan was a puppet are just upset that he is not a puppet they control? The Doddz situation, Many have been treated unfairly by Doddz and just as many others have not( I myself have not). But the fact of the matter is The Person behind Doddz character wrote those horrible ICQs. Lets face facts here people You cannot distinguish between the characters when the same person plays them all.

Thiork you say that Greg promoted you because he felt you were honest and straightforward. Well how would he feel now if he saw you falling under the manipulations of Winter and Linda, Is it your aim to destroy what so many have worked hard to create. It is sickening.

If what all of you naysayers were doing was correct then why are so many longstanding members leaving us? Winter, Linda what exactly is your body count number? And when you figure it out add me to the list for I will stand and fight for what this guild stands for always.

Thiork where was your love for the codex when Winter and Linda committed Heresy right here on these very boards to our formere emperor Borg.

I know that I am also in contempt for the same actions that I accuse Winter and Linda of . BUt.... It is time to call a spade a spade and a traitor a traitor

To all our fallen Maybe someday this will be a guild you are again proud to say you have an association with. But until then the body count continues.

Borg, Wolf, Balandar, Brightblade, Greg, Logan, whos next?

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I tried to go out peacefully. Odd that after I announce my departure Akroma seems fit to indicate me as the person that was trying to destroy the guild.

She said herself at the meeting last night that she didn't speak up when things were going wrong. Don't blame me for s h it going wrong when you refused to do anything to help solve the problems.

I really was tyring to help the guild. I was trying to promote the guild.

I have left the guild.

Thiork wasn't "under our influence." He was abiding by the codex. Read his posts in this forum and you will see that.

Get your facts straight, only 1 of the wind sisters have even been to a meeting in a month. Raistlin's work schedule hasn't allowed it. The only person to post less than her is Borg. And he has left UO. Look around the other boards, Borg has left UO.

Akroma I don't care what you think about me or anybody else. Hell, I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for folks still in the guild pointing out to me your most "honorable" post. Go get ###### e d.

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To the People who are with us still Strenth and Honor

Know this is a time of rebuilding and mistakes will yet again be made,

but as a unit we will uphold the codex that Borg and all the Anicents stood for .

Know that we stand united as a family , if we have a problem with another lets work it out, but try to keep it off boards ..

Myself i have wrong in things i have said and posted , everyone makes mistakes but hope this time we can learn from them..

We have plenty of plots that are still ongoing lets see them through

To the members that left we wish you well , but ask that you don't flame on the boards as we well not respond to it anymore .

To the rest of guild we are working to restructure to make sure this does not happen again and ask if you could for now to stop recruitment .

If we have problems then you can message , Steel, Ballyn. Me, Logan

and we will work in game to reslove the matters and attempt make all happy..

Stand Proud for we are PGoH

Strenth and Honor

Senator Lora De Blood

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There will soon be a post addressing this topic...no more flames here...understand this helps nothing...Akroma, at your first available moment see yourself to the imperial prison. Thank you.

Forever a servant of the empire,


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