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A Conundrum


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In my time as Officer, I have had many things shared with me.. Since we tend to share details, I will share this because of something said tonight.

One of our Offficers, Daulton, shared with me that prior to his getting to 60, he had a conversation with eldy about spells like Aego and he says he had an understanding from Eldy that the spells would be guild provided.

Daulton says he dinged and nothing seemed to happen regarding the spells, and so he went and spent his own plat for them. When I compare how we got the plat together for Zymmit, I am amazed at this longtime issue still existing. The details get sketchy in my mind at this point, but the main thing that stays with me is that a promise was given, and even if daulton did get the spells himself, it seems to me that a promise still needs to be fulfilled.

Maybe the 2 of them need to talk about this and resolve it. Daulton did not directly participate in Work Day because of this.

And what kind of rubs me wrong was the fact that tonight, Eldy asked to borrow 40k plat so he can get his last peice for his epic. Now that is a goal of this guild, but I haveto ask - what is more important?

I write this so that we can get things clear.

1) Is "eldy's" money the same as what is in the Guild Bank? Are they one and the same? If so then the perception that work day funds will actually go into Eldy's pocketbook to maybe help with a purchase to benefit him bugs me a lot. I believe it is essential that the 2 accounts, eldy's money and the Guild bank, remain at least separate characters.

2) I believe that such LARGE purchases be put under an accountability factor. - That an acouunt of what is in bank, and items, be posted once a month. Large purchases must receive an ok from 3-5 officers. That clear priorities be set up as to what we will use funds for. That we pay our debts first, then work on special items.

I just think that, yes eldy is leader and he controls it all, and I am sorry if this hurts him or upsets him, but I believe Daulton is a higher priority more so than a 90,000 purchase for eldys epic, even though eldy has been waiting longer for a rarer drop item. This is a tough call.

But i believe in people and their word. Break your word to me a few too many times, and I will no longer trust in you or your word, no matter how good and sincere you really are.

How can this be resolved to all peoples content? A Conundrum.

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15k is setting on one of my alts that does not get touched except for raids and such! hense i do not use guildbank funds!

Second what i choose to spend my pp on is my buisness and will not be discussed here. i will go into more detail and say two things

1 i didnt borrow any pp even though it was accessable

2 i dont appreciate getting my personal trasactions splattered across the website. what i spend my money on is my buisness I just feel this coulda simply been handled with tells rather than here. next time you have a concern talk to me about it personally rather than in open forum!

word was not broken here i offered to buy him aego yes but he simply didnt want to wait a few days for me to scrounge up 15k. he bought it and never said a thing to me! might i also add that this was around the time that we all thought he was leaving the guild!

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The only thing I have to say about what was said is that if anyone needs money for a spell that will benefit the guild, such as aego, kei, pot9, etc. then it should come out of the guild bank, nothing more. If someone wants a spell just because or wants a piece of their epic, then that person should be able to ask people for the money, but it should be up to the people he or she asks if he or she is to receive the money.

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You asked for the plat in OFFICERS CHAT, a private forum in game.

I posted this message in OFFICERS FORUM, a passworded/closed forum, NOT an OPEN one.

2 i dont appreciate getting my personal trasactions splattered across the website. what i spend my money on is my buisness I just feel this coulda simply been handled with tells rather than here. next time you have a concern talk to me about it personally rather than in open forum!

I kept this topic within Officers, I did not put it in open forum, like the Raids or Epics forums, which ARE open forums. I knew you would be upset, but come on Eldy. I DID use a lot of sense in WHERE I posted this matter. You are overreacting. Chill out.

And thank you for stating what many of us did NOT know - What the status of Guild Bank is. Over the year I have been in guild I have rarely heard what the status of the bank is. There is no posted list of things available. I remember back with Guildmagic, an attempt over months to try and get the bank items listed, but it didn't appear for whatever reason.

The point is, you may know what is there, but we do not .

There have been multiple requests for a "WHAT IS IN THE GUILD BANK" list for as long as I have been in guild, but where is it?

I work for a bank, in the Accounts Payable department and we are very big on accountability here. All that I am trying to do is make you accountable to someone, both for keeping us informed and also for resolving a promise.

So what if Daulton didnt say anything, didnt wait. As a Caster Class (You are a Melee Class), getting that next best spell, especially one like Aego, may put a fire under oneself to go and get it ASAP. So what if he got the spell? He obviously announced he got it. Why haven't you made the overture to reimburse him??? So WHAT if he was gonna leave. Are your promises so easily tossed aside due to circumstances? He obviously stayed. Why haven't you approached him to resolve this. Does he HAVE to ask you for it eldy?

Daulton - Why havent you approached Eldy, saying "sorry but I couldnt wait - can the Guild reimburse me some of the cost for this spell? There are 2 sides to this issue.

The issue is one of 2 people being silent and not following through. I get tells every so often with people expressing their frustrations for various reasons, but mainly for not being willing to talk to one another. I am tired of letting them sit and fester and causing divisions.

You 2 need to resolve this. Get off your butts and TALK to each other like adults.

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Okay, my 2 copper on this...

The 50k that Eldy had that he was trying to raise more money to add to is his "Personal" stash. He has been gathering supplies to make that one cloak and selling it left and right to raise money. He was not touching any of the guild banks money.

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If you can't trust eldy with the guild money, why are you entrusting him with the leadership or our guild? This isn't meant as a knock on eldy, I'll blindly follow him anywhere.

I know i have guild money in my personal bank, and i often write numbers down so i don't mix them up. It's a complicated subject and plat doesn't grow on trees (actually does, go kill a treant), but i wholeheartedly trust eldy not to mix up the guild money with his personal funds.

From talking to eldy and a few other officers, i have come to the conclusion that you are taking this too far rumble. Eldy never took the money out of the guild bank even though he had the option. He asked fellow officers to float him a loan to get the one item he has been drooling over as long as i've been here. I don't think you should have made this a personal attack and disrupted the guild over it.

Subject change:

Daulton: It was eldy and my opinion at the time of daulton's ding that he was leaving the guild, we were wrong thankfully. This does have an impact on buying a 15k item for a person.

I do think the guild should raise the funds to buy some of the class defining spells (KEI aego etc) for it's major contributing members. The one i would like to see bought now if to get growle a copy of malo. Having an unresistable 45 debuff to all resists will help immensly in future encounters. How we are going to work with guild money should be discussed tonight at the officer meeting.

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I accept that I went about the epic piece issue in the wrong way and unecessarily pissed Eldy off. He didnt deserve that and I crossed 2 separate issues into one.

No excuse, and Eldoran deserves a HUGE apology by me for the wrong I visited upon him.

To Eldoran, since I have used this forum to address the issue instead of private tells, I apologize for angering you unnecessarily about the Epic piece inquiry. That part need not have been mentioned in the post. To that, I will accept and confess that I was wrong.

I do trust in you and your ability to lead and guide this guild into its new vista of raiding the new zones.

As for the rest of the post, I have said enough except for this.

We all need accountability. Eldoran, I will send you a private message so that we can keep one part of this between us. My goal was not to divide, but to challenge. I did it wrong and probably created strife and division. Let whatever consequences come upon me.

To everyone else, I apologize for making the last couple of days very bumpy. If I angered you, hurt you, or created unecessary mistrust, then point your finger at me, not eldy. Curse me. And then I offer my apologies to you for the wrong I visited on you.

No matter what people think of me, I screw up like anyone else and did big time here.

I am sorry all.


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On the subject of getting Growle Malo

have him go to Skyfire (or any other zone) and hunt the mobs

if nothing else a grp of ppl can go there with him and hunt because many high lvl spells drop there

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Rumble I understood where u were goin with this issue so on that vein I dont know why everyone got upset of your questions?! Anyhow its over and done so that is that. In response to Growle getting Malo. I have several reasons why I would like to wait IF we do decide to buy it. First Like Hin said it can be hunted. In fact it was u Nurl or Aaeodar who asked me awhile back to go to Sky with them due to spell drps. Second, he left a guildee in PoI in a bad spot the other day after a ld. I understand the cleric left but he should have told her to stay till they were back. It was me hehe. This is NOT what guildees do. First mark against him. Second the other day he was using poor judgement in duoing mobs in PoI with Stafano. Now we all know Stafano is not that great with grps yet infact it was discussed in officer meeting yesterday. Growle and Stafano should both know better than to duo the places like this. Its not safe for anyone else and this game is about OTHERS also and I think unfortunatly this is what causes most strife in this game is others not caring that they are screwing others with to small grps, bad pulls what have u. Right now Growle is not on my list of good guildees. However, I reserve judgement for along while people do screw up. Also I would be a crappy guildee and officer if I was inflexable. I just think we need to hold on and study our guildees before committing. He has NOT been in guild long enuff to warrant any special considerations. Just my opinions. Thanks for hearing them all and have a great day. Btw I used Growle as the example cause name came up in forum but I would feel the same of anyone in the same circumstances I listed above. I just wanted it clear that I dont play favorites or do things unfairly in fact that is my biggest Pet PEEVE in life. Unfairness.

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Well I know that Stafano and Growle are good friends in the game, and if you have a 60+ shammy a person can do about anything. I was with a 60 shammy in the Grey and soloed everything to get my Amulet of the Grey Wastes at about lvl 53 or 54. So, they probably had a better chance than two other classes duoing in a tough zone. I've grouped with Growle a lot and I've never had a problem with him. He's a great person to group with and seems to know a lot and if he's ever lfg I try and snatch him up before anyone else can. Although I know this has nothing to do with the actual topic of this post, I felt it important to try and stick up for Growle.

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