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The Matrix 2


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Welp, I went and watched it, and was reminded of two things.

1) Never go to a movie on opening night, for the following reasons

A) You cant hear a thing because there are 50 people in one room chewing on popcorn

B) People WILL bring their very young kid (Im talkin 9 Months to a year old) who will be inconsolabel through the entire movie, and do they leave? No, if they had had any courtasy they would not have brough it in the first place. (Sorry, this is a pet peive of mine as I did theater through highschool, and always had to deal with a crying baby in the audience)

C) Its crowded and you end up next to some very unique individuals.

D) Last of all, the 16-17 year old couple in front of me that spent more time making out then Neo did fighting.

2) A very tough lesson indeed... Sequals are never as good as an origional. (and dont give me that its a trilogy crap, thats just a tactic to fight the stigma)

A) Storyline progress was poorly done, unlike the first

B) While still an orgy for the eyes, the fights where pretty much the same as in the first. (excluding the freeway scene, even I have to admit that was very very fun)

C) In an attempt to keep our interest for the next few months while they finish the last one, they raise thousands more questions in an half ass manor, but didnt answer single one. At least the first movie had the courtisy to answer a few.

D) THE ENDING SUCKED Sorry, had to say it. It was cheesy too, its pretty clear to me that they simply could not come up with a mor creative way to wrap things up.

Ok, Im done complaining as much as I can without spoiling anything, but you better beleive that I will be back in about a week once everyone has seen it to gripe about the details!

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The ending ticked me off as well. Won't go into details about it. Just that one line......

Anyway, I went before everyone got off of work =) So I had no problems with annoying people.

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I thought it was fantastic! Can't really go into details cause I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone, but I actually liked the ending. Its suspensful and actually makes you think of 50million different things. Can't wait for the next one to come out, hope it doesn't take another 4 years though :D

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  Martok said:
And that strange orgy scene? Ok, what is up with that? :D

I liked that part. Wish I could write a program to give women ...... while at their computers.... hmm.... :D

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Too much CGI and not enough plot work for me. And I am a CGI nut.

The ending was actually what I expected. Not a big shock for me.

It's the ending of the 3rd one that has me worried. If you have seen the articles on The Matrix:Online then you understand what I am talking about.

I think Morpheus could have come off as a little more " bad @$$" than he did in this one. But still, a decent to good job by all of the actors.

I know just about everybody has seen the comercials of Neo flying. Boy, he really does have the Superman pose down pat.

The big plot twist in number 3 willl be when Mr. "unplugged" reveals his true plans. Don't want to ruin anything for those that haven't seen it yet by saying more.

To me, and I know this will sound bad, the best part was the previews. Finally! Freddie Vs. Jason.

This should be entertaining. I might actually pay Matinee prices to see it.

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Guest Charlie

My hubby and i saw Matrix II also ,i liked it he loved it.

Some spots i got lost with the dialog ,it just got a tad too much.I enjoyed watching the fighting sequences,the actors do well handling their weps in those spots,Im talking swords and such :D

With Freddy & Jason I dont have great expectations for it,but Ive seen the other 'Nightmares' so Ill watch it,maybe not in theater though.

And the trailor for Matrix Revolution,the trird one is after the miles of credits.

Charlie wants that katana Morpheus had!! She loves her katanas ! :D

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I agree with you Charlie.. Lorna Doone wants that Kat too.. hehe it was a good movie Winter and I saw it together last week on opening night didn't have much of a problem with people since we did not go to the main theatre since it was sold out hehe go figure....lol.... can't wait to see the next one.... Keanu is doing such a good job in his movies lately and not getting stereo typed he has come a long way from Bill and Ted... I'll keep watching what he puts out. If you like Keanu Reeves pick up "The Watcher" it was a movie where he was the bad guy and he did a really good job with it.... Okay that is all i have to say hehe see you all in game somewhere.....


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