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Droid Engineers


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Well I am very nervous about droid engineers at the moment. The vast majority of our droids don't work at all. Experimentation and module variation don't appear to have any effect.

Then today I read about some changes coming very soon.

1. They are nerfing the Probot. Okay, the Probot is too powerful, I agree with this. The proper fix for this however is to simply prevent the insta recharge/repair when stored. Either put it on a timer or (here is a crazy thought) make them actually need to be repaired or replaced so droid engineers actually get some repeat business.

It sounds like they are going to make probots able to be killed, but now at the same time they are reducing their stats by a tremendous amount? So now we run the risk of them being killed so fast that no one will want to buy one. Doing both changes may just make them useless.

2. They are planning to introduce a cert system for owning and using droids.

This scares me way more than the nerf to probots. Depending on how they implement this it could completely destroy the class. If people have to spend extra skill points to use droids we are in big trouble. Is anyone going to decide to drop their scout skills so that they can use droids (most of which don't even work)? I don't think so.

If they just add the droid usage certs to the already existing skill trees then we may be okay. Either way they are definitely making the market for droids much smaller.

I hope they have put more thought into these changes than it seems.

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