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I've had this conversation more times than I can count, I think. Rebels who think they're the 'good' guys because 'that's how it was in the movies' and so, that's how they are. We're the bad guys cuz we're imps.

Well, gee, should we just look at the definition of rebel? According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

1 a : opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler b : of or relating to rebels


Even the dictionary says "rebels are bad" because, well, isn't it 'bad' to go against your government? I find this amusing. They sit there and say, "how can you join with a faction that oppresses us?" And I say, "Because you're shooting at me and my family. So I want to shoot back and defend myself. "

I mean, first, the Trade Federation tries to take over Naboo and basically the galaxy.. So then we ask Senator Palpatine to help us with this. So what does he do? He said "hey, I'll do whatever it takes to bring peace back to our galaxy and then will give control back to the Republic." .... As soon as the rebels take the hint, we can have peace back. Yay!

And don't try that whole "I'm a loyal citizen of the right government" thing. They have no care for order, just anarchy. Which of course is the point of being a rebel. If you liked things as they were, then you wouldn't be a rebel! Right? Heh. I've been called a traitor, which had me laughing so hard that I about peed my pants.

Me? A traitor? I know which side I'm on. I can honestly look my Emporer in the face and tell him I'm a loyal citizen, helping out how I can. So I heal a rebel or two here or there. It's not like they're announcing themselves to me.

I have even killed one. It was his fault though. I was doing a mission for the recruiter in Theed. He sent me out to one of those rebel camps, to dispatch it. Well, I'm shooting two rebels and then their camp, destroying it, when I realize I'm being hit from behind. I turn and another imperial lady heals me. Bless her.

I see this guy, at about 60m away shooting at me. Bad aim too. So I start firing back. Then he ran out of range and seemed to heal himself. I wondered when the npcs started healing themselves! So I put myself on autofollow and start killing him. I'd say shoot, but his health was dropping so fast he had to heal to stay alive.

I still didn't realize it was a player. And I thought the lady healing me was shooting my rebel npc. So I said "Stop shooting please" And -he- answered "ok" .... No, he didn't stop shooting and I realized them, as he dropped to incap, that it was a player. So the lady imp killed him and he got mad at me.

All I can think of is:

1. He shot me first, while my back was turned and kept coming back for more even when he ran away first and I did not follow.

2. I didn't kill him.

And rebels think Imps are evil?? I guess if they see 'Novice Doctor' ttthey assume 'weak' ... Hah!

Anyways, this is something I think of when I have too much time on my hands :smash::p

So far, I've never seen an Imperial be rude or obnoxious like that. I've seen rebels goad a person, run around randomly /duelling folks. My favorite was while I was a brawler and ranged-weapon folks kept /duelling me. I finally asked, why. Some guy said, "Cuz you'd be a quick death" ... Apparently he'd never actually seen me fight. At a distance, sure, he'd wipe the floor with me, but we were toe to toe. He'd be toast. I declined and told him to watch me fight sometime. He did and decided not to /duel =) ... apparently watching me take NO wounds while having an entire lair of things attack me while not wearing armor was enough to deter him.

Anyways. Then there are the rebels who just say the usual propoganda. We're evil Imps and we hate everyone. All aliens. Not true! We adore the honorable Zabrak and the Wookiee are followers of Vader -- which side is he on again? Oh! right. OURS!

And they can gain ranks in our armies. Just like rebels to lie, eh? Little wonder this war keeps going on!

Ok. Done now. Hehe.

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