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The Lost One

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The Guardians stood a diligent watch over their fallen Senator. Guards had been posted and positioned to bar entrance to anyone without leave to enter his quarters. Every hour, on the hour, a healer would be permitted to enter and check upon Steels status. Unfortunately, while the wound to his hand was healing quite well the more important matter of his conscience had not. Steel remained in the same position he had been ever since the Emperor had laid him in his bed. His cold sightless eyes peering upward toward the heavens, his skin pale and cold to the touch. Were it not for the faint beat of heart, and the slow weak breath coming from his lips, he would have been thought dead.

Steel was unaware of all of the events swirling about him. The frantic hunt for the materials necessary to conjure his cure, the ultimatum given regarding Rico, the kidnapping of the Emperor. Locked inside his mind his thoughts were ablaze with thought. Thoughts of time past.

Young Steel stood quietly behind his father. He watched the elder DarKnight heat a long beam of metal to a red-hot state. Once it had been heated enough to satisfy him, using a set of tongs he pulled it from the forge and set it upon and anvil placed near by. With long, hard, deliberate strokes he began to mold the unformed metal. As the metal started to cool, the elder DarKnight placed it back into the forge and motioned for his eldest son to pump the bellows. Steel wanting to please his father pumped the long handle furiously heating the coals and spewing forth red-hot flames and ash. Steels father chuckled slightly to himself. Walking to stand beside his son he patted him on the shoulder. Looking towards his father, Steel smiled hopefully.

“That’s enough boy, we don’t want to melt it to nothing,” Steel’s father said with humor in his voice.

“Yes father” Steel replied meekly.

Quietly, The elder DarKnight motioned to his son to follow him outside to escape for a bit the damp heat of the workshop and into the cool morning air. Looking down on his son, he nodded to himself. The young boy was shaping up just fine. Steels father spoke gruffly “One day son, this will be yours and your brothers, Like my father, and his fathers before him”

“It is your responsibility to continue the tradition as I, my father, and his father before him continued it.” The DarKnight’s have always, and will always produce the arms and armor of the Royal Guard of Britannia”

“Dosst quortek zhah usst!” Came a low female voice from the back of Steels mind.

Steel and his brothers ran quickly home, upon the horizon a steady line of smoke and ash rose towards the heavens. Smoke, heavy and black. Even from this distance the smell of charred wood rankled their noses.

The brothers having been given the day off by their father, had chose to spend it together. They had traveled to the nearby river to enjoy the day fishing, and swimming. Sitting out in the sun, having just finished their swim it was with quite an alarm young Val, his fathers namesake noticed the rising smoke.

Immediately, without even bothering to gather there things the brothers rushed towards their home.

Rounding the corner, they all gazed in shock at the sight before them.

Steel screamed in pain and sadness “Mother! Father!”

“Natha or'shanse z'klaen tlu offered lu' paid, wun retlah” The voice again rang through his mind.

The Champions stood firm at the western gate of Trinsic. Scouts had reported that the massive formations of the Juka army were moving to take Trinsic and the Alliance had pulled their forces here with hopes to stop the advance once and for all. Steel stood in the center of the line speaking words of encouragement to his comrades, pushing them to stand firm. Beside him stood many young Champions. Doddz, Kurt, Schneider, to name a few. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Steel looked back towards his patron knight, Sir Ironside. Ironside nodded at his squire and then spoke “Hold them here laddy, if we should fail they will hit the backs of the other members of the alliance holding the other gates”. “Trinsic will fall and this war will be lost.”

Steel nodded in acknowledgment to the elder knight.

Clad in royal blue cloaks, and sashes, while wearing black kilts, the Champions prepared themselves for battle. It would not be long before they were tested and they knew this day could prove the turning point in the war.

The wall of Champions was tested that day. Wave after wave of Juka smashed against it…but fell away as the waves upon the shore.

After the battle Steel was again heard his name spoken. This time it was from Battle Commander Rand. “Steel, come with me.” Rand spoke. “We have been asked to meet with the Alliance commander”

Steel followed the general through the streets of Trinsic; the bodies of Juka, as well as of members of the Alliance littered the roads. Victory had come, but at a heavy price.

Eventually they reached the Barracks of Trinsic. The barracks were serving as the command and control center and within could be found the leaders of the many orders whom had formed the alliance. PGoH, GoL, T9C, C&C, VK…..

General Rand, after looking over the people within, approached a tall balding man clad in black armor.

“Hail Emperor Borg, The Champions bring welcome news from the west gate…………”

“Dos z'klaen yaith natha price, natha or'shanse, xor zah'har ussta jusron” the voice spoke.

“For Oath and Code” yelled Steel as he moved in on his assailant. Clearly, Steel now held the advantage. The attacker quickly was made the defender as he narrowly avoided Steel blade. The combatants locked blades struggling to gain an advantage. Seeing that he was not a match for Steels swordsmanship the assassin lunged forward with his Kryss then deftly bounded backwards separating himself from Steel. As he stepped backwards a pink vial flew from his hand landing at Steels feet. In that brief moment it took for Steels mind to recognize that liquid the vial exploded engulfing him in a ball of flame the force of which threw him backwards, knocking his helm several yards away. Somewhat dazed but knowing a pause would mean his death Steel, again leaped to his feet. His assailant had not moved and strangely had sheathed his blade. Chanting softly, with arms extended. Suddenly the green warrior shrieked “Os thus Mani!” Steel recognized these words of magic and quickly leaped towards the assassin. Almost instantly the green warrior shrieked “Corp Por”! Both forces of magical energy hit Steel at the same time but, due to years of battle with mages of darkness and the resulting resistance to magical energy, both attacks only lightly fazed him and served to increase his rage. Blinded by the assault and raging with anger Steel charged through his assailant sending the assassin flying to the ground. His helmet flying far from were he crumbled. Steel quickly approached, raising his blade to finish his foe. His mind, as it always did at moments like these, seemed to take everything into focus. The world seemed to slow. The rains,………….. lightning,…………… thunder,………………… The crumpled form of his attacker laying face down in the mud in front of him………………….. The body struggling to rise,…………………… struggling to lift his face from the mud.

Flashes of lightning, almost continues, now ringed the sky in light.

Both warriors looked to each other. Their eyes showing determination to win… to survive…. then suddenly, through their eyes, a brief moment of recognition followed by looks of horror.





Steel looked grimly upon his younger brother a sibling that, he had thought, been lost to him many years past. Staggering with shock, and the feelings that suddenly tugged at his heart he could only say one word.


His brother spoke while still laying on the ground “Brother?…….Steel ….I didn’t know it was you…. HE paid me well. HE always pays me well. How was I to know?……. To know?……That……. That this time……. He never told me it was YOU! I would have never agreed….never…you have to believe me!

“Stop,” shrieked Steel and he started to back away. He looked down at his brother. His light hair, his light blue eyes, his youthful features. “You are still cold as death brother. Does nothing but the promise of coin win your loyalty? Have you no yearning for something more…. something to fight for? Does only the feel of the blade, the fire of battle, and the hint of fortune warm your heart?

Verite DarKnight looked up from the ground at his brother. Looked up, as he had all his life to his elder sibling. Ever so gently he shook his head. Steel had made his choice in life. I have made mine. They were the only logical choices at the time. That fork in the road had long ago been passed. There was no going back. Or was there?

“Brother….I….” Verite spoke quietly.

“Brother”? Steel seemed to spit out the words. “I have no Brother named Verite”. “At least I don’t anymore” “He left along time ago and it seems he is never to return”. “I mourn his death.”

Know this you………. “Mercenary”. Next time I will not stay my hand. Next time………….

The only sounds that could be heard as Steel walked away was his own footsteps and the gentle sobs that seemed to come from the green clad warrior who still had not picked himself up from the blood stained, mud soaked, ground.

“Dos z'klaen yaith dosst due tlu ol dos xor mina, ol z'klaen tlu paid.”

Turning his head so that his face could not be seen by the young Decurion, Emperor Borg looked towards the head of the Praetorian Guard. Standing protectively nearby Sir Brightblade looked towards his emperor and, for the slightest of seconds, broke his cold stare with a wink. A wink, that was returned by the emperor.

Steel waited calmly for his emperor’s orders. He watched as the Emperor raised himself from the collection of maps on the table and strode, arms locked behind him, to the castle window. Borg paused a moment at the window looking towards the sea. Without turning he spoke “ Decurion, make it so”. Steel raised himself from the table and saluted. “Yes milord”.

Descending the stairs from the Emperors quarters and quickly making his way to his office Steel hurriedly organized his thoughts. Upon reaching his office he quickly scribbled a brief message upon several scrolls stored near his desk and sealed them with his insignia. After this was completed he called for couriers for delivery. Darkness soon penetrated the office as day turned into night. Steel continued to sit staring into the darkness his thoughts many leagues away.

“Dos ph' wasting draeval rivvil, doer ulu uns'aa nin!”

After a brief moment of silence Steel began to speak. “Ange, so now you understand what we hope to accomplish?” Ange answered “Yes sir I do.” Steel nodded “So what are your thoughts?” Ange smiled “A excellent plan sir. I believe we should be able to achieve our goal.”

Steel nodded once more and looked down the empty hall. “Aye, the trap is going to be set” he said. “A little bait for our enemies and BAM!” Steel punched one mailed fist into the other to emphasize his point. “Ange for this mission to succeed this plan must be kept in complete secrecy until we begin our assault. The enemy we face and their allies have many eyes and ears through out the realms. If our battle plans fall into the wrong hands we could very well be marching to our own funerals. The empire’s very existence relies on a victory here. If we should fail we shall find these forces upon our very door.”

“We must not, nay, can not lose!”

“Understood sir,” answered Ange solemnly.

“Dosst brethrens dro hangs wun l' balance wael.” The voice said loudly.

Steel walked from soldier to soldier. Noble Kodoz stood along side Knight Kentaro and recently blooded Aidan. Steel looked to Aidan for any sign of nervousness, as this would be his first major battle. Steel saw none and was proud of the young Legionnaire. To the sides behind the walls sat many Mages. Prometheus, Neo, Logan, War Dog, Earwen, all of whom were under the command of Ange sans Ailes. She had placed them as her and Steel had discussed and they would be almost untouchable behind the walls of the entrance. From these safe positions they could cast their deadly magic’s without fear of harm. Upstairs on the battlements Mages and archers kneeled behind the walls to conceal their location. Their job to destroy any Savages that attempted to retreat to warn the village. In the castle courtyard Thiork was hard at work creating gates of magic and whisking in the steeds that would be needed for the next stage.

Once all was ready, the next step was set in motion. Steel Darknight mounted a steed and rode towards the enemy village. Alone, he appeared a easy target and it wasn’t long before he was set upon by a large group of Savages whom thirsted for vengeance against those “Ironskins” like him whom had killed so many on the beaches. Steel quickly wheeled his steed and sprinted towards castle. He was forced to slow several times to allow the Savages to remain in sight. Unfortunately, the Savage shaman saw this as an opportunity and blasted the Knight with their foul magic. Beaten, bloody, and barely conscience Steel rode through the open door of the castle. Hordes of screaming Savages in tow.

To their surprise they found not the single half-dead knight they expected. The jaws of the “trap” had closed and they instead found a wall of blades and armor interlocked to prevent their passage. To the side’s chants of magic rose up from the walls and it was only moments before waves of fire and poison started to wash over the now terrified Savages. As much as they tried the Savages could not retreat. As this attempt to retreat was blocked by an equal amount of savages who were pressing to enter and soon, they too, were awash in magical energy as the mages and archers positioned on the battlements raised and began their assault. The bodies of the first Savage wave soon lay littered around the courtyard.

“L' draeval uriu doer whol dosst choice S'argt.”

“No! No! No!…No!.”

Quickly, he wheeled Honor about seeking to turn back….He knew that the forces before him were more than he could handle alone. His hope, to return to Olympus and gather reinforcements.

His hopes were quickly dashed as yet another portal opened behind him. This one having been created by arcane magery. The creatures pouring forth though were the same. Steel recognized these…Gargoyles, Demons, their number countless and awful to behold.… It seemed as if the Abyss itself had emptied in

order to stop him.

Wheeling Honor about once more Steel knew his only hope lay in reaching the Moongate. Clicking his steeds flanks he urged it forward. Unsheathing his sword he yelled…


Crashing into the evil spawn, he thrust his blade from side to side seeking to clear his way. His pace while quick as first slowed as the evil spawn reached for him, and his steed, seeking to tear them to the ground.

With an evil cry the hordes pushed against him. As one would fall, it would be replaced, by another, and another. Steel spared one moment to look towards the moongate… Yet more of the evil spawn poured forth.

With a cry of victory, the hordes tore Steel from his mount. Its pitiful cries moving though the air as it was brought down…then silenced

Steel himself was covered with blood…his enemies and his own. Although he had quickly leapt to his feet after being demounted, he could not move forward, nor back. The bodies of his foes lay piled about him…along with his shield, having been battered by use. His tunic soon joined the pile as it too failed him.

His enemies seemed to increase……

Steel knew at that moment that he has failed and his death was assured. He seeked only to take as many of the Demon spawn with him as he fell.

His breath was heavy, his wounds many…he had fought for a time that seemed to be hours.

With a rush the enemy brought him down…He felt the chain and the amulet being ripped from his neck…. he had failed.

As sudden as it had come, the enemy departed…. Steel slowly pushed a body, skewered by his blade, off of him …and looked about.

He saw the last of the enemy move through a portal that had been opened to the side of the moongate. Slowly Steel crawled forward in an attempt to follow. Yet as he looked up one form stepped through portal.

Larger yet than the daemons he had fought it was, it wings lay tattered upon its back, its skin a motley grayish brown. Leering down at Steel it spoke.

“Foolissssshhhh Mortal……you have failed…The time of your Guardianssssss…issssss over…. Our mastersssss wisssssh your Death."

“Come mortal…..your death awaitssssssss you’sssssss……”

Steel slowly rose to his feet. Coughing and spitting blood to the side he spoke…….

“I……….Shall……..not……. LOSE!!”

“Ussta elg'cahl grows rin'ov stronger wun dos dhyn.”

Slowly, Steel closed the window and sat down in the chair positioned next to it. Looking downward, Steel pondered the course of recent events. The realms had change, along with the people within it. The gods themselves had some hand in this as their sweeping changes and creations had altered reality to a very different state than what it first was.

The threats of the past had disappeared, the undead lords were in check and their activities and groups were isolated to a few catacombs. The Orcs and Savages had been greatly weakened by the constant onslaught of man. They retained but a small portion of the power they once had. The Juka had all but disappeared after the death of Blackthorne. Almost all evidence of the Army of the Sands had disappeared and the prophesized invasion had never come.

No enemies threaten the guardians or their holdings and thus the Order had no focus.

No longer did the young squires run about the castle tending to their Knights requirements, or studying the arts of war. Possible entrants to the empire had all but dried up. It seemed that the younger generation of the realm had little or no interest in the teachings of an old order. Or the honor and comradely to be found within.

Opening the door he walked out upon the entryway. As always standing his lonely guard stood Todd the Sentry. The old warrior looked exhausted, almost as if he could fall at any moment. The late day had turned into night. Steel realized that the ancient sentry had not been relieved in some time Steel felt pride at this old warriors sense of duty, even though no one would have noticed his leave, he continued to remain at his post.

Steel slid his hand through his slightly graying hair. Pausing a moment as if to make a choice he placed his helmet on his head and saluted the Sentry.

“Although the night is often cold and dark, and brings perhaps things we may not have foreseen…. the morning, it always comes.”

“I shall stand with you this night.”

“Nin zhah l' draeval, dos inbal natha choice S'argt belbau dosstan xor nindyn dos zhaun lu' ssinssrigg zhal rei lu' l'lonna.” Spoke the voice with expectation in her voice.

Steel found himself kneeling in a great throne room of darkness and shadow. Before him, sitting upon a throne of ebony a young female drow elf watched him intently. Steel attempted to meet her gaze but could not. Every time he tried, her eyes burned into his, forcing him to tear away.

A slight evil laugh could be heard from the elf.

Dhyn solen zhahen naut meant ulu l'inya pholor l' phraktos.

Steel bowed his head downward.

Stepping down from the throne, the young drow woman approached him.

Instantly, Steels mind was beaten with the events of the past week. The desperate search for a cure, the ultimatum on Rico’s life, the capture of the Emperor.

Dos inbal natha choice ulu morfeth S'argt, dos shlu'ta dortho wun saving nindyn vel'ussa dos inbal noamuth, jhal l' toll zhah natha obok uss. . Dosst athiyk zhah protected dal uns'aa, tangis' nin 'zil ussta elg'cahl xunden olt i'dol areion dosst khel. Dos z'klaen belbau dosstan ulu uns'aa totally lu' xuileb reserve. Dosst khel Usstan shlu'ta plynn, jhal dosst athiyk zhah vel'bol Usstan lac.

Dos kampi'un l' consequences d' vel'bol orn sha'nalt ka dos xun naut qua'l siyo?

Steels mind was again buffeted with thoughts of his legion’s torture. The pain,….the blood….the never-ending night. He saw it all as if it was happening

Steel, looked up towards the evil goddess, and in that moment stood firm in his gaze with defiance in his eyes. His mind burned as a result, the pain unbearable.

“I give myself to you, on the condition that the events you have shown me are not to pass…….”

Steel grunted in pain and finally lowered his gaze back to the floor.

The evil goddess laughed once more. “Waela dhyn, Usstan iglata naubol byr taga ulu simply drewst ussta influence lu' dortho dal l' events ulu doer.” “Dosst “S'argten” orn inbal ulu deal xuil vel'bol’s zet d' nindel situation nintan.”

“Usstan orn inbal vel'bol Usstan lac.”

Gently she reached down towards the fallen Guardian and raised him up towards her.

“Usstan nin inbal vel'bol Usstan lac.”

The Guardians stood over their fallen Senator. The salve they had so desperately sought the reagents to be applied to the letter of the instructions given them. Quietly they spoke among themselves as the healers worked to remove the bandages.

What if the cure did not work?

What would they do? The Emperor captured, The S.o.W. bedridden, or worse dead.

Steels eyes fluttered open…..quietly he looked towards his Guardians with great reverence and respect in his eyes. To each and every one he looked meeting their gaze in turn. As he had seen many of their predecessors come, grow, and then move on. He had watched many of these, the new generation of guardians come, and grow……

“Look towards the leafless trees of Trinsic, There, you shall find what you seek, in the appointed hour.

Strength and Honor Guardians.

Safe journeys…..

And with those final words, Steels eyes fluttered shut, and his last breath rattled from his chest. Finally at peace, but for a single tear rolling down his cheek.

They say that in a mans final hour, before his death, the events of his life are replayed to him

Perhaps this is true, perhaps not. But in this way, perhaps, a man is judged on that final hour.

Edited by Steel DarKnight
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Maven uth Mateur, sat quietly in his new chambers at Fortress Olympus. Gently, he gathered, sorted, and organized his brother’s belongings. Each item bringing to his mind, some memory or recollection of events. Some brought a smile to his face while others a tear to his eyes.

Through the actions of the Legion, the Empire was once again whole.

The Emperor, although shaken and perhaps affected in ways that he would ever remember, had returned to them. Time would tell if his ordeal, enduring the Drows sweet mercies, would have a long term affect upon him psychically or mentally.

For Maven, the Empire was not the only thing to be made whole again. With the death of Steel the DarKnight family had returned together to mourn, old scores and grievances had been settled or forgotten, and for some new paths may very well lie ahead.

Maven, Raven, Silver, Verite, and Val would all gather together this eve to lay their brother to rest.

Verite, whom had served as a mercenary all his life far removed from his kin, seemed the most affected by Steels death. Tearfully he swore to his brothers that he would start anew and seek to walk the path of righteousness. Time would tell, when the mourning past, if the lure of gold and fame had truly left his spirit.

Raven, who had traveled the land almost whimsically had seemed to gain purpose. For him he would no longer travel the lands singing tales of others adventures. He would, he proclaimed, make his own tales. No longer would the fate of Sosaria be left to others to guard.

Silver, had remained ever cold and distant since his brothers loss. Late into the night he could be heard working in his shop. The sound of his hammer ringing constantly through the eve.

Val, the youngest of the brothers, worked to complete his training in the art of battle. Within him could be seen a new passion and fire. No longer would his elder brother be his mentor. His future, no longer certain, was his own to forge. With this loss, he had gained motivation and determination.

I myself, he pondered, must walk a new path. For most of his life, he had lived carefree. Although a member of the Legion, he had never in the past concerned himself with politics of the realms, nor the matters of military order. Those matters were left with others more senior then himself. Now, he thought, those very burdens are mine to bear.

For the Empire as a whole, a transition would need to take place; those whom had followed would now be needed to lead. New recruits would come, and the Empire would continue to grow. But a solid foundation would need to be formed for the current success to be continued.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Maven completed his grim work. Only one last task remained before him, and as such it was the one he most dreaded, to bring his brothers body to his place of final rest.

Maven proceeded slowly to the highest tower of Olympus were Steel had been laid in state. His body had been magically sealed and preserved so that the affects of time and decay would not have an effect upon his now lifeless form. It was mentioned by some that a grand tomb should be erected to house his body as a symbol of the Empire and the Legion. A lesson of sacrifice for the greater good of all.

Maven looked downward, Steel would have never approved for such to be done.

Pausing outside the door to the mausoleum, Maven took a deep breath. To this point, he had avoided viewing Steels body for fear of showing fear and sadness at the time strength was what was needed. He wasn’t sure if he would react any better now that some time had passed.

Taking another breath, he opened the door.

That breath suddenly rushed from his body as a loud yell came from his lips. Almost falling he grasped the side of the doorway and hunched over, his eyes spread wide in shock, as he looked into the shadowy room.

Steels body was no were to be seen…..

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A lone female drow walked through the shadows of the netherworld known by mortals as the “Abyss”. Coldly, even haughtily, she passed by hellish sights and sounds that would have rattled even the most dark hearted and evil stained of the drowish race. To her sides the countless evil denizens of the dark plane viewed her passing, yet none approached her. For they knew she was no mere drow, as they would have taken great glee in ripping, tearing and feasting upon the flesh any mere mortal who walked their realm. Keeping from her path they stood and watched her passing.

Normally the dark maiden would have been amused by the chaos about her, for such is what she reveled in. But upcoming events, shifts with the balance of the gods consumed her thoughts. A time of trouble was coming and her goal was to see that her and her followers used it to their advantage.


The Ancient Balron sat upon his throne of skulls and watched with amusement as the small minor deamon, know by mortals as a “imp”, cringed and bowed before him. He reveled in its suffering and fear, for one of his kind knew no greater pleasure than to inflict suffering.

Unfortunately for him, this momentary thrill would be only passing. For when the imp was eventually dispatched he would be left with the cold emptiness of his banishment. A banishment inflicted upon him from those within the mortal realm.

Seething at this thought he reached quickly down for the stuttering imp intent on crushing the life from his body. But, before he could sweep the quivering imp into his arms he noticed the dark figure approaching him. His eyes flared angrily as he watched the impetuous drow move towards him. Thoughts of ripping this intruder to threads flashed through his mind and brought a joy to his malevolent heart.

Quickly he realized though that this was no normal drow and that joy was replaced by a very real sense of fear. Protectively, as she moved forward he instinctively brought his wings forward in a feeble attempt to shield his body. But he was not attacked, the drowish maiden having stopped a few yards away. Quickly the dark lord of the abyss regained his composure, realizing that when one was approached by such as this that showing fear could very well be a fatal error.

“Greetings Dark Lord, fear not for I mean you no harm this day” she spoke.

The Balron looked on suspiciously, knowing that this one held no morals to prevent her from lying.

“Instead” she gleamed “ I come offering partnership and opportunity”

Curiosity getting the better of his wisdom, the Dark Balron leaned forward and spoke haughtily. Attempting to seize, what he perceived, a slight advantage.

“Partnership, Opportunity? Lloth is not one known to offer such things. Chaos, Destruction…yes that would be more likely.”

Ignoring the Balrons tone she continued.

“I require your services in times upcoming to assist my followers upon the mortal realm.”

The Evil Balron quickly responded “Service? And what shall I ask is in it for me?” Quickly thinking he snarled, “Besides as you well know I am banished from the realm of mortals…why do you waste my time?”

Continuing to ignore his obstinacy she continued.

“The ones whom banished you can free you from this banishment can they not?”

The Deamon Lord laughed, arrogance seething from his tone.

“Yes of course but why, tell me would they do that?”

She answered quite calmly as if speaking with a simpleton “For I have one that they would give much for, one that you can bargain with and use ultimately to fulfill my goal and your revenge”

He shook his head angrily “Bahhh, you know not what you speak”

The dark maiden, god of the drow spoke one word, a name that instantly caused the deamon to regret his doubt.

Hope filled the Dark lords soul and mind and he quickly nodded in acknowledgment. Seeking to retain some manner of control he spoke.

“I have been told that when one dines with the devil should bring a long spoon”

The drowish maiden’s eyes flashed angrily and the Dark Lord quickly agreed to her offering.

Edited by Steel DarKnight
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They had failed, the sadness that passed through Mavens heart as this thought pushed through his mind was numbing.

They had forsaken everything in order to grasp at this dubious lead. Unfortunately dubious had transformed into nothing and their attempts had been for vain.

The brothers DarKnight had left everything behind, their homes, their duties, their responsibilities in order to chase down a lead given to them by a senile old crone.

They were returning now, to the mainland, although some time they had before reaching the continent they called home. They all wondered how they would be received by those they had left behind. Those whom they had not shared a word of their endeavor.

Maven had attempted to return prior to now; once their failure was evident, but on the far side of the realm of Sosaria, to the dark continent they traveled…the magic allowing him to return him at the sound of a word had failed him.

He looked over his brothers, so varied a lot as they were and sighed heavily. They would never be the same.

For in a strange quirk or coincidence. Fate perhaps…they felt truly a part of the ship they had called home these many months. For the ship they traveled upon had been named

“The Morning Light"

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“Kiss me” she spoke gently.

Gently he pushed her away stopping, at least momentarily, her advances.

“Why do you refuse me so… I know you care for me why do you not give in to your heart?”

Steel shook his head angrily “I have must to atone for, much sadness and grief. I must make amends for, the pain I have caused”

She looked down poutily “What about the pain I have that you have caused?”

Steel stepped towards her.

“My love the Champions of Camelot have accepted me into their ranks, regardless of my past doings…my sins. They offer me redemption”

Almost hungrily she peered back up at him stepping towards him and wrapping his body in her embrace.

Something was not right Steel thought.

It started as a slight ringing in his ear..soon moving to a boring pain in his skull.

He was….he was being offered..he was..being offered a new start.a new life…forgivness for his past…

But all Steel wanted to do was to stay here with her, to love her and take her fully into his arms.

Something…something was not right..

He stepped back once more breaking her grasp of him and shook his head violently…

“No…you are not here, could not be here…this is illusion…”

As he spoke her face and body transformed, while not unbecoming she was not the one he had left so long ago to redeem his soul. Large fangs sprang from her pouty lips as small leather wings pushed from her back”

“But what about my hunger …..” the low voice of the vixen spoke.

Woken from his reverie, Steel Darknight threw himself back from the Succumbus her illusion fully revealed.

She stepped towards him hungrily only to be pummeled back by the quick flash of the whip within the Dark Balron Lords hands.

A dark laughter rumbled from deep within his chest. He was thoroughly enjoying his new toy and even though many months had passed, he was yet to tire of his vengeance.

The bright armor and apparel disappeared from Steels body to reveal the beaten, battered, and whip scarred body below

“Almost” the deamon spoke. “Almost….”

Steel knew that he was right, the memories of the past were a powerful thing…and choices he had made could never be remade again. But his evil captor thoroughly enjoyed pushing him once more through those painful crossroads of his life.

“The facets of torture in hell are many Steel DarKnight and we are just now beginning” shrieked the dark lord of the abyss.

Steel found himself falling, or was he? His pain stricken mind could not fully gather the stream of visions passing through his mind.

He found himself looking down upon Olympus, then his vision moved to the inside, to the meeting chamber were he had sat and presided so many times before.

“The Purple Guardians of Honor…….” A voice hissed in his mind.

“The noble, honorable, Knights of Justice..always loyal…always faithful…or so it seemed…. Yes?”

Steel watched a convening of the weekly meeting. He noticed many familiar faces, and some he did not know.

“Always faithful…or are they Steel…look, you have been replaced…isn’t that another wearing the colors of the Senator of War,...Imperator, Decurion, Magistrate, Centurion, Phalanx,.....all the roles you once occupied” The voice hissed adamantly

Steel watched the meeting convene, smiles shared between comrades, bold words spoken and met with applause, promotions passed, initiatives brought forward and discussed.

“You have been forgotten Steel, your sacrifice, you were but a useful tool and your use has ended. I see none looking towards you…none with hope in his heart that you still survive” The sly voice continued.

Steel looked downward, while for a time pride filled his heart as he watched those he had brought up and forward within the empire take upon themselves new roles and authority. To take responsibility.

“Or perhaps not Steel, perhaps they yet know you survive and no longer care, your usefulness to them passed. Your body was never found of course”

“For those whom once followed you, now have forgotten you….no…haven’t forgotten….just no longer need you” The stinging words passed through Steel like a knife.

As the visions passed through Steels mind, doubt crept upon his heart Was he truly no longer needed….did he mean nothing to the order or those that followed….was he so easily replaced..?

“Were were these…when you struggled alone Steel….?”

“Were were they when you passed through the Dark Night?” the voice persisted pressing into his mind.

“Were are they now when you suffer in hell? For them.... Watch them smile and laugh……you have not been forgotten Steel….you are the FORSAKEN

Edited by Steel DarKnight
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I am proud to note that the events above were generated, initiated, and built upon real in game events. It was not long ago when we fought the Drow of Fel.....

As I have mentioned before, the reality of the realms has no meaning without consequence. Be it good or bad. By the words expressed to me, the events ingame, and on these boards, true loss, pride, and honor was shown and felt by the consequences of this scenario.

But always the words within the writings and stories on this board should be seen as a springboard to events in game. To flesh out the details unattainable in realm.

Repair your armor, sharpen your swords, and gather those spells of war close to you.

The table is set my friends and dinner is served.

The consequences of YOUR actions will have real meaning to those around you. Perhaps a soul shall be saved...perhaps......

I am watching.

See you on the inside.

Strength and Honor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Steels body was wracked with pain, his body was bruised battered and beaten from the tortures inflicted by the Dread Lord and his minions. But yet, that was not the worse of his tortures. His mind, had been equally abused.

“The facets of torture in hell are many Steel DarKnight, and we are just now beginning”

Now he was alone, left as he was at times to his own dark thoughts. He had been placed high atop a desolate mountain crag some were in the Abyss. No guards watched over him, as he had no were to go, for him they had told him.......he would never find home.

Looking down at himself, Steel saw the affects of the brutal treatment of his captors. Were once his arms had been covered with fine clothes, and even finer arms and armor...were now just tattered rags. These barely served to cover the bruises and welts that now served as his armor mail.

Steel had seen the foul visions passed to him each day of the realm he once called home. Visions, twisted and corrupted by the Dark Lord had entered his mine’s eye. Those visions ran through his mind, as did the words of the Deamon Lord

“Were were these…when you struggled alone Steel….?”

“Were were they when you passed through the Dark Night?” the voice persisted pressing into his mind.

“Were are they now when you suffer in hell? For them.... Watch them smile and laugh……you have not been forgotten Steel….you are the FORSAKEN”

Tears of pain, and of his suffering rolled from Steels eyes.......

For all he was, all he had attempted to be, all his struggles, all the conflict he had endured,...were for nothing.

Time had forgotten him.

Steel Darknight’s voice rose low over the mountain top, his mournful dirge filling the air. As he continued his voice rang louder over the mountainside...a mournful wail of hopelessness and despair.

Edited by Steel DarKnight
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Steel’s Song

Where once was light

Now darkness falls

Where once was Honor

Honor is found no more

These tears that I cry

Are for all the lies

That were told to me

The hurt and the blame

And I will weep

I am so alone

I am lost

I will never find home.....

Don't say goodbye

Don't say that I never tried

So in the end

I will become, What I was meant to be

What loyal friend

Was ever there for me

For now..... I will say goodbye

I shall say that you never tried

The tears that you will cry

Will have come too late

Take back the lies

My hurt,............... your blame

And you will cry

When you face your end alone

For you will be lost

And you will never go home

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first beams of a full moon shone down on a band of brave Guardians who had regrouped at Olympus following a foray into the Ophidian stronghold. As was the custom, the failings and successes of the various encounters were discussed among those gathered. The talk soon turned to that which dwelled uppermost in each Guardian’s mind, the plight of Steel DarKnight. A few members of the band were dispatched to reinforce the Guardian patrols in dungeon Hythloth and the spider nest of Ilshenar.

The remaining four directed their focus to studying the tomes laying under the watchful eye of Tod the Sentry, the most recent of which had been translated by a stranger with an unmistakable reference to the Moonglow cemetery. Though it had been searched in the past, the group decided to venture forth again seeking the next Book. Long did they stay there, many foul creatures fell, but neither Chest nor Book were found.

“Let us search all cemeteries” said one. And so they set off, determined not to leave a stone unturned until Steel was found. The cemetery of Yew was the sixth one scrutinized; among the brittle bones of a fallen skeleton, a well-worn tome was found written in Steel’s hand, recounting the history of himself and his family.

“This one is most strange, not at all like the other two. It gives no hint, no direction to follow in our quest. It serves only to add to the sorrow of our heavy hearts.”

“Be not discouraged, Guardians!” called out one of the group as she pointed to the rooftop of a nearby house. “Do you not see it? The glow of the moon reflects brightly off the tiles, revealing a distinctive chalice — the sign of HONOR!”

A violent wind blew from the east, bending the trees almost to breaking, scattering debris throughout the cemetery, nearly unseating the mounted Guardians. A dreadful hiss was heard, understood by only one of the group. Val DarKnight stood erect, fury sparking from his eyes, a stony look came over his face as he uttered, “Abyss”.

Edited by Kaatya
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The swirling mist within the crystal ball began to take form. The shadowy outline of a man stood in a cloud of darkness. Having been gazing into the ball for hours, Martok almost missed the shift within the ball, but quickly snapped to attention and took notice.

What is it? questioned Balandar from a hidden corner of the dark room deep within the basement of Olympus.

Smiling, Martok responded, The beginning of another adventure perhaps?

Shurgging his shoulders and sighing, Balandar shook his head. We are getting too old for more adventures. Why do I have the feeling this will turn out ill for us?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Four souls gathered at Olympus in response to the call to arms. Runners were dispatched to the Guardian patrols directing them to proceed with due haste to The Abyss.

“We dare not waste another minute, his Fate could well depend on what we do this night.” And so, with a word to Tod the Sentry, two archers and two mages set off for the desecrated ruins of Montor near the Ilshenar shrine of Chaos, home of the darkest evil in Sosaria.

It seemed their arrival was expected, for awaiting them were a horde of creatures transformed from the stone of the lofty fortress, as well as those spawned in hell. But these proved small challenge for the talents and determination of those they assailed. Leaving dozens of corpses in their wake, the group of three Guardians, one halfbreed drow, and his fierce pet wyrm made their way cautiously up the slope.

A stifling silence permeated the entrance to the vile Lord’s citadel but the pungent stench gave certain evidence of the perils which lay beyond. A moment was taken as the Guardians whispered a prayer to Mars, beseeching guidance and protection from the menace they would now confront.

The massive door creaked open of its own accord, the murky darkness beyond broken only by the dulcet moonlight slipping through the meager slits cut into the sturdy stonework. Myriad niches and doorways branched off from the great hall whose walls towered well over thirty feet. And yet, all was silent — seemingly deserted.

“Be not deceived Guardians. Tis great wickedness in this place. Prepare yerselves.”

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At the guild meeting, two days later, Kaatya tells of their attempts to free Steel from his captors.

“We battled long and hard, defeating every scurrilous minion that inhabited that hellish place. Our supplies running dangerously low, we sent Ben to muster up some reinforcements. No sooner had he left, than the odious master appeared, the Lord of the Abyss. And now we were just three, though Guardians all.”

“Arrows flew from our bows. Hudson used his magics and his music to our great advantage. The mighty balron focused his attack on Val DarKnight, taunting him all the while with stories of his brother’s torture. We could see the pain etched on Val’s face, but he did not waver. Twas his final arrow that dealt the death blow. The great hall shuddered as the nine-foot tall embodiment of evil crashed to the floor at Val’s feet.”

“We felt elated, yet had no time for celebration. Unbeknownst to us, another pair of eyes had been watching and stepped forward with a bone chilling shriek. The remaining lifeforce was quickly drained from Hudson and I, and yet this succubus purposefully left us just barely conscious; it seemed she thrived on having an audience. She turned her attention to young Val and danced around his prone form, squealing with glee as he writhed in agony from the flames she bounced off his skin.”

“You shall not have him.” It was not shouted, it did not reverberate off the walls. But rather, it was said with a deadly calm. The gaunt, ravaged form of Steel DarKnight stepped from the shadows, controlled fury evident in his every feature. His stony gaze held hers as his slow, determined steps brought him to where his brother lay; he positioned himself to shield Val from the vicious onslaught. Steel winced as the strong magics of the succubus hit him, but he did not retreat. “I no longer feel your tortures,” was said through gritted teeth as he stood his ground, his powerful sword cleaving through her in rapid succession. Her final insult was muffled by the massive hands that strangled the life from her. In disgust, Steel hurled her limp form against the far wall.

“Wordlessly, he tended to our wounds and escorted us to safety. We could get no response to our exclamations of joy at seeing him again, our offers of assistance, our inquiries into his well-being. With a derisive look, he turned from us, gently gathered up his young brother, and left.”

“Steel’s freedom has been secured, but he is very much a changed man. I dinna know what to expect from him these days, but I do know that we cannot fail him again.”

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*based on real events in-game*

With a horrible laugh of victory the dread “Lord of the Abyss” found himself being pulled into the material plane “Finally” he thought....”Those fools have released me,........ in order to restore him”.

“They know not, the ill they have done...upon themselves...and upon their world.”

Carefully and diligently he had planned for this moment, his agents upon the material plane having sowed the seeds for his return. It had seemed that ages had passed, but finally his moment of victory, and their moment of ultimate suffering, was at hand.

They had found the sealed portal to the nether realm, located approprietly in a place known by mortals as the "Abyss"

Allowing the summons to pull him from the true Abyss, he noted that only three individuals stood between him and his full return the material plane.

Laughter again rang from his throat as he stepped forward to crush the life from the bodies of these mortal defenders.

Edited by Steel DarKnight
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Steel DarKnight stepped quietly through the fortified doors of Olympus.

Over the course of the past weeks, following his release, he had watched the order he once called his own. Sometimes, he had made his presence known and felt to those of the order. At others times he did not, preferring to watch from the cover of shadow. Initially, there were those whom had sought to speak with him, to welcome his return to the realm of the living. Always, Steel either remained silent, or spoke but a few words. His thoughts his own.

He watched from the shadows as the Guardians conducted their forays and missions.

He watched as the rank and file met to discuss the weekly matters of the empire.

He watched, as the council convened to discuss the matters of state.

He watched, the new generation of Guardians whom had stepped forward to lead the order.

He watched.......his thought his own.

On this day, the 1st day of each week, the Guardians, as was there practice, had gathered to discuss the events of the prior week. Pushing open the doors of the great Meeting Hall of Olympus proper he stepped inside. As he stepped forward, into the light, all eyes turned towards him. Silently Steel looked over those assembled. Many faces he did not know, but those whom he did, returned his stare with warmth. Slowly and quietly Steel took a seat at the back of the hall. He nodded quietly as those whom has once fought with him and under him welcomed him with kind words of greetings.

Bowing his head to the Emperor, he bade Logan to continue.

As the Emperor spoke Steel gathered his thoughts. Once more he looked upon those assembled. In each of these he saw strength’s. He had watched these strength’s mature and grow stronger as each assumed their roles within the empire. Many he had watched from their inception.

But in each he also saw weaknesses, weakness that he now also saw in himself.

Suddenly, Steel felt very old.

Steel, contrary to popular belief was not very old. Although his hair had started to grey at the temples a bit, and his face was marked with the lines of age, of worry, he was yet but a man who had yet to reach his thirtieth winter. But his eyes....., his eyes had seen much. Times of trouble, times of happiness, times of neglect, times of prosperity and growth.

And many, many, many...... faces.

He was the last of a generation of recruits to the Empire. His former comrades in arms having long left the realms with their commander.

As the meeting started to conclude Steel slowly stuck his hand in the air, motioning Emperor Logan to grant his request to speak. The Emperor nodded to Steel as he rose and stood before the assembly.

“As many of you are aware I am recently returned from places dark and foreboding” he said quietly. “But that is the past and now we must look towards the future.”

Turning towards the leadership of the order he spoke. “For those of you whom now hold positions of authority I ask for you to remember that true leadership is not granted, or acquired by title” Pausing briefly Steel continued “It is something that is displayed in your actions.” “The title is secondary to the act itself” he spoke quietly.

“Your leadership badges, your metals of valor and honor...mean nothing unless there are true actions and meaning behind them”

Turning back to the general assemblage Steel addressed them separately.

“Once, when I was but a young knight, wise words were passed to me.”

“These words I have passed to each new generation of Guardian as they have entered the legion” he continued. “These words are what I have tried to follow in heart and direction”

“This order, ...this empire, is what YOU make of it, no more, no less”.

Steel paused briefly as if to gather his breath. When he continued his tone and volume was much louder and clearer then before.

“During this time within the Empire I have held every military post from Knighthood to Senator of War. I have presided over and helped guide the transition from one Emperor to the next.” His voice rang out “I have trained, fought with, handled dispute, and watched depart countless generations of Guardians.”

“Per the Codex, I have served my time within the Legion.”

“I have nothing left to prove” he spoke with a sense of finality.

Unclasping the crimson red cloak designating the office of Senator of War he allowed it to slip from his back to fall upon the floor of the hall.

“I will be watching.......”

Quickly and quietly he stepped forward through the doorway and out of Olympus.

"So in the end

I will become, What I was meant to be......”



“In actual life we cannot ask for an invincible general; there have been few such generals since ancient times. We ask for a general whom is both brave and wise, who usually wins battles in the course of war - a general whom combines wisdom with courage”

Mao Tse-Tung

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*Kodoz knew that such a day would come. He knew he would eventually watch as his friends laid down their arms and go away from him...But he still couldn't help but feel horrible. Maybe if things had been done differently, he thought, or maybe if we had rescued him, or maybe if I had taken his place, and he quickly banished such thoughts. It was foolish to think of what may have happened. He still believed everything happened for a reason. He drew his kryss with a flourish, and stared into the gleaming metal. Was it time for him to pass on the mantle as well? Was it time to let the new guard be called in? Time to admit for the first time that perhaps he was no longer at his fighting best? Kodoz looked into the metal, and realized it was like him. On the outside, cold, hard, harsh, and deadly; but when in the hands of the proper crafter, could be reshaped into anything. When first molded, it gets its basic characteristics. Kodoz was like that. His craftsmen had been the guardians of honor. Steel, Triston, Marcas, Elathiel, Logan, Wolf, Borg, and many others. He looked once more into that metal, and realized that like his kryss, was not yet ready to be hung on a wall as a memory, but to be used for the good of the empire. He would continue his fight until he had no strength in his limbs. He would stay to honor Steel's teachings, and to make sure that every generation of guardians would hear of Steel's amazing journey. For such was his destiny, and his calling. Verily, Steel spoke true that titles come after the fact. And Kodoz realized why Steel was finally leaving. Not for himself. But for the Empire. He had served better than any man Kodoz could ever remember. And His legacy would live on forever. Speaking to noone but himself and to Steel, wherever he was, he uttered these words.*

"Steel, Mentor, Teacher, and Moral Compass. You are one to be honored. Safe journeys to you Steel DarKnight, Strength and Honor!"

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