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What was....will be again.

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The morning sun barely broke through the horizon as the true measure of what results the combined Empires had done to the Orc Clans and structures.   All were smoldering and nay was an Orc life stirring.  Only the vagabons and the crypt keeps wandered the areas; picking up the assets of the dead still to be found.  No sign of Orcs at all.



That was the report that passed the desk of Emperor Greg at the end of the 3 day War against the Orc clans.  Since that day the previously unseen and unheard of Savages began to take over these destroyed areas and claim them for thier Tribes.  It seems that the effort to end the Orc oppression only gave opportunity to an even more vile occupation of the lands....Cannibalistic Savages.  

The Savages were found to be tribal and had multiple branches of thier overall race.  Mist, Loche, Blood, Moss and Sand were all adept at various practices and tendancies. Sadly, these new visible inhabitants had become an equal danger to the citizens of the realm.

Still....what of the Orcs...were they completely destroyed?  

I had been reading the local papers and spoke briefly with the town cryer that has his post outside my branch office of the Imperial Treasury.  Reports of a few Orcs were seen...but they were very rare and in dire condition of health.  These Orcs that were seen were independants...struggling to survive outside thier clan and homes.

I found it odd indeed that for years the Orcs had been a nusance and danger and that many a time they had been a blight on the lands and sought out to be eliminated.  Perhaps this time it had been enough...could this be the end of the Orcs?

As I rounded the corner on my way to the Provisioners I saw a familiar face sitting along the wall eating a raw fish.  Grulg'glug, the reigning Mars Champion, the Skullcrusher Orc who had been living in and around Trinsic for nearly a year.  He had spoken about his clan being destroyed and that nay he ever knew what had killed his kin.  I shook my head that I never put 2 and 2 together....Grulg'glug is a survivor and if anyone would know where or if the Orc Clans would survive it would be him.  He was accepted into the city and allowed to be a resident by the PGoH Empire, since he did win thier Mars Tournament last year.

I asked Grulg'glug for a moment and while he still ate as I talked he did then give me food for thought ....hehe I did refuse his kind offer of a fresh fillet of fish though.  

"Wen der ib bubhosh danjur orcs gu bak tu der burth uzg.  Im wull rekuvur bekuse im ad peece, im wull feel strung agh nub week lik pushdug humies.", Grulg'glug mumbled.

Translated he said the following.

"In great trouble an Orc will return to his origin.  The safety of the most familiar place will bring him the peace he needs to recover."

With that in mind I thought that after the first Orc appeared in the farmlands...the growing Orc Clans first colonized the valley region SouthEast of Yew.  Orc Valley it was called and if any Orcs existed in any number; that would be where they are now.  I thanked Grulg'glug and upon my return from the provisioners I did toss him a large ribcage of a bull.  He nodded to me and dove his jaws deep into the meal.

As I finished stocking my cabinets I reached for a carrier pigeon and sent it on route to the Emperor.


Sire, Perhaps ye could send a scouting party to the old Orc Valley...if any Orcs survived it would be there that you would find them in mass.       Colin Mor


It was not long before a knocking came at my chamber door....nay was it a raven...it was Pater Imperium Borg.

I asked Pater if he agreed with my assumption and to my pleasure he did indeed.  I was then though taken aback...when he did offer a suggestion that went against all the Empire had done for years.  

"Leave the Orcs alone and instead send emissaries from the house of Espionage to handle the Orcs new home within the Orc Valley mountain."; Pater Imperium Borg said.

Espionage?  I asked puzzled.  

"The house of Espionage has many advantages...none of which more important than the ability to blend in and to discover information and items of value or worth."; replied Pater Imperim Borg.

Though I had never worried of a direction or suggestion Borg had given in the years prior...this did so trouble me.  He then explained further that through blending in with the Orcs in thier own lands and home perhaps a greater understanding could be learned...but more importantly an alignment against the Savages that now are the strongest threat to the citizens could be made.  Espionage units would be able to keep the Empire abreast of developments inside the Orc Clans while the Empire deals with the Savages and the rouge independant Orcs that still oppress the citizens and local cities.

Eternally vigilant though and watchful of the Orcs we would be...and able to focus against the Savage growth would be benifitial to the Empire and the realm as well.

Another knock at the door and behind the door stood a scouting party.  Borg handed me a sack and within it were stinking orc kin masks...those scouts should earn a medal for simply putting those hideous masks on, I thought.

Borg sent open a gate and the scouts entered.  Borg bid me farewell and within a shift of the air he vanished.

I hope all goes well....at least the local bath house will surely have at least 4 patrons this day.

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Twas nearly dusk and as citizens made thier deposits and transactions throughout the day I had kept a watchful eye for the Legion scouts that left to find the Orcs.  It was a fair evening with a slight breeze.  The breeze did answer my concern for the Legion scouts...soon I could smell the stench of those kin masks drifting down from the rooftop itself.  

As I looked up from a window I could make out at least one of the Legion scouts take off the mask and throw it into the air as a second Legion scout then cast a fireball to obliterate it.  The Legion Scouts descended to the ground and I met them on the steps of the Imperial Treasury of Trinsic.  They all had glazed looks in thier eyes and one Legion scout left to report to Imperator Martok.  The remaining Legion scouts explained to me what they had found; sometimes interupting each other with additional information....they were definetly stirred up from thier mission.

The Orcs were now in mass back living in the Orc Valley.  Though this time there was not a tent city as before...there was a new large cave.  A cave? I had deduced that since this evil had caused the Orc Clans to drop their guard and allow thier resource gathering units to become visible...that there was an Orc Miner....this now was proof.  The Legion Scouts then described to me the fortification of the cavern walls and arches, lighting and architecture for venues and shafts to larger rooms.   Monuments, pens, stockpiles, armory, smithing areas as well as a jail and a bar.  Further in and deeper still descriptions of larger rooms and then finally a waterfall and ongoing drilling sites.  It seems that the Orcs had stolen some parts from battlefields of Cannons and refit them as drilling machines....impressive work for an Orc...if an Orc did design it indeed.

As they described the sights I found myself quite keen and interested in the barrels of raw uncut gems they said existed; afterall that was my duty....collect gems for the Empire for support of realm events costs.  Finally though in almost a comic way the Legion discussed how to explain the most concerning issue of thier mission.  

The Legion scouts then began to illustrate with thier hands and pointed to the edge of the Treasury itself roof to explain that within the depts of the Orc Cavern resided an Orc of incredible size and of brutish strength.  A tower of an Orc, who must have been intrumental at assisting in building of this CAVERN OF CLANS.  The Legion scouts said that a few mercenaries had entered and as they took some saftey in a few rails and posts they watched as mages that attack it were met with reinforcments that the Orc Brute did summon to his defense.  Wielding a huge mace the Orc Brute would send a man flying across the room.  In a few swings that missed its target the ground and roof itself did quake with resounding shudder...the CAVERN of CLANS was sturdy though and did not show any signs of collapsing.

The Legion Scouts then had to take thier leave and head for the showers.  I began to lock up and head myself to chambers when a pigeon landed on my bedroom window sill.


Colin, determine the status of the fortifications of Trinsic and the other city fortresses the combined Empires have solidified.

Emperor Greg


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The Imperial House of Espionage dispatched its rouges to infiltrate the CAVERN of CLANS and to take up positions around the Savage Encampments.

As Boldar Blood entered Orc Valley he could clearly see where a massive group of Orcs had just moved through the area. Shurbs, small trees and the grass itself was downtrodden. He could see the evidence of the now infamous Orc Brute which had a stride of nearly 5 steps to his one. Easily he followed the swath of broken flora to the entry of the Cavern of Clans.

He placed his kin mask on and covered his hands with leather gloves dyed green and entered the darkened mine shaft opening. Once inside he calmly began to walk through, recalling the briefing of where to go and what to maintain a watch for. The Armory was as he expected empty and the stockrooms farily light. In a small area a Savage dummies were found torn to shreds and seemed to be targeting dummies. The Orc Hoard was definetly on the move and he quickly left and ran to the Outpost of the Legion to the West.

Once there he had a letter sent to Imperator Martock.


Orc Army has left Cavern of Clans, heavily armed and stocked, Brutes as well. Savage Cannibal Capital is assumed to be intended target.


Imperator Martock had just finished a briefing of the Centurions as the pigeon arrived. Soon after reading the letter he informed the Centurions of the impending clash of the 2 races. Remembering the advice and decision to focus on the Savages; Imperator Martock ordered half of the Legion forces to return to Trinsic and all remaining forces to enter Cove, lock the gates. Once the Orc Army moves past Cove on the way to the Savage Cannibal Capital the Legion Warlocks were to defend thier flank and not allow any Savage Tribes to reinforce the battle for the area fortress.

"At least the Orcs have no taste for humans....they are the lesser of the two dangers...we will on this night deal only with the renegade Orcs within Cove limits" Martock ordered.

The Centurions though still biting at the bit to avenge Marcos dissapearance at the hands of the Orcs agreed that indeed this was the better of the two options.

"Let the Orcs have thier chance for retribution against these Savages they have been fighting as well....these Savages longer than us have given them trouble longer than the Savages have given us to date.....may HONOR guide them in the battle." Martock added.

That evenining a titantic battle ensued and in keeping to orders the City of Cove was cleared and as the morning sun rose....Imperator Martock rode with his Centurions toward the Fortress area near Cove. Centurion Coldren did not enjoy the ride at all....and quickly jumped from the back of Kalinafs Nightmare...rubbing his buttocks in grief.

The Imperator and his Centurions now stood abreast at the mouth of the road to the fortress. There stood 2 Orc Lord sentries which held their ground and one looked back to the fortress. The slow but heavy footsteps began to resonate and move in the direction of them. Carrying a standard of Orc colors approached an Orc Brute. The Brute stopped a mear 10 feet from the Imperator and Centurions....looked at each one then bellowed loudly and drove the standard into the ground. The Orc Brute then snapped his mace against his chestplate and saluted the Legion leaders. Imperator Martock raised his sword infront of him toward the sky and spoke loudly...


and the Centurions in concert followed with


It was not clear but the Orc Brute may have even smiled a bit but then turned and walked back toward the now reclaimed Orc High Fortress with the Sentries in tow.....Imperator Martock turned his stead around and gestured to the Centurions it was time to prepare to find the new Savage Stronghold. As Kalinaf reached his hand out to Centurion Coldren....Coldren spouted;

"In the name of Poseidon cant ye just open a gate brother? My bum is not meant for such jolting....I will walk if I have to....but Kal.....OPEN A GATE!!!"

Smiling and chuckling the Centurions rode off toward Cove to inform the citizens that matters would now be more familiar....thier old neighbors were back.....for now all was as it was....it had become again.

Centurion Coldren running behind them....rubbing his bumm ....surely that must have made the Orc Brute laugh...they could see him watching them leave...what was he thinking.....for now we would hope nothing. If though it becomes mischevious....the Legion of PGoH will return.

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As Boldar Blood, Espionage plebian assigned to Cave of Clans, continued to blend in with the Orcs he found himself becoming noticed by some of the Orcs. It seemed a few noticed that he just wandered around and did not seem to have a duty or purpose....some Orcs grumbled giberish as he passed by. Boldar realized he must do something...anything before his cover was blown.

As he wandered about occassional mercenary men and women would launch waves into the Cave only to be pushed out or killed. The slain Orcs and humans would just sometimes lay there until the rats fed on them and then a passing Earth Elemental would stir the dirt as it passed and the body would settle beneath the surface. Being a rouge he thought.....some of these belongings should not go to waste....and perhaps he would see the soul of the owner again alive.....who knows.

Boldar Blood moved to the stockroom and found a shovel, bags and some skinning tools. He had decided he would be a Cave Caretaker....and pick up a bit....long ago he was a sewer worker in Britain....and though the Orcs did smell.....it was nothing near as bad as the sewer was.

A group of Orcs returned into the Cave and he could see that they were from the same group that had left prior to his stationing.....he then overheard them celebrating thier victory over the Savages. The Orcs were happy....nay had he seen a happy orc before. Orcs always seemed to be upset and grumpy...this was interesting to him. As he turned to move around a corner he slid into place and peered back around the corner. Oddly the corner moved!!! Boldar had not moved around a corner...he had moved around the leg of a Brute that had stood behind him unknowing to him.

Slowly looking up, Boldar gulped deeply as the Brute grimaced and frowned down to him....the Brute then bent over and face to face with Boldar he growled under his breath.....then took a big breathe and stood upright. Reaching into a sachel on its waist he pulled out a purple sash and handed it down to Boldar.

Boldar slowly and tenuously took the sash from the Orc Brute and as the Brute motioned for him to look at it.....Boldar did.....on the inside seem of the sash was a name.

Marcos the Black

Boldars eye opened a bit as he looked back up at the Orc Brute....not saying a word the Brute nodded and began to walk away.

Boldar stood for a moment then quickly stashed the sach into his sachel.....he felt uneasy but began then to clean up debris that the Orcs nearby were tossing from their loot bags.

It seemed his cover was blown....but it was allowed by this Brute.....a Brute who knew about Marcos and that Marcos was Boldars "kin" or brother in the Empire of PGoH.

Was Marcos still alive?

Where was he?

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Boldar Blood had slipped out of the Cavern of Clans to run a letter to the Imperial Outpost. Upon reaching the roadway to the north he removed his Orc Kin Mask and stuffed it within his sash and removed the sash given to him by the Orc Brute. Still he wondered what Marcos fate was, but now he felt he must be alive....he could just feel it. This news would be welcome in the Empire, for Marcos was a great old warrior and had trained many of the men and women of HONOR. A grandmaster swordsman and at mace.....MACE....SWORD!!

Boldar stopped his jogging and turned back looking toward the Orc Valley.

Mace and Sword...those are 2 of the ability now the Orc warriors have.....archery too but nay did he know archery....could he have taught them this? Boldar thought. Then he though why would he do such a thing to a foe he had fought for years!

Standing still and looking at the sash then to Orc Valley then around front to the Imperial Outpost ahead....he wondered if he should even bring this knowlege to be known. Would Marcos be seen as a traitor who trained Orcs in the arts of war? The Orc War has been silenced and at least for the time the Empire and the Clans do not clash and combined on thier own terms independant of each other fight against the Savages....the cannibals.

Boldar clutched the sash and knew Marcos not to be a traitor and the reasoning he had, if he did train the Orcs must have been just and honorable. Boldar continued to the Outpost and met with the assigned Knights, handed over the sash and note and made return to the Orc CAVERN of CLANS.

The Cataphractii Knight rode into the city of Trinsic and under the ARCH of HONOR that led to the Barracks. Once he arrived he hitched his steed and made his way to the Officers barracks.

Upon opening the door Centurion Coldren and Centurion Kalinaf were deep in plans to enter the Savage Swamps in hopes of capturing one of the beasts that the Savages were seen riding. Excusing his entry the Knight handed the message and pulled out the sash of Marcos and laid them onto the table. Coldren grabbed the sash and Kalinaf began to read the note aloud.


"Macos the Black's sash was given to me by an Orc Brute this eve. Though my cover seems compromised I will continue to follow this Brute and more information on Marcos."


"Marcos is alive?"; exclaimed Centurion Coldren

"It does not say that brother"; answered Centurion Kalinaf.

Thanking and dismissing the Knight to return to his post in Nicomedia province...Coldren and Kalinaf locked the sash and note into a chest and sent a pigeon to Senator of War, Wolf informing him of the news.

"Shall we assault the Cavern of Clans brother?"; Warlock Centurion Kalinaf asked.

"We do not even know where Marcos is....until we know more we cannot move in any direction...especially now...his life may be in danger and the focus on the Savages still is our priority. Let the Espionage pleb do his job and find out more...then we will move against the Orcs if we must ....this truce is unerving indeed but I will not break it in haste." replied Gladiator Centurion Coldren.

"Very well brother.....very well"; replied Kalinaf with some flavor of disagreement. ???

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In the Journal that was found with Marcos the Black's belongings he had written about a glow and coldness that he could feel in the mist. On the last page it appears he recognizes someone or something...but there is no further writings within the journal.

We also know that he was moved from camp to camp throughout the realm by the orcs. In this we believed that he was either being sold or traded as a prisoner or slave. Perhaps though...with the interesting matter of the Orc Brute in the report from the Espionage pleb Boldar Blood....that this was how the Orcs were able to train in the arts of mace and the bezerker axe methods of combat?

Marcos was a grandmaster trainier of the Legion in the arts of sword and mace as well as a master field medic. If the Orcs knew of his abilities they would surely be interested in learning such an ability. The question though I struggle with is....WHY...why would such a seasoned veteran of the Orc Wars and with such a strong dislike for Orcs choose to assist them.

My life and profession is in aquisitions and registry of such for the Empire, but that is not limited to gold, gems and property. The books in the Hall of Knowledge are vast and throughout the realm are books of incredible history and in some books lost knowledge waiting to be refound. To this date I can only recall the story of Lord Dupre' who had a similar fate befall him long ago with the Gargoyle Gratagmalem.

I shall read to you a small chapter in this book....

I'm sure you know that the Gargoyle folk joined Britannian society after the restoration of the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. I'm also sure it will not surprise you to hear that the treaty between Lord British and Draxinusom, King of the Gargoyles, did not instantly bring accord to the two races. Certain ignorant humans continued to hate and fear Gargoyles, and certain intractable Gargoyles continued to regard humanity with enraged contempt. The most notorious Gargoyle fighter against mankind in those days was named Gratagmalem. He was equally renowned among his people for his keen intellect as for his fierce disposition, and when peace was achieved between the races, he turned outlaw with a small band of likeminded Gargoyle bravos. This fierce troop devoted themselves to burning and pillaging the remote crofts and farms of the land, stopping short only at outright murder of unresisting enemies. Nonetheless, they were the cause of much suffering, loss and deprivation to their victims.

Now there was a certain inn, located midway between Britain and Yew, and famous for its excellent autumn ale. So good was the brew that many fine folk were given to retire to that place for a fortnight's holiday when the new casks were breached. Tents had to be pitched on the grounds to hold all the guests, and for two weeks each fall the place took on the air of a faire or festival.

It was during this time that Gratagmalem choose to attack that inn, and he and his band flew down during the late afternoon, surrounding the place and quickly dispatching the few hired guards. And they mockingly ordered all the humans to leave forthwith, or see the whole place burned around their heads.

At this, one lone festival-goer stepped out from the crowd, wearing the clothes of a gentleman, but gripping the sword of a knight. And he spoke, saying, "I am Dupré, Knight and Paladin, and I call on you to cease this unlawful incursion, and to surrender in the name of Lord British."

But Gratagmalem only laughed, saying, "Of all the names of man or Gargoyle to conjure with, that one is the least likely to inspire fear in my heart. I reject your demand for surrender."

(Now I confess that those were not the very words he used, but Gargoyles speak in their own peculiar fashion, and I will not try to mimic the intricacies of that speech in this tale.)

Dupré retorted, "Then let us settle this honorably. I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this Inn."

The Gargoyle laughed again at the human's audacity, but when he spoke, he said, "Very good, then, man, your proposal intrigues me. You shall face three of my brothers, and if you defeat all three I shall leave this place standing, asking only a suitable forfeit in return for my generosity."

Then Gratagmalem named his three champions. The first was a great brute almost 10 feet tall, wielding a mace of solid iron, and the second was a young champion of the Gargoyles, wielding a sword nearly as long as Dupré was tall. The third was Gratagmalem's chief lieutenant, who fought with two great-bladed battle axes, one in each hand.

But Dupré was a veteran of many battles against dragons, daemons and giants … aye, and Gargoyles as well, and he did not fear the size or fierceness of these foes. One by one they engaged, and the first two he cast down with severe wounds, while the third he killed outright.

This loss only seemed to amuse Gratagmalem more, and when the last Gargoyle was dragged from the field, he announced, "I shall honor my word, oh man, but first I must see my forfeit paid. And my price is you, Sir Knight."

"I will gladly give my life for the safety of these people," Dupré replied, "though you may find the collecting of it more costly still."

"Nay," said the Gargoyle, "I have no use for your head, but rather your arm. Today you have cost me a lieutenant, and I demand that you shall take his place. You shall join my company, and teach us your ways of battle."

"I will never take up arms against my king or his people," Dupré replied, hotly.

"I would not ask it," the Gargoyle said with mocking gentleness. "You will come and train my company, and when I order them back into battle you may be excused, if only you give the word to do nothing to resist or hinder our efforts."

Now Dupré knew that Gratagmalem offered him a Daemon's bargain, one which could easily lead to the utter destruction of a man of Honor like himself. At the same time, he could not stand idly by and see the honest innkeeper ruined, nor could he oppose the whole Gargoyle company alone. Most importantly, perhaps, it would not be fully Honorable to refuse the forfeit after fighting under those terms. He could only hope that time would provide a means of escape. "I will accept your terms, sir," he said, and there he knelt and presented his sword to the mocking brigand.

So he went to live with the Gargoyles, and he drilled and trained them. He found that while Gargoyles were both mighty and courageous, they had little mastery of concerted tactics or strategy, but they quickly grasped the fundamentals of both. He also soon learned that it was futile to try to hold back knowledge from his command, for under the watchful eye of their leader, any useful hidden expertise was soon sniffed out and analyzed, and presented to all.

Nor could Dupré Honorably refuse when Gratagmalem proposed that they try out their new skills against brigands, pirates or Goblin bands, for Dupré had only sworn to stand apart from actions against the subjects of Lord British. So he fought alongside the Gargoyles, and saw his teachings tested by fire.

But at last the dread day came, and Gratagmalem announced that they would attack a walled town, with the garrison of King's soldiers stationed in it. This was a stronger objective than the Gargoyles had ever assayed before, but Dupré knew that they were well capable of victory, thanks to his teaching.

On the day of the battle, Dupré went up to a hill overlooking the doomed town, for he would not turn away from the evil that his hand had caused. But while he waited there, he was surprised when a contingent of the Gargoyle band approached him, and asked an unexpected question.

"Lieutenant," their spokesman said, "we know that you base all your decisions on Honor, which is a strange concept to us, but nonetheless we wish to know if this is an Honorable fight today."

Now Dupré well knew the cool power of the Gargoyle intellect, and that any attempt to dissemble or dissuade would be immediately perceived, and would discredit him forever among the Gargoyles. He was also minded of his oath to Gratagmalem, to do nothing to overtly subvert his plans, so he kept his answer as straight and honest as he could.

"You have been told by your Captain that Lord British is a tyrant. Well then, it is no dishonor to take up arms against tyranny, if that is truly what you believe. However, your people do not extract oaths of fealty as mine do, and I have often heard your Captain say that you follow him at the call of your reason and of your own sense of what is right, which is the Gargoyle way. Now your hearts and minds have moved you to ask whether the fight today is Honorable. Perhaps the question itself is its own answer."

Then the Gargoyles went apart again, to dispute the question among themselves, and the end result was that fully a third of the band declined to follow Gratagmalem into combat against the town. And one young Gargoyle of impetuous nature (that same young champion whom Dupré had cast down at the inn) took it upon himself to fly down and warn the garrison of the pending attack.

Nonetheless, Gratagmalem, in a cold rage, refused to call off the battle. But against warned and ready defenders the diminished Gargoyle force could not prevail, and Gratagmalem himself was slain.

But the Gargoyles who had refused the battle (and aye, some of the survivors) returned to Dupré, and begged that he continue to lead them as he had in the past, against brigands and pirates and monsters, so that humans could see that Gargoyles were capable of service to all. And Dupré agreed, and he named the band the Locusts of Britannia, and they won great renown and did much good for many years.

I can only hope indeed that in some form Marcos the Black has given the Orcs a better understanding of HONOR through his training....Galam stands with us and he is a Gargolye....one of the Locusts.....what will come to be in the days that are unborn....I cannot know...I hope to though understand this matter more clearly.....I must. :(

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