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Hail and well met my new brothers and sisters

James Halliwell

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Hail my new brothers and sisters. My name is James Halliwell. I am new to these lands as i was bannished from my old lands by a gastly of a winch. She shall remain nameless, but I will tell you that this group of fine men and women is a welcome sight.

I was born into this world in the lands of Lake Superior where I mastered most of the arts of crafting magery music and battle, How ever not so long ago my heart was broken and was cast out into the cold alone. I found that that was only the begining of my journy. I was stumbeling around Skara when I ran accross a great man who took me to his home and welcomed me to this vast new land I call home. His name was Logan. He explained to me that thier was a group of brothers and sisters that could use such a man. He told me where I could read about and get more information about this group and if they felt they could use me to join. He then helped me stock my reagents for my mastery of skills.

I am always up for action. What ever trouble you are looking to get into I will be right infront of you. Hehe did i say infront of you I mean behind you. Point is I am always up for action. If you see me online just send me a pegion. I shall send mine back to you letting you know I am up for what ever. I am at the moment limited in what I can do, so I will do my best in what ever adventures we do.

You can reach me at pegion#265534665. I am on cable modem so my pegion is on most of the time but I will get back to you.

Strength and HONOR

James Halliwell

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Welcome to the family James, I hope you find your time here as rewarding as I have. Remember my words to you last night, for you shall hear them many more times. This order is what YOU make of it. (stole that from Steel :D )

So, anyone have any armour they need polished? :silly:

Strength and HONOR!


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Aye I was also warned of the hazing, but ya know there will be another newb like my self some time. I shall get my reward of hazing another newb. I will take it like a man.

Strength and HONOR

James Halliwell

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Welcome to the empire James. Please feel free to contact me regarding any assistance you require as you adjust to your new surroundings. Also, I hope you have had an oppurtunity to peruse some of the literature regarding the basic structure of our order. A brief to the point overview can be found here:


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Yes sir Steel I have read up on the Codex of the guild and also read about the Honor Line. So when I hear Honor Line I know to fall back behind the Meleers and the Magnant. I also took the time to read the stories and visit the galleries to see some of the things the Guild has done and experianced.

I also would like to add when I have gotten my skills up. If there are any groups that do Spawns I would love to join you. On Lake Sup I did many a spawn and enjoy doing them.

Strength and HONOR

James Halliwell

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I guess you would like to know how far along I am. hehe that would help DUH.....

Magery 65.6

Med 91.0

Eval 91.0

Music 96.6

Peace 84.0

Provo 57.0

I have not chosen my 7th skill yet as it will not be gm because of having +10 caps on Provo Music and Peace.

So there you are these skill lvls are as of time posted. I am currently working eval and look to complete it today. Next will be Music and Peace.

Strength and HONOR

James Halliwell

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Welcome to the family and well met my brother. If there is anything i can do to be of assistance please do not hesitate to call. my kin are Mephistopheles, Nidavelllir, and Rasputin. So Hudson is looking to haze ya is he? Just ask him what battieries and carrots have in common *grins* *hides quickly*

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Wonderful progress on perfecting your skills, James!

I'm sure your tutors are thankful to have such an

avid student. When you have tired of the classroom

and wish to test your talents in the field, just let us


Mayhaps Omi can help you find that lost bracelet, eh?

Much easier to see things on the ground when you are

sprawled out.

For HONOR and Empire!

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You know I just dont know what happened to it. It must have been eaten by one of those sucubi. I shall split them from stem to stern to recover it.

And I am ready for some action now. If anyone wants to go hunting feel free to contact me. My Pegion is in this thread.

Strength and HONOR

James Halliwell

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Welcome James. If I can help in any way feel free to contact me. If I don't answer when you call it's probably because I'm at work but I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Ya know it is funny someone mentioned something about hiding. While I was holding my spot in the line healing as many ppl as my limted skill would let me. I sware I saw our fearless leader hiding behind Steel.

Strength and Honor

James Halliwell

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