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First part of Altarial's epic 1.5


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I would like to get a group together to start off my epic 1.5 on Tuesday 10/26 @ 10 PM EST. I want us to meet up in Natimbi, so we can head to Barindu together. Here is the info from the walkthrough explaining this step:

Barindu, The Hanging Gardens - Find Jomaj Kaiijin

You say, 'Hail, Jomaj Kaiijin'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'Please don't hurt me! Oh, you aren't one of them. Are you here to ask about the [Wayfarers] that I spoke with?'

You say, 'what wayfarers?'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'They came to me, asking about the Legion. They wanted to know information on the ranks, how to contact the leaders. They claimed they were looking for information to infiltrate the Legion, but they seemed a little off, even for the Brotherhood. They gave me this note to pass on to the Legion. The whole situation did not seem right to me, you may have the [note]. If they were honestly with the Brotherhood return it to me, and I'll do what they asked. Anything to be rid of these creatures.'

You say, 'what note?'

Jomaj Kaiijin reaches into his tattered robes. As he begins to pull out the note he is impaled in the chest with an arrow. A dark figure melts from the shadows and pulls the note from the hand of the body.

Barindu, The Hanging Gardens - Kill Kyv Runner

At this point A Kyv Runner spawns and becomes agressive.

When you kill the runner you will get this text:

"As the runner falls to the ground it manages to wrap the note around an arrow and shoot it into the ground nearby, where it is quickly picked up by a Muramite."

Once the Kyv Runner is dead, slay random creatures in the area to gain the "Encrypted Note".

The Kyv Runner spawns near the Vxed/Tipt zone and hits for 900 dmg, does not summon, and casts an AE on low HP (actual amount of the AE I do not know). This mob is listed as "Easy," but we still won't be taking it for granted :devil: I will then need to kill random mobs around the area until a note drops. These can be on any mob and even the pets of named mobs. I'm not sure how long this will take, but it should be fun and good exp for everyone. I am looking for just a single group, but if more want to come help then they are welcome. The next group part I need after this will be a little harder and may require more than 1 group from us. But I'll post that info when that time comes!

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I recommend bringing a Ranger.

Rangers can track in such a way as to be able to look for those most recently spawned, and those who have been there for a while. Since the mob we need to get the piece from will spawn upon the Kyv's death, Having a Ranger who can tell you what mob needs to be killed, or at least the last 5-20 mobs spawned, might make things a bit easier.

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