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NVIDIA Tech Tip #1


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NVIDIA - the recommended graphics card technology for World of Warcraft - have provided us with a series of tips to maximize graphics on machines running their cards. Over the next few Insiders, we will explain these tweaks and how they can optimize the look of World of Warcraft and other games.

NVIDIA Tech Tip #1 -- Sharper Textures in World of Warcraft

Anisotropic Filtering is an advanced texture-filtering technique that improves image quality for textures that extend from the foreground deep into the background. For example, roads, walls, floors and terrain that extend into the distance will look better with anisotropic filtering. Here's how to set your graphics card for sharper textures in World of Warcraft:

1) Enter the Main Menu by pressing the ESC-key and then left-mouse-click on the "Video Options" tab.

2) Within the video options, there is a slider named "Anisotropic Filtering".

3) Move this slider from left to right to increase the sharpness of the textures.

If you own a GeForce 6800, you should maximize this setting as there will be little to no impact on the framerate of your system. Anisotropic filtering can impact the graphics performance of graphics cards older than the 6800--particularly if the screen is set to a high resolution. So if you have a card older than the 6800, it will be a trial and error process to decide the maximum trade-off between sharp textures and framerate.

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