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Class Leader System


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The class leader system is 95% related to raids and 5% related to advise of class leaders. Such as how to make alts of certain classes, and the advised way of spending AA points.Also equipment advise for these characters as well. At the moment we only have one character of some classes such as shamans,Magicians,Bards,and rogues. Since some do not want to carry the role of leadership classes we will be dividing them into certain catagories.

In raids we will have special channels that each class will be informed on what to enter. Pay close attention to your own roles,but also read others as well.Ask questions if you have any.It is asked that you make your specific channels VERY easy to be read such as in a seperate chat window or in bright colors such as orange or yellow.

Raid-ONLY the leader/raid comander/looters will broadcasts information in this channel.Raid looters will call out drops and ask for class specific characters that can use loot to send tells for their equipment upgrades with a link of the item they will be upgrading. The raid leader will call comands specific to each class group for example.

MLMELEE MAX MELEE!!- this is a comand directed only to MLmelee

MLraid-for discussion of guild chatting while we move,at somepoints in raids discussion will be asked to come to a hault

MLhealers-Lead by Leanessa,clerics and druids will be the primary classes in this channel.Here they will set up cheal rotations and druid healing,druids will be asked to watch MA's health but also watch everyone else in their groups health as a secondary healer. In a time of a wipe clerics will be asked to camp in a safe corner away from target mob and will log on to an alt until it is safe for them to return. Druids will cast evac on those that they can save.These classes may use mana for dps carfully when MLcaster assist is called.

MLtanks-leader to be decided,tank classes consist of Warriors,paladins,and shadownights.Tanks are strongly encouraged to raise group leadership aa's in there regular day exp groups.Tanks will order themselves 1,2,3,4,5 ect. based on the highest average of hp,ac,and attack. If MA 1 goes down MA-2 calls he is MA and so on. Tanks will offtank adds in a time where 1) there is no enchanter 2) the enchanter has many mobs to mez. Tanks must keep mobs off of other characters at all costs. Offtanks will assist MA if there are no adds to be offtanked when MLmelee assist is called.

MLCC-Led by Deklin,this channel is for enchanters, enchanters will call out mobs mezzed ,and in the case that a mob is being offtanked they must tell the offtank to stop attack but continue taunt. Enchanters will also debuff/tash mobs mezzed.Can use mana for dps carefully when MLcaster dps is called.

MLmonks-Led by Avengus,This channel is for monks. Monks will work as a unit to help with pulling.These classes must do mana checks in MLraid and must mind the mana of casters in the raid. Monks will chain pull by pulling mobs one at a time at 20% until target mob is reached unless dps does not kill a previous mob by the time they pull another. In a case of the need to have mobs tagged they will assist eachother. In a case where a mob needs to be pacified they will ask a cleric or enchanter. If there is a pull where there are to many adds for a monk to fd he will call DEAD PULL. This means the monk will die and be dragged back to a cleric by another monk or SoS rogue. At any other time ONLY monks are allowed to move ahead of he raid. If a raid wipe is to happen monks will fd to assist with corpse dragging to a designated location. Monks will pull directly to the MA and will fd at his or her feet. Monks when not pulling will assist with attacking mobs when MLmelee assist is called.

MLrangers-led by tanisvan,This channel is for Am3 rangers in particular. Rangers will follow tanisvan's comands of placement during raids. This is to avoid area effect spells and adds. Rangers will assist when MLmelee assist is called.Rangers will snare at 40%.

MLmelee-leader to be decided,This channel is for melee dps such as rogues,non am3 rangers,beastlords,bezerkers,and bards. Melee will assist when MLmelee assist is called only on the MA's target. The job of these classes is to control the push of mobs. Sometimes they will need to suround mobs to lock them in the center of a room. Sometimes they will need to be cornered with MA's back to the wall. Sometimes they will need to stack on the same side as the MA to push the mob (even if you are a rogue) so that Cheals are canceled. Melee classes must know MAX MELEE, this is the range that pets will be seen fighting bosses. This lowers the chance of melee getting rampage and pushing mobs into unwanted locations. When leadership/MA calls enrage all MLmelee will turn off attack until enrage is finished. In an event where a raid wipe happens MLmelee will be asked to not run wild but die together so that it will be easier to rez everyone and bring them back for another attempt.

MLcasters-leader to be desided,this consists of wizards, mages, necromancers, and shamans. Due to the fact that casters have large agro their assist will be called later in a fight after MLmelee assist.However casters that have pet comanding classes will send pets in with melee assist.

MLsupport-will in most cases be lead by raid comander or an officer. Certain mages,shamans,necromancers,clerics,paladins,enchanters, and druids will be asked to join this channel. Mages in this channel will distribute pet weapons and mod rods. Shamans, clerics, paladins, enchanters, and druids in this channel will be asked to spare mana for buffing those that die instead of dps. Necromancers in this channel will provide mana to all under 50% when a monk calls mana checks.

MLstratics- will in most cases be lead by raid comander or an officer, Certain classes will be asked to join this channel for some raids. They will be needed for special jobs during complicated fights or through the use of there special abilities such as corpse summon,feign death, lockpick, cripple,slow,disarm trap,Sos,and call of the hero.

If I have missed any classes reply with what they are and i will add them into the mix. I am not expecting everyone to know all of this right away it will take time. But eventually it will be all for the better of organizing our raids. These specific groups will be asked to form on their own over time but in the begining of this learning period leadership will check with raids to see that these tasks are done.

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Thank you for posting this Gal. I couldn't have asked for anything more detailed yet to the point. I'm glad you took the time to organize this and explain it. I look forward to seeing these things in action.

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