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hello all , guild questions/greetings


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Hello all,

hope this is the right place to post. couldnt find the leaders emails.

I was currently looking for a guild on the wow guild list and stumbled upon your guild.

I must say your guild interests me immensly. since being on argent dawn i have yet to find anyone that truely roleplays , and except for the strick policies on your language your everything i could ever dream of for a guild.

About the language im do not mean disrespect just never seen a guild so into it .. its highly refreshing .i respect it well but brings me to my follow up question.

I play a tauren druid and i love my character. I have a backstory ,her likes dislikes the whole works. Yet i was wondering if you guys would accept my request to at least try the guild out. ( again no disrespect ) i love the idea of the orc talk but my tauren has her own personality and will no speak orc. Do i get penalized for this ? i know you said you have taurens in your group yet i didnt find anything regarding taurens speaking like orcs. dont get me wrong im a die hard orc fan since the very first warcraft , ive always used orc , but since wow ive been in love with taurens ( being a taurus my self added abit to that heh ).

so if i speak " normally" will i not be allowed in , or say lose points since im not a die-hard orc ?? .

what would i bring to the clan ? maturity ( althought we all can be off the wall at times ) , someone willing to be shoulder deep into roleplaying but i am very casual player as well . I bring loyalty , i may not be the best or fastest or strongest but i will die for my brothers and sisters and i mean that with all that is important in my taurens life.

anyways ill keep this short and hopefully someone can reply to me to help me get a better feel .

ps; also i have my brother who plays online with me , hes a die hard orc fan , but i hardly see him speaking orc.. hes a lonewolf silent type , but when he roleplays he speaks as if hes educated.. not overly but enough to question this orc heh . would he be accepted allowed etc . we both are very loyal and would do anything to help the greater good . but even know i doubt i will find a guild as good as you all ,and that offer the same i will not leave my * personality * ive created which im sure you all could understand.

thanks for your time .

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Ug Kahvi! Iz lat nuw? Welkum ta da clan!

Im glad you are so enthusiastic. We need it. RPing is what the guild is about. The language is part of our RPing. No member is FORCED to RP their character in any set way. However, the use of "humie blah" angers the leadership! We may take out our aggessions upon the weak peons with a vigorous bathing. A punishment so cruel and unusual most skullcrushers never have more than one. We have been known to scrub a peon within an inch of his life to rid him/her of the humie taint. Resulting in :) You have been warned!

Edited by Volonazra
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Thanks for checking us out!

Yep, we encourage all members to speak the orc language, even if speaking it poorly :)

I for one hate RP Nazi's. It is most frustrating trying to tell others how to RP their characters. We do try to keep some set standards though (such as language)

While Orc members have zero excuse to speak the language, there is a bit of leniency given to other races. When trying to speak to other members, they may (most likely) only speak to you in orcish. Might need to learn it just to understand the other members! They also might simply tell you, "Nub gruk lat!" telling you they don't understand your humie blah!

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Ug Kahvi!!

As someone relatively new to the guild, I can assure you that you would be happy in a guild like this. I am not a hardcore RPer, but ya sorta get sucked into it when you are around it fer awhile. I, also, am an err.. more mature/old gamer:) I can assure you that us Crusherz respect your individuality, yet hope that you will join in the spirit of our group. I found this guild through a real life friend and enjoy my time in Azeroth.

Muru sez- Klomp dem panzie humies!!! :)

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i must say i thank you all for the warm posts. as i told volonazra , im currently on vacation and will only be back around the 15th .

once im back ive been wanted to reroll my druid , currently 23. and since im bored with my 38 warrior i want to get the druid to 60 . tis my goal .

so when i am on ill be lvl 1 Happy Birthday! . but i have alot of time coming up so ill be caught up soon .

im very interested. im desperate for a mature /rping guild . i was in a guild and it was semi rp but mainly casual and it was mature except it fell apart due to lack of order and loyal players.

i want to know those who do play do you play often ? me personally can be on any hours of the day depending on my shedule and things to do .but i dont really want to get into a close family type deal to have everyone leave for another game . thats what happened in City of heroes ( meh then again i left too heh ) anyhoo. just curious.

and im not saying i wouldnt speak orc to converse. if needed im sure my druid will know how to communicate just she is tauren first :).

if you all could give me you in game names so when i am on i can add ya , even if we cant quest - we can atleast get a feel for each other.

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We tend to have the most people logged on in the evenings till about midnight. As for amount of play time, personally, i play probably too much. However, there are players of all kinds. Some play every day, some we dont see but once a week(even some less than that). We are still growing, but slowly as we dont spam invite just anyone. We prefer quality over quantity. I hope that soon there will be enough casual players and constant players to have decent groups for any type of player.

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  Volonazra said:
We prefer quality over quantity. 

this made me smile , i dislike guild who invite anyone who just wants to be a part of the guild . i may be completely off but i look at my guild as a family in the making and if im to be close with these players ( i dont expect to get along with everyone in the guild that would just be foolish) i want to have people that i know i can trust and not people who join to get a free mount or whatever. i expect mutual respect globally and i find with guilds who just invite anyone this isnt possible .

id rather have 5 people to a clan for a long time then to have 40 and be ( hurts me to say this ) uber . lol .

thats my opinion :) . when im one im usually one at least everyday and i too tend to play too much . but my bachelors gets in the way Happy Birthday! heh .

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