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This weekend


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I plan on logging some serious online time tonight, tomorrow and Saturday in my push to 60. Planned time tonight from about 9pm EST till sleep time. Tomorrow from around 7:30pm until sleep time and Saturday most of the day and night.

As such I'll be hunting in several high level areas and dungeons i.e. Plaguelands, BRD, Sunken Temple etc...

I would welcome any level 50+'s that want to do some good scrapping. We can knock off some quests together.

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And the push is on. >:L

If ya dont mind grinding for the exp the area just north of Lights Hope Chapel in EPL is great for exp and drops. IE: usally 1-4 runecloth per kill plus the mighty Scurge stones to turn in for exp and Argent Dawn faction raises. There are also a few quest you can pound out from there.

If you havent already done it yet i suggest you go to Winterspring and get the quest from the Inn. Her last name is Redpath and that leads to a whole sting of quests in EPL. Also as soon as you cross into EPL from WPL follow the river north there is a Quest NPC there as well with some of his quests being able to solo them. One last place for quests in EPL is Marris Stead. Quest giver is Narthos Brightcaller ( Niveus Lepus's guild leader ) Hes not a very nice person, He will call you Maggot and other names, but he has a soft side of him. He plays catch with his two level 61+ dogs all day. Sorry got off track there but he also has some quests that can be soloed for great exp.

So in closing you can hit 60 in no time just staying in EPL doing quests and grinding out the exp. Hope to see ya in the 60 club by Sunday Wolf and anyother Skullcrusher that is ready to hit 60. Then you will be ready to clomp the real enemy of this game, The Scurge (sp).

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Thanks Meif.

I've banged out quite a few quests in EPL already. Haven't done any of the Marris Stead tasks yet. Talked to him though. That toon is pretty funny.. I'm about a third of the way through 58 currently with rest bonus to the end of 58, so I figure by the end of Saturday should be able to pull 60.

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har, beeg mama (my wife) puts da curse uv doooom on me when me clomp agh adventure tuu long. An mah lil urklings start da howling till it drive me INSANE. Su me habs ta be daddy sumtime, kant be ubar warchief ebreday.

Dis habben tu da best uv uz, eh Wuulf? Unkle Meiff?

Edited by Volonazra
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