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D&D Alignment Test

I was suprised! I thought I would be Neutral Good!

Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Evil.

Neutral Evil

A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. The criminal who robs and murders to get what she wants is neutral evil. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. The common phrase for neutral evil is "true evil." Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

Keep in mind the alignment suggested by the quiz is just that: a suggestion. It describes your character no better than a 36-question test would describe you. But it’s a good way to start thinking about how your character acts when confronted with issues of alignment.

Now that your character has taken the test, make a note of which questions scored in the opposite direction from your overall alignment. These exceptions can tell some interesting tales about your character Are you a good character with a greedy streak? Are you a lawful character who can’t stand the village elders? Don’t just roleplay your alignment -- roleplay your alignment exceptions, too. Few characters perfectly embody their alignment choice.

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Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Evil.

Neutral Evil :(

A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. The criminal who robs and murders to get what she wants is neutral evil. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. The common phrase for neutral evil is "true evil." Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

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Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Evil.

And iam so used to playing chaotic evil too, hummm.

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Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral.


Second time I took it I was Chaotic Good.

Pretty much right. I do what my conscience drives me to do and screw those who think otherwise. I lean towards "good" as it's prefered over evil. True Druids in D&D were neutral. There are quite a few Chatoic Evil sorts out there Rangers tend to be one of those types.


A neutral good character will obey the law, or break it when she sees a need to serve a greater good by it, but she is not bound strongly to a social system or order. For a neutral good character, the need to help others and reduce their suffering takes precedence over all else.

Neutral desires good without bias for or against order.


A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He is kind and benevolent, a strong individualist hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed. He finds lawful societies distasteful and will avoid them, often living as a nomad or hermit.

Seems to fit me pretty damn well.....How fitting I always played a Ranger in D&D, and when I did deviate i fooled around with druids. Oh yeah and Im still trying to convince Scout we need to pack our bags and head for the mountains :(

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I put a lot of good things for friends, they are hard to come by.. but everything else was pretty much as selfish. A wizard wants power, a Human wizard needs to gain that power in a very short life span. I'm surprised most wizards are not evil. But, I thought I would be Chaotic Good.

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I put a lot of good things for friends, they are hard to come by.. but everything else was pretty much as selfish. A wizard wants power, a Human wizard needs to gain that power in a very short life span. I'm surprised most wizards are not evil. But, I thought I would be Chaotic Good.

I am definitly going Chaotic Good when the game hits the shelves. Make sure the preorder on this has a nice big icon Bal :(

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Lawful Good

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

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Lawful Good

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.


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*sigh* neutral... which sadly... makes sense cause I can't ever seem to make up my mind about anything :p

By the way Martok.. you being "Neutral Evil" makes perfect sense to me :angry:

I was suprised! I thought I would be Neutral Good!

HAHAHA yeah right! that's hilarious!! :barf:

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Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral.


A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutrality is a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil. After all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. The common phrase for neutral is "true neutral." Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.

** Dang .. I was hoping for Neutral Evil .. oh well :p

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my first attempt is here, i didnt base it on a char i based it on the person i am and how i see things in reality...

i will take it again see what happens based on my uo char

so i am

Your Character’s Alignment

Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Lawful Good.

Lawful Good

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

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2nd time around

Guess i need to hang around tok and bal some more learn some evil ways :p;):D

Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Good.

Neutral Good

A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is "true good." Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.

--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6

Keep in mind the alignment suggested by the quiz is just that: a suggestion. It describes your character no better than a 36-question test would describe you. But it’s a good way to start thinking about how your character acts when confronted with issues of alignment.

Now that your character has taken the test, make a note of which questions scored in the opposite direction from your overall alignment. These exceptions can tell some interesting tales about your character Are you a good character with a greedy streak? Are you a lawful character who can’t stand the village elders? Don’t just roleplay your alignment -- roleplay your alignment exceptions, too. Few characters perfectly embody their alignment choice.

Try the test again

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Lawful Neutral

A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. The common phrase for lawful neutral is "true lawful." Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.

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