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Ok the following are suggested Laws for Trinsic, as we will be making use of it, etc, and keeping the peace, etc.

I will admit right away these are mostly taken from the laws used by the Europa RP guild, DOT, Duchy of Trinsic, and edited to suit our needs. Also credit goes to A^K Army of Kaldor, of Europa, for some of the mor simplified versions of these laws.


Laws of Trinsic:


* Let it be known that the rightful ruler of Trinsic, the Honor Empire,holds sovereign authority over the laws and customs of the City, and reserve the right to amend, remove, or enact such new laws as they may deem fit.

* These laws are applicable to those within the area of the Trinsic city walls. Arrest of suspected offenders may only be carried out by appointed guardsmen of such guilds and orders approved by the Empire.


Breach of the peace

* By order of the Empire and to increase the safety of the streets, no duelling is to take place in any area of the city except the Market Square or the Training Hall on Paladins Isle or at the Barracks and Training Area.Guards are not permitted to duel whilst on duty. This shall apply also to training pets to fight.

* Further by order of the Empire and to assist in keeping the peace, no person shall openly bear arms within the bounds of the City of Trinsic unless specifically authorised to do so. Those so authorised are the Guards and members of the Legion. All other persons may possess arms but are not permitted to carry them in their hands or use them save in self defence. An exception may be made in the case of the elderly or infirm who require a staff for support.

Disorderly Conduct

*No person or persons shall willfully or negligently act in a manner with the intent to cause grievance to, decieve, or obstruct another within the city limits.

Examples of such infringements include misdemeanors such as:-

breaking an imposed ban, impersonating a tax collector, blocking highway, continued harrassment of an individual or group, taking the form of any undead, demonic or non-human enemy of the city, raising undead creatures, summoning evil creatures or familiars etc..

*No person shall purposefully act in a manner that physically threatens the city or the life of another or make menacing threats against those put in a position of authority by the Empire.

Supplying Alcoholic wares to those Underage.

*No person shall sell, give or otherwise distribute alcoholic wares to children under the age of 18 in Trinsic.


*No person shall intentionally set fire to the property of another individual or of the City with the intent to cause damage.


* No person shall take any item or property from another individual without their consent, unless as part of a criminal investigation or to disarm them to protect oneself or others.

Animal Laws

* All animals must be stabled at all times and must not be left to wander freely, or must be under control of their owner. Any animals found wandering will be sold on. Any animals wandering and traced back to the owner will be subject to a fine.

* No mounts may be ridden within Trinsic City Walls.



* No person shall restrain or otherwise imprison another individual without their consent, unless to protect themselves or other individuals.

Unlawful Imprisonment

* No person shall seek to confine within a jail or cell another individual on the basis of any alleged crime not here listed.


* No person shall attempt to use information against another individual in a malicious way so as to extract favour or money.


* No person shall attempt to use threats or force against another individual so as to extract favour or money.


* No person shall for their own or another's gain offer money or gifts or favours to any individual of legal authority in the city.


* No person shall knowingly and wilfully spread falsehoods in speech or writing about another individual which are intended to defame, discredit, or damage that individual or individuals associated with them in any way.

Perverting the Course of Justice

* No person shall attempt to impinge upon through falsehood or otherwise negatively affect a criminal investigation or trial. This includes assisting those held in custody to escape.


* No person will intentionally harm or attempt to harm any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another.

* No person will intentionally take the life or attempt to take the life of any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another.


* No person shall conspire, alone or in league with others, or actively take action, to damage, defame, discredit, remove or overthrow the rightful government of Trinsic, that being the Honor Empire.


Be it further known that no recalling, gating or use of sacred journey should be permitted within the walls of Trinsic. Those found repeatedly ignoring this advise will be charged with Disorderly conduct as above, in order to preserve the safety of our citizens and visitors. The only exception is the City docks.


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Forgot this little bit.


Government of the City of Honour.

The City of Honour, Trinsic, is the Capitol of the Empire. The Capitol building, Castle Olympus lies north of Trinsic. Though the Emperor oversees the Empire as a whole, the daily affairs of Trinsic are the responsibility of the Governor of Illycium whose current office holds him in Trinsic, due to the state of the Empire.

The Governor: Acts as liason between the citizens of Trinsic of all walks of life, and the Empire. It is his job to oversee city matters. He relys on the Decurion, in his role as Gaurd Captain to uphold the Law of Trinsic, and make use of his Legionairres and Squires as City Guards.

Decurion: The Decurion, in charge of Legionaires and Squires is Captain of the Guard. He upholds the Laws of Trinsic and handles the legal matters of the City.

GUards: Legionaries and Squires serve as Guards of Trinsic, to prove their value to the Empire. Here they learn of Honor, Justice, and Humility.

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