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Death is not a forever affair


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The slim youth bowed her head as a bearded man lectured her. long silken strands of hair flowed down over her face as she hid her features from her father. This was a lecture that was becoming all too frequent. Her dabbling in magic was something her father frowned upon. Did not matter to him that the adept teaching her in secret thought she had a rare talent for the arcane.

Her lessons had been contininuing in secret ever since her father banned her usage of magic. She was a strong willed young woman who did not see marriage to the blacksmith's son as something positive for her future. The small hamlet they lived in was not the whole of the world and Maube intended to explore before she was forced to settle down. If she was born a boy child, her curiosity to the outside world would have been encouraged, but since she was female, it was expected of her to marry her betrothed and settle down to raise hearth and home. Did not matter to her that she thought the blacksmith's son to be an unkempt and piggish man.

Startled, she looked up at the command her father gave her. His face was impassive as he motioned for her to turn around. Numbly, she turned and lifted the shift up to her shoulders, listening to her father as he removed his belt.

"I will not have you meddling in that dangerous stuff! And if my commands won't have you listenin, meyhaps a beatin will!"

A red haze filled Maube's vision as she bit her lip to keep from crying out. lectures had always happened after her father caught her practicing, but never a beating. Finally, one of the lashes from the belt knocked the breath out of her and she fell to her knees gasping for air. I HATE him. she thought, choking back a sob as another lash fell across her shoulders. I wish he was dead so I could do what I pleased!

Little did she know... that her harsh and thoughtless words soon would come to fruition.


The plague hit without warning. Half of her small town was soon consumed by the burning fever. Unnatural some whispered, a curse others muttered as anyone healthy was sent out into the once prosperous fields to dig graves. Maube was called for to help the hedgewitch. Even though she was prohibiited from using the arcane, she was taught some basic healing skills, and now those skills were being pushed to the extreme.

The boy before her was only 5 or so, his fevered face glistening with sweat. Eyes rolled beneath the lids, testament to the nightmares raging within his uncoherant mind. Sores discolored the boy's skin and that is what Maube was tending to now. A slim piece of metal boiled in water and herbs was clutched in her fingers. Gently she dabbed at one pustule and laid a cloth beneath it. Grimacing beneath the cloth veil over her face she lanced the boil. A sickly greenish yellow pus oozed out to be absorbed by the cloth. fighting back her gorge, Maube bound the now open blister. The boy beneath her hands thrashing.

With a sigh, Maube stood and exited the makeshift hospital. It was once the inn, but the innkeeper and his wife were the first to sucuumb to the strange sickness.

Looking into the horizon, Maube was sickened by the dull glow of funeral pyres, What did we do to deserve this... she wondered. suddenly a feeling of weakness overcame her. Her vision went dark, the blood roaring in her ears and then she knew no more.


A yawn and Maube moved to stretch. What a strange dream that was she thought as she struggled to move from the blankets around her. Startled she found she was bound tightly, completely restricting her movements. Opening her eyes she foudn even her face was encased in the cloth. Suddenly panicking she struggled trying to free herself from her bonds. Clawing at the fabric did little good, so a word was whispered in a hushed tone, summoning the spark from deep within her to call forth a small ball of fire, to burn her bindings away.

Once she sat up, she stared with horror around her. Someone had placed her among the dead! Shivering she removed herself from the singed cloth, only to realize, her skin was covered in the same boils of the sickness. frowning she left the barn where the corpses remained, waiting to be burned. walking among the quiet streets Maube suddenly remembered the last report from the city... Dead walking the streets as living. Mindless servants to one who was now being called the Lich King. some said he was building an army, some said it was all fairy tales... Maube was unsure of what was happeneing to her.

Suddenly a scream rent the air, running Maube made her way towards the sound, only to watch helpless as the baker's daughter, a slim willowy girl around 15 years of age was ripped to pieces by two shadowy figures. The figures began to consume the flesh torn from the now unmoving woman. In shock, Maube could not move, eyes wide in fear. She knew those men! They were the first to fall victim to the plague! The innkeeper Colby and the Stableboy Jeoff. Backing away slowly she gulped, the two zombies, for they could be anything but, turned vacant eyes on her and started moving towards, hands dripping in blood.

Maube was paralyzed with fear, she had nowhere to run to. But the zombies walked past her, mindless of who she was... or rather, thinking she was one of them. For some reason, her will and mind remained her own although now, Maube was realizing she wasnt quite alive anymore.


For days Maube wandered, but she needed no food nor water. Even sleep was not required. She made her way down the road towards Brill, surely someone there would be able to help her, surely this was just a sickness of her mind. she couldnt be dead, yet she was sure she was no longer alive. What sick joke was being played upon her. Was this still just a feverish nightmare?

She avoided people, she avoided everything she could. But when she stumbled into Brill, her hopes were dashed. Corpses lay all around the streets, in various stages of decomposition, but more surprising were the shambling forms trying to clean up the obvious signs of death. there were others like her! Not mindless killing machines, people who looked to be dead, but moved like the living.

And then, she saw the Adept who taught her magic in secret. He was rubbing the nose of what looked to be a skeletal horse. What magic was this? Slinking over to him she tapped him on the shoulder. A sickly green palour hung over the Adept Mage as he smiled, "Ahhh my pupil... you are one of us now... one of the Forsaken."

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Maube immersed herself in the tomes of magic, her mind hungering for the knowledge held within. No matter what her father had told her while living, she was no longer under his yoke. The young mage was even able, how she did not know, to avoid the Lich King's dominance.

Quill dipped in ink and parchment, Maube began to scribe the words from the tome before her. memorization was always best done with multiple means and these were powerful spells.

A lock of hair fell before her eyes and the mage pushed it back with an irritated sigh.

"Would be so much bettah if I just chopped it all off." Maube sighed and put aside the parchment and tome. standing she groaned as her bones creaked, ironic that she was studying fire spells while the cold seeped in around the cottage.

"Well if you do that, it wont be growin back you know!" Another Forsaken lounged in the doorway, grinning crookedly.

Maube smiled, her tutor had returned from his errands.

Funny; she thought, Before all this happened to me... I would have been disgusted with the thought of the Undead... and now as I am one of them... I can see the beauty in the spell, albeit overcome with the evil of the creator

"Jus finishin up the copyin yah set mah hand to Sir!" Maube grinned as she reached for a headband to push her hair back out of her face, he did have a point after all.

"Didja now Lass?" He strode over to investigate the work. "Well then, I have a task for ye, I need you to head to the Barrens and talk to my associate, he has an Apocatherapy stand in the Crossroads. Mayhaps you can find more work there."

Maube grinned broadly, excited at the idea of an adventure. "All the way across the sea?! That means I get tah travel on that Goblin Airship!"

Practically jumping with glee, Maube began to grab the components she needed for her spells. "I'll leave right now sir!"

The Adept chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Twon't be easy Lass, there are All matter of creatures out there... not to mention the Orcs, Trolls and Tauren. They may not take well to one of our kind among them."

Maube shrugged, nothing would keep her from enjoying this journey. "Well then Sir, I shall make sure to show them mah best side!"

He nodded, "Indeed, ye will do us proud yet Lass. Now get goin, the Goblins dont wait for any man, living or dead. better catch that ship."

Maube impulsively hugged the man with whom she had been studying with, then ran out of the cottage and headed towards the Undercity's Zeppelien Tower.

Edited by Maube
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  • 2 weeks later...

Apocatherapy Helbrim studied the herbs that Maube had brought him, and then shook his head.

"Well m'dear, I fear I am going to need more then a couple of hours to study these samples you brought, why dont you go explore The Barrens, go visit Thunder Bluff or even Orgrimmar, surely there you could find some trinket or toy, we may be dead, but that doesnt mean we should forgo all simple pleasures." The Forsakken smiled at the young mageling, offering her a small purse. "This is for bringing the herbs straight away and not doddling. Go enjoy yourself Lass... but be careful... Many of the Horde do not trust us yet... best just to stay out of their way."

"ah will sah! Promise!" Excited, Maube chatted with the Flightmaster to get directions to ThunderBluff, the city of the Tauren. Even when she was still living, the Tauren were not as fearful as the Orcs and Trolls had been, they understood the balance of nature, and being a farmer's daughter, Maube could relate to the Tauren, the Druidical race of the Horde.

Tucking the small coin purse into the sleeve of her robes Maube started to head south, towards Mulgore when a large shadow blocked the brightness of the mid morning sun. A huge orc towered over her, his face twisted into an ugly smile.

"Wud latz see dis... a pushdug deadie. Deadie needz lernun! Deadie needz a clompin. No like Deadie!" Slowly a vicious sword was released from it's scabbard, eyes of the orc going crazed. Maube sputtered and backed up, hands held out in front of her pleadingly.

"'Scuze me Sah... didnae mean tah get in yer way... ah be on mine now..."

The orc advanced, spittle collecting in the corner of his mouth as he swung his sword back... Maube cringed and backpedaled further knowing that this orc wasnt right in the head. Suddenly the Orc was tackled to the ground. Orcish guards loomed over the frenzied orc who started to curse and lash out, trying to get to the frightened Maube.

"Der be nub clompin here. Dis be a safe plaac! Moob ewt!" The guard kicked the fallen orc in the side before the orc scrambled away, shooting Maube dirty looks. Maube heaved a sigh of relief, apparently Helgrim was right, some of the Horde still did not trust their new allies the Forsakken.

I will give them cause to remembah mah name! I swear it! An I will make shure tah grow in mah powahs so I ken no more be pushed around...

She felt eyes on her... Maube turned to look into the shadows where an older Orc was watchin her. Maube curtsied prettily and rearranged her robes. For once she was glad she was a deadie... no need to worry about her skin betraying her emotions, no more blushes or going pale... now to only control her facial features... another task to work on.

The Orc hidden in the shadows stepped forwards. About his broad chest there was a crimson tabard etched with a broken skull. He smiled kindly at the young mage.

Maube was startled at his lack of scorn towards her, even those orcs who were not openly hostile at her did not look upon her with the respect one would give a comrade. This strange orc did...

"Ug Deadie. Ah be Volonazra, Cheef ub da SkullCrushers. We be lukin fer magukers, an luk like latz needz a hum. Wuld yah likin ta be Crusher?" Maube was taken aback, this Orc was inviting her, a deadie to join his clan...

Maube knew about the Clans of the Orcs... they were groups of the Horde that were brothers... and sisters... in arms. A family of sorts, a close knit group. Never had she heard of a Clan accepting a Forsakken... thinking this was a cruel joke, Maube shook her head silently and backed away.

"No thank you sah... I be jus visiting dese parts..."

The Orc chuckled and nodded. "Well be tinkin un it. Ah be in Tuch." And off he strode, not bothering to look back.

Maube stood stunned... was he actually serious? Hesitantly she called out, "Sah?"

The Orc turned, his footsteps were slow, as if he knew that she was going to beseach him. "Yub?"

nibbling on her lower lip, Maube tucked her hands into the sleeves of her robes. "Mehbe ah like dat... verah much... Ahm Maube by dah way..." Scuffing her foot in the sand, she waited for the laughter and derision as she was turned down.

Volonazra nodded solemly. "Den latz hav protection of Clan. Welkum Maube. Yah be now a Skull Crusher!"

to be continued...

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Into Orgrimmar Maube strode, following a proud Orc wearing a res tabard on which was embroidered a broken skull. No longer did the young mage feel outcast by the other members of the racial alliance. Here was a Clan that was willing to extend the offer of friendship and comraderiere with an undead mage. The Orcish chieftan Volonazra escorted the young mage to the Crusher encampment. Eyes wide, Maube looked at the motley assortment of Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and even one or two of the Forsaken. However, the small cluster of the undead were set apart, probably by their own choosing.

Even in this clan, the distrust of the Forsaken was there, but not as strongly as some of the other groups who roamed Azeroth. Maube looked at her new Chieftan with a measure of respect. Surely these Horde would not have allowed Forsaken within their midst without Volonazra championing them...

Times were changing, and not just for those who were now wandering with an unnatural unlife... but for all the races of Azeroth. The Warlord Thrall understood this, which is why he urged his followers to accept the change and push on to a better alliance among the 'bestial' races of Azeroth. Chief Volonazra understood this as well, which is why Maube found herself suddenly immersed in the culture of the Orcs.

Shyly, Maube curtsied to those assembled. "Greetings mah companions, ah be Maube! Ifin yah evah needin mah magickin skills, please dunnae hesitate tah ask.."

And so Maube began her learning of the dialects and mannerisms of her new found clan. Something she was sure her mentor back in Brill would appreciate. Since Orc's really had no written history, Maube decided to keep a record of her dealings with them, in hopes of proving her worth.

Elated, Maube went to the Auction house to look at the wares for sale there. With her small savings, she was able to find a new walking staff, with a glowing crystal on the top no less! Quite amused and very happy, the young mageling wandered about, just taking in the sites.

Orgrimmar was the biggest city she had ever seen. Sure Ironforge and Stormwind were rumored to be very large and complex, surely more aethsetically pieced together, Maube did not care. Those cities were beyond her reach when she was alive... and now that she was undead, such dreams of seeing those cities were far beyond her bony clutch.

After spending her meager savings, Maube took a pallet in the Skullcrusher compound, no sense in rushing back to Brill with all the excitement still coursing through her. Stay here in Orgrimmar for another night... sleeping under the stars. The steady snores and grunts around her were comforting, she knew she would make these new clan mates of hers respect her some day, she would show her honor, but also her strengths.

And so she slept... dreamlessly.

At first light she awoke to a horn blast. Sitting up she noticed the encampment was empty save for her.

Gathering her few belongings she loped out into the main clearing where a large group of the Horde were gathered around a huge Bonfire. The Warlord Thrall stood on a podium, a gnarled old Forsaken standing beside him.

"It is time for you to prove your worth to us!' The old Forsaken rasped, slamming his stave upon the ground to get attention. "Brill has been attacked and the inhabitants slaughtered! We need reinforcements to push the Alliance scum from our shores!"

Maube's world suddenly went dark... "Brill has been attacked and the inhabitants slaughtered!" Maube sunk to her knees...

Her home. Her mentor...

A rough hand rested on her shoulder. Maube blinked back tears to look into the eyes of a kindly Orc Shaman, once more, that broken skull smiled at her from the Orc's tabard. Maube couldnt even talk... she was so very upset.

"nub worree deadie. Crushers be abul tah clomp dem humies."

Maube nodded, and slowly stood, a small flicker of hope growing within her... "Meybe mah mentor... meybe he got out in time..."

The Orc nodded and pointed towards the entrance of Org. "Take dah flyin ting. go see, ah cum wit latz. Ah be Muru. Me help latz."

Maube stumbled after the orc, barely aware of her surroundings.

The blimp ride was the longest of Maube's life...

But once she arrived... only devastaton greeted her. Brill was massacred... again.

But this time... it was the people... who once were her own brethren... who destroyed all she knew... for what? The fear of something different.

The orc once more put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze. Maube gritted her teeth and stood.

"The Alliance will pay for this atrocity. I swear it upon my very soul."

To be continued...

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Muru her... *sniff* *sniff*...

Maube blahs da gud stori. Dis ol' ork fillz wit' fyre fer da fite.

Sta streng Maube!! Muru getz olde- bonez creek. Da spiritz ub Muru remane wit' Maube!!RRaawwrgh!

*Muru walks to the fire and hunches over the pit, tears welling in his eyes. Although the fire in his belly has waned as of late, he feels a pride and longing for his Crusher mates. He has once again grown complacent in Durotar, but again feels the tug in his heart....*

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That's a great story! ;)

I will rush to rewrite my story (for Doc Vale') so I will not be embarassed to publish it near this (again, great) story!!!

(This will still be much better than mine...)

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  • 1 month later...

Maube sat, sullen watching the Skullcrushers in battle formations, sparring among one another. Apparently there were few of the arcane users among their ranks, and she still was not skilled enough to join in the duels and training excersizes. Soon she would be, she knew it deep down. A young Troll squatted down next to the mage, watching the battle.

"Dun latz worry mon! We git em back fer latz"

Haq, her first true 'friend' from the Skullcrushers was already a skilled warrior, tho his calling remained in the shadows. They had already taken out the crazed Mage Arugal together and their friendship was already growing by leaps and bounds. Maube just grunted noncommited, no sense in getting herself worked up, she was too enthralled in studying the various ways the warriors and shamans moved with their weapons. Mentally making a series of notes, she stood, offering a clammy hand to Haq.

"Care to give me a few pointers?"

Glowing orbs settled on the troll rogue as she gripped her staff. No time like the present to start learning. Clan healers stood in the wings to make sure the training and duels didnt go too far... ever warrior was needed in the constant struggle against the Alliance.

Thinking about the Alliance made Maube purse her lips and grip her staff even tighter. All she wanted was peace, but the Alliance had an irrational fear and hatred of the Horde. Since the Orcs were liberated by Thrall, they wanted a place to belong and grow as any culture should be able to. Thrall wasnt a Warchief that condoned senseless slaughter of women and children... yet the Alliance had done just that to Brill... Maube's one home. And Maube knew for a fact that her people made no attempt on the Living humans, they were merely trying to piece their new unlives together and find meaning...

Haq looked at her with question in his eyes, and Maube slowly nodded, bowing to her opponent. She had no misconceptions she was going to win, she just needed to learn how to use her weapons against an intelligent target...

Instead of the normal battle cries of duelers, Haq just silently disappeared into the shadows, leaving Maube nervous. Spinning she had the words of a spell on her lips, ready to cast it at a moments notice. A soft foodpad called her to swirl, there a glimmer of metal! fast she spat out the arcane words for freeze and shot her hand up to the air. The elements answered her plea and a ring of frost shot out from her skeletal form, pinning the now visible troll in place. He got a few good stabs to her before Maube was able to get away. Frostbolt next.

I have to slow him down... or I will never get this won.. After that was cast, the troll rogue had her gouged and was doing his best to end the bout quickly, another fast icy nova blast and she was free, but in dire straights... in the end, the troll triumphed, but he was honest with his praise and advice.

"use all dat latz have... Blink away and freeze again!'

Maube frowned in deep thought... she always forgot to Blink away from combat... she knew her clothrobes could never hold up against a full fledged attack... but keeping her opponent at length was a way for her to win... A smile lit up the young mage's face as she nodded. Healers were tending to her injuries as she held out a boney hand to Haq.

"Aye mah friend... Ah shan't ferget daht lesson..."

to be continued...

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  • 1 month later...

drip drip drip

The sound of the steady rain on the tent kept distracting the young mage. Twisting she looked out of the tentflap. Weeks had passed since her initial training excercises and now she was devising new spells and techniques to use on her enemies. The horn outside the Clan encampment blasted three times, warning of the incoming battle.

Maube donned her cape and hood and swept from her tent into the downpour. "Whut is dah report?" the mage hailed a peon who was scrambling towards the Mess Hal. "You, Peon. Nub time fer dah eatin! Get Haq!" The young orc saluted then darted towards the tent used by the Trollish Rogue Haq.

"Beet'cha" The tall Troll slipped from the shadows to grin at Maube, eyes glimmering in the dim smokey light of the torches.

Maube chuckled, used to Haq's coming and goings. Ever since the first battle he led Maube into... or rather took over the command once the General was slain, Maube has looked to him for guidance and advice. "Whats the plan?"

The lanky troll grinned at his friend, picking a piece of something from his teeth, "Ah need'ah tah watch fo'da Mill. Big group rumored to be camp'd der."

Maube nodded, without the mill there wouldnt be anymore lumber rolling into the Horde encampment. "if it Comes dhat Ah cant keep mah position, I will fall back to guard the farm... dont need those ######s burnin anythin else."

Haq nodded then called to the Peon guarding the mounts, "You de're. Gimmah ma Raptur!' With a salute torwards Maube, the troll was off, mounting his raptor and then gone into the smoke hazed scenery surrounding the Arathi Basin. Maube nibbled on her lower lip then walked to the tethers to retrieve her trusty mount Clomper.

"Here we go Luv... just another romp in the countryside... like we used tah..." Maube looked towards the glowing horizon, where the alliance front line was. "When we still lived."


"Fall Back! Fall Back! The Farm is under assault!" Maube screamed above the din of battle, flamespurts and ice flying from her fingertips as she attacked her foe. The Human was mocking her, making rude gestures as he feigned in. Maube felt her iceshield begin to give in under the assualt.

"Yer mine you filthy undead." The human spat at Maube as she danced away again, her strength was waning and exhaustion was overcoming her. She had run back to check on the farm to see a Human Warrior slaying the workers. She charged in, forgetting her disadvantage against his plate armor.

One last frost nova and the Warrior was pinned in place, a fast blink and she was farther ahead of him. Limping from the hamstring the warrior performed before she was able to get away. One last Frostbolt... that is all i have left... I am at his mercy... A cold feeling descended on her then... a feeling that she may not survive the battle. Her unlife might be snuffed from her in a blink. Then Maube realized... that didnt matter. If she was to perish, she would do so with Honor like a True Skullcrusher. Mumbling her arcane words, she let lose a blast of icy air just as the warrior broke free. the mage gritted her teeth and prepared for the impact that was due to come from the warriors mighty ax. She would face this death proudly, like a true warrior.

Suddenly, the warrior gasped. Maube blinked in surprise, surely her icebolt wasnt enough to down the Warrior, sure his skin was blue from the impact of her icy blast, but enough to stun him like that?

Daggers flashing, Haq quickly disembowled the stunned warrior. Cheapshotted, the Warrior was too stunned to get out of the way or retaliate. One last fireblast from her fingers and the human was nothing more then a stinking and burning pile of flesh.

"Gud job dere Mawbers. Ah jus sped 'im along!" Haq grinned, licking the blood from his blade. "Din't want mah secund in command ta get tired out!'

Maube smiled her appreciation as the victory cry went up... The Basin was for the Horde... this time.

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